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A sua pesquisa recuperou 119 resultados.

Vital rates and population dynamics / Jason, D. Baker, Andrew Westgate, Tomo EguchiDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 BOYD1 (1). :

Understanding children and adolescents / Judith A. Schickedanz, David I. Schickedanz, Peggy D. Forsyth, G. Alfred ForsythPublicação: Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 1998Descrição: 740 p.Disponibilidade:

Tratado do ser vivo : polimorfismo das populações / Jacques RuffiéPublicação: Lisboa : Fragmentos, 1982Descrição: 176 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamente (1).

Tratado do ser vivo : a verdadeira natureza do gene / Jacques RuffiePublicação: Lisboa : Fragmentos, 1982Descrição: 215 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamente (1).

Tetrapod phylogeny and data exploration using DAMBE: practice / Xuhua Xia, Zheng XieDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Tetrapod phylogeny and data exploration using DAMBE / Xuhua Xia, Zheng XieDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Telemetry / Bernie MacConnell, et alDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 BOYD1 (1). :

Studying marine mammal social systems / Hal Whitehead, Sofie Van ParijsDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 BOYD1 (1). :

The study of dyslexia / ed. Martin Turner, ed. John RackNível de parte analítica: Dyslexia and self-esteem • An introduction to the theory and practice of psychological testing • Review of research evidence on effective intervention • Accelerating word reading, spelling, and comprehension skills with synthetic phonics • Verbal memory in the learning of literacy • Phonological skills, learning to read, and dyslexia • The science of dyslexia : a review of contemporary approaches • The neurobiology of dyslexia • Genetic and environmental causes of reading disabilities : results from the Colorado learning disabilities research center • Visual factors in dyslexiaPublicação: New York : Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, 2004Descrição: 289 p.Disponibilidade:

Stocking and introduction of fish / ed. I. G. CowxNível de parte analítica: Towards a conservation strategy for Anaecypris hispanica, the most endangered non-migratory fish in Portuguese streams • How effective are the stocking strategies for the management of resoervoir fisheries in Sri Lanka? • Economic considerations for fish stocking and enhancement • Evaluation of stocking and introductions as management tools • Codes of practice fior the stocking and introduction of fish • Genetic impact of introduced domesticated strains of brown trout, salmo trutta, on native Spanish populations • Genetic considerations in stocking atlantic salmon, salmo salar • Genetic similarity of a phenotypically divergent population of the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon following its introduction into a man-made lake • Enhacing fish productyion through introductions and stocking : genetic perspectives • Preadtion on wild 0-group flatfishes by released and wild turbot, scophthalmus maximus • Turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, stocking in Danish coastal waters • Reintroduction of whitefish, coregonus lavaretus, into Puck bay (southern Baltic) • Marine fisheries • Impact of fish introductions on indigenous fish populations and fisheries in Malaysa • Status of Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Katiba, Zimbabwe, folowing its escape from fish farms • An appraisal of stocking and introduction of fish in Lake Victoria (East Africa) • Fish Species introductions in African fresh waters • Assessment of the introduction of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, into the Rocky River • A review of the current knowledge on the introduction, ecology and management of zander Stizostedion licioperca, in the UK • Pikeperch, stizoatedion lucioperca, in Lake Constance (Bodensee-Obersee) : an example of a successful introduction? • Introductions of the ruffe, gymnocephalus cernuus, to new areas of Europe and to North America : history, the repsent situation and management implications • impact of introduced fish on the native freshwater fish fauna of Spain • Freshwater fish transfers in italy : history, local changes in fish fauna and a prediction on the future of native populations • The introduced freshwater fish in France : status, impacts and management • Introduced fishes : an overview • An appraisal of stocking strategies for the europeen eel, anguilla anguilla • Restoration of an urban canal fishery • Recreational fisheries : the realities of stocking coarse fish in the UK • Diet of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, stocked as a biomanipulation tool in a eutrophic brackish lake • A comparative analysis of two tagging methods for brown trout, salmo trutta m. lacustris : results of the case study in Lake Puruvesi, Eastern Finland • Survival and dispersal of hatchery-reared brown trout, salmo trutta, released in small streams • maintenance and explanation of landlocked salmon, salmo salar m. sebago, in the Vuoksi Waterhouse • The effects of stocking with salmon parr, salmo salar, on the smolt production in the river Simojoki, Northern Finland • The effects of stocking atlantic salmon, salmo salar, in norwegian rivers • Stocking of fish in Denmark • Stocking strategies : issues and options for future enhancement programmesPublicação: Oxford : Fishing News Books, 1998Descrição: 456 p.Disponibilidade:

Splits Tree: a network-based tool for exploring evolutionary relationships in molecular data: practice / Vincent MoultonDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Splits Tree: a network-based tool for exploring evolutionary relationships in molecular data / Vincent MoultonDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

The spatial analysis of marine mammal abundance / Jason Matthiospoulos, Geert AartsDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 BOYD1 (1). :

Socioemotional development and health from adolescence to adulthood / ed. Lea Pulkkinen, Jaakko Kaprio, Richard J. RoseNível de parte analítica: Summary and future directions • Personality, work career, and health • Unemployment and psychological distress, and education as a resource factor for employment • Sense of coherence and optimism : a more positive approach to health • Identity formation, personal control over development, and well-being • Grandparents as resource factors in the family • parental work and children's behavior : the mediator roles of partner relationship and parenthood • Parental knowledge and family atmosphere in relation to children's socioemotional behavior • Emotion regulation and well-being • Genetic and environmental factors in girls and boys socioemotional behavior • Self-rated health : precursors and implications • Genetic and environmental influences on the initiation and continuation of smoking and drinking • Pubertal development and health-related behavior • Body size and overweight from birth to adulthood • Social behaviors and health in twins • Genetic and environmental influences on social behavior and health • The Jyvaskyla longitudinal study of personality and social development (JYLS)Publicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 421 p.Disponibilidade:

Social behaviour: genes, ecology and evolution / Tamás Székely, Allen J. Moore, Jan KomdeurNível de parte analítica: Prospects for research in social behavior : systems biology meets behaviour • Social behaviour in conservation • Social behaviour and speciation • Population density, social behaviour and sex allocation • Molecular and genetic influences on the neural sbstrate of social cognition in humans • Personality and individual social specialisation • Social behaviour in humans • Social environments, social tactics and their fitness consequences in complex mammalian societies • Social behaviour in microorganisms • Adaptations and constraints in the evolution of delayeddispersal : implications for cooperation • Pair bonds and parental behaviour • Sexual behaviour : conflict, cooperation and coevolution • Important topics in group living • Social influences on communication signals : from honesty to exploitation • Aggression : towards an integration of gene, brain and behaviour • Social evolution : a review of methods and approachs • Recent advances in comparative methods • Evolutionary game theory • Social behaviour and bird song from a neural and endocrine perspective • The quantitative genetics of social behaviour • Nature-nurture interactions • The uphill climb of sociobiology : towards a new synthesisPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Descrição: 562 p.Disponibilidade:

Sistemática vegetal : um enfoque filogenético / Walter S. Judd, et alPublicação: Porto Alegre : Artmed, 2009Descrição: 612 p. + 1 cd\rom Sistemática Vegetal : um enfoque filogenéticoDisponibilidade:

Sequence databases: theory / Guy Bottu, Marc Van RanstDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Sequence databases: practice / Marco SalemiDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Selecting models of evolution: theory / David PosadaDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Selecting models of evolution: practice / David PosadaDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :
