Vinculação : conceitos e aplicações / Nicole Guedeney, Antoine Guedeney Nível de parte analítica: Vinculação, casal e família • Teoria da vinculação e asua aplicação às técnicas psicoterapêuticas no adulto • Contributos da teoria da vinculação para as psicoterapias pais-criança pequena • Psicoterapia do adulto e vinculação • Vinculação e adolescência • Vinculação e psicopatologia durante a infância • Perturbações da vinculação na criança pequena • Biologia e etologia na teoria da vinculação • Avaliação da vinculação no adolescente e adulto • Medidas da vinculação durante a infância • Avaliação da vinculação no bebé • Cuidados parentais e vinculação • Aspectos transculturais do conceito de vinculação • Visculação e psicanálise • A vinculação ao nível das representações • Conceitos-chave da teoria da vinculaçãoPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2004Descrição: 199 p.Disponibilidade:
Uma base segura : aplicações clinicas da teoria do apego / John Bowlby Publicação: Porto Alegre : Artes Médicas, 1989Descrição: 170 p.Disponibilidade:
Um estudo longitudinal de quatro crianças com síndroma de Down : Análise dos efeitos de adaptação das mães, da interacção mãe-criança e das formas de apoio precoce no desenvolvimento das crianças / Júlia Serpa Pimentel Nível de conjunto: Psicologia, Vol. 17, nº 1 (2003), p. 81-113Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :
Saber ser mãe / Rudolph Schaffer Publicação: Lisboa : Moraes, 1979Descrição: 163 p.Disponibilidade: Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: D SCHA1 (1).
A relação mais precoce : os pais, os bebés e a interacção precoce / T. Brazelton Berry, co-aut. Bertrand G. Cramer Publicação: Lisboa : Terramar, 1989Descrição: 268 p.Disponibilidade:
Parenting representations : theory, research, and clinical implications / ed. Ofra Mayseless Nível de parte analítica: Why do inadequate parents do what they do? • Interplay of relational parent-child representations from a psychoanalytic perspective : an analysis of two mother-father-child triads • Intergenerational transmission of experiences in adolescence : the challenges in parenting adolescents • Good investments : foster parent representations of their foster children • Intergenerational transmission of dysregulated maternal caregiving : mothers describe their upbringing and childrearing • Like fathers, like sons? fathers attitudes to childrearing in light of their perceived relationships with own parents, and their attachment concerns • Maternal representations of parenting in adolescence and psychosocial functioning of mothers and adolescents • Modeling and reworking childhood experiences : involved fathers representations of being parented and of parenting a preschool child • The dual viewpoints of mother and child on their relationship : a longitudinal study of interaction and representation • Communicating feelings : links between mothers representations of their infants, parenting, and infant emotional development • Social cognitive appraches to parenting representations • Maternal representations of relationships : assessing multiple parenting dimensions • Sttudying parenting representations as a window to parents internal working model of caregivingPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 460 p.Disponibilidade:
Parent-infant psychodynamics : wild things, mirrors and ghosts / ed. Joan Raphael-Leff Nível de parte analítica: Feeding disorders • Pregnancy after stillbirth or neonatal death : psychological risks and management • Management of perinatal loss of a twin • The effect of infants behaviour on maternal mental health • Understanding the language of babies • Psycho-analytic insight and relationships • Cannibalism and succour : is breast always best? : thoughts on Amanda • Amanda : observations and reflections of a bottle-fed baby who found a breast mother • Parenting an infant with a birth defect : the regulation of self-esteem • Joy and woe : response to prenatal testing • The dead mother complex • Unconscious communication • Into the night : children's dream books • Sleep problems in babies and young children • Therapeutic interventions in infancy : two contrasting cases of persistent crying • Ghosts in the nursery : a psychoanalytic approach to the problems of impaired infant-mother relationships • A theory of thinking • The experience of the skin in early object relations • Where the wild things are • Emotions and emotional communication in infants • Mirror-role of mother and family in child developmentPublicação: London : Philadelphia : Whurr, 2003Descrição: XIX, 316 p.Disponibilidade:
The Oxford handbook of the development of play / ed. Anthony D. Pellegrini Nível de parte analítica: Conclusion • Playing around in school: implications for learning and educational policy • Technology and play • The development of pretend play in autism • Origins and consequences of social pretend play • Mother-child fantasy play • Children's games and playground activities in school and their role in development • Rough-and-tumble play: training using the social brain • Social play of children with adults and peers • Gender and temperament in young children's social interaction • Internalizing and externalizing disorders during childhood: implications for social • Not just playing alone: exploring multiple forms of nonsocial play in childhood • The development and function of locomotor play • Object and tool use: developmental and evolutionary perpectives • Observational methods in studying play • The cultural ecology of play: methodological considerations for studying play an its everyday contexts • The anthipathies of play • The history of children's play in the United States • Play and development • Playing at every age: modalities and potential functions in non-human primates • Playing at every age: modalities and potential functions in non-human primates • Gene X environment interactions and social play: contributions from rhesus macaques • Theories of play • Cultural variations in beliefs about play, parent-child play, and children's play: meaning for childhood development • Defining and recognizing play • IntroductionPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2011Descrição: 377 p.Disponibilidade: