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Perspectives on communication / Donald Owings, co-aut. Michael Beecher, co-aut. Nicholas ThompsonDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET PE11 (1). :

Perspectives on animal behavior / Judith Goodenough, co-aut. Betty Macguire, co-aut. Robert WallacePublicação: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2001Descrição: 542 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology. vol 9 - human understanding and animal awareness / compil. P. Bateson ; co-aut. Peter KlopferNível de parte analítica: Statistical analysis of circular data • On the problem of bird navigation • Changing image of the hunt in western thought • Aggression in chimpazees : has it become more common, a literature survey of field studies • Projects, routines, and enticements in dog-human play • Lessons from animal trainers : the effect of acoustic structure on an animal's response • Learning to communicate : the effects of social interaction • Differing visions of the human-animal relationship : ambiguity in legal doctrine • Disambiguating anthropomorphism : an interdisciplinary review • Reflective ethology, applied philosophy, and the moral status of animalsPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1991Descrição: 314 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology. vol 8 - whither ethology ? / compil. P. Bateson ; co-aut. Peter KlopferNível de parte analítica: Behavioral development : toward understanding processes • Gender differences in behavior develop? a reanalysis of the role of early experience • Psychoimmunology : relations between brain, behavior, and immune function • Recognition learning in birds • Animal psychology : the tyranni of anthropocentrism • Brief history of the study of animal behavior in north america • Comparative approach in ethology : aims and limitations • Future of ethology : how many legs are we standing on? • Sociobiology killed ethology or revitalized it?Publicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1989Descrição: 278 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology. vol 7 - alternatives / compil. P. Bateson ; co-aut. Peter KlopferNível de parte analítica: Misappropriation of teleonomy • Artificial design in natural history : why it's so easy to understand animal behavior • Dynamics of group behavior • Comparative-developmental approach to understanding imitation • Experience of experience : an exogenetic program for social competence • Evolutionary dynamics of mixed mating systems : on the adaptative value of selfing and biparental inbreeding • On the evolution of density-regulating behavior • Critique of helping behavior in birds : a departure from functional explanations • Alternative reproductive tactics in birds : individual variation in clutch size • Pattern and adaptation in individual behavioral differencesPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1987Descrição: 281 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology. vol 6 - mechanisms / compil. P. Bateson ; co-aut. Peter KlopferNível de parte analítica: Temporally patterned chemical communication : is it fiasible? • Mrs. harvey's parrot and some problems of socioendocrine response • Temporal structure of memory formation • Environmental influences on early development : a comparison of impriting and cortical plasticity • Brain and behavior : hierarchy of feedback systems and control of inpput • Behavioral foundations of adaptation • Instrumental effects of emotional behavior • On central controls for agression • Science of sentiment : the problem of the cerebral localization of emotionPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1985Descrição: 309 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology. vol 5 - ontogeny / compil. P. Bateson ; co-aut. Peter KlopferNível de parte analítica: Changes with age in the strategy of social behavior • Reproductive value and behavioral strategies : coming of age in monkeys and horses • Cooperation, altruism, and restraint in the reproduction of carnivores • Intraspecific variations in mating strategy • Evolutionary issues in development of behavioral flexibility • Learning and foraging behavior • Ontogeny of learning • Problems in animal perception and learning and their implications for models of imprinting • Motivation : a new perspective on some old ideas • Ontogeny : toward a general theoretical framework for ethology • Reformulation of the idea of maturation • Preformation and epigenesis in the origins of the nervous system and behavior : issues, concepts, and their historyPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1982Descrição: 520 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology. vol 4 - advantages of diversity / compil. P. Beteson ; co-aut. Peter Klopfer ; co-aut. Isolina OliveiraNível de parte analítica: Science and the law : a muddled interface • Escalated fighting and the war of nerves : games theory and animal combat • Behavior and the physical world of an animal • Causations to translations : what biochemists can contribute to the study of behavior • Behavior of organisms, as it is linked to genes and populations • On a possible relation between cultural transmission and genetical evolution • Social structure and individual ontogenies : problems of description, mechanism, and evolution • Evolutionary, proximate, and functional primate social ecology • Toward a falsifiable theory of evolution • Individual differences in animal behavior • Nature and description of behavior patternsPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1981Descrição: 249 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology. vol 2 / compil. P. Bateson ; co-aut. Peter KlopferNível de parte analítica: Principle of optimal behavior and the theory of communities • On individuality : the constituents of distinctiveness • Organization of agression and fear in vertebrates • Descent from the monkey • Exercise, play, and physical training in animals • Animal play : problems and perspectives • Biological rhythms as information channels in interpersonal communication behavior • Homeostatic motor processes in mammalian interactions : a choreography of display • Sociosexual development in primatesPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1976Descrição: 340 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology. vol 11 - behavioral design / compil. Nicholas ThompsonNível de parte analítica: Design and sexual selection : the evolution of sex differences in mate choice • Meaninglessness of foraging behaviour • Designing behavior : a case study • Appetitive behavior in ethology, psychology, and behavior systems • Mother-infant interaction : dispositional properties and mutual designs • Constraints on the evolution of organismic structures and their consequences for adaptation of cognitive mechanisms • Persistence of old designs for perception • Constraint, adaptation, and opportunism in the design of behavioral phenotypes • What is an organism? : a discussion • Function, natural design, and animal behavior : philosophical and ethological considerationsPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1995Descrição: 334 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology. vol 10 - behavior and evolution / compil. P. Bateson ; co-aut. Peter Klopfer ; co-aut. Nicholas ThomsonNível de parte analítica: Animal social learning : toward a new theoretical approach • Models of biological change : implications of three studies of lemarckian change • Variation and the specific-mate recognition system • Animal communication via coordinated cognitive systems • Complexity, coupling, and contingency in the production of birdsong • Female dominance in primates and other mammals • Darwin's tangled bank : the role of social environments • Costs and benefits androgenization in the female spotted hyena : the natural selection of physiological mechanisms • Mechanisms involved in the development and control of stereotypies • Genetics and learning make a fish an individual : a case study on the paradise fishPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1993Descrição: 285 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology / ed. Donald H. Owings ; Michael D. Beecher ; Nicholas S. ThompsonPublicação: New York : Plenum, 1997Descrição: 431 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in ethology / P. BatesonPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1973Descrição: 336 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspectives in animal behavior / Judith Goodnough, Betty Macguire, Robert A. WallacePublicação: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1993Descrição: 762 p.Disponibilidade:

Perspective historique de l'ethologie / Marc ProvostDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET TREM1 (1). :

Personality dimensions and emotion systems / Jeffrey GrayDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET EKMA2 (1). :

Personality-associated genetic variation in birds and its possible significance for avian evolution, conservation, and welfare / Andrew FidlerDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET INOU1 (1). :

Personality and the hapiness of the chimpazee / James KingDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET DOLI/F1 (1). :

Personal identity as an evolutionary and historical problem / Thomas Kuckmann, co-aut. Thomas LuckmannDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET CRAN1 (1). :

Persistence of old designs for perception / Richard Coss, co-aut. Ronald GoldthwaiteDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET PE10 (1). :
