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A sua pesquisa recuperou 121 resultados.

Zoo Animal Welfare / Terry L. Maple, Bonnie M. PerduePublicação: New York : Springer, 2013Descrição: 209 p.Disponibilidade:

Why god persists [DVD] / Robert HindePublicação: Lisboa : ISPA, Centro de Audiovisuais, 2007Descrição: 1 disco óptico (DVD) : som, col.Disponibilidade:

When animals dream : the hidden world of animal consciousness / David M. Peña-GuzmánPublicação: Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2022Descrição: 259 p.Disponibilidade:

Unraveling the dynamics of social life : long-term studies and observational methods / Janet MannDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET MANN1 (1). :

Tree of origin : what primate behavior can tell us about human social evolution / ed. Frans B. M. de WaalNível de parte analítica: The nature of culture : prospects and pitfals of cultural primatology • From primate communication to human language • Brains on two legs : group size and the evolution of intelligence • Social and technical forms of primate intelligence • Out of the pan, into the fire : how our ancestors evolution depended on what they ate • The ape's gift : meat-eating, meat-sharing, and human evolution • Beyond the apes : reasons to consider the entire primate order • apes from venus : bonobos and human sexual evolution • Of genes and apes : chimpazee social organization and reproductionPublicação: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2001Descrição: 311 p.Disponibilidade:

Top predators in marine ecosystems : their role in monitoring and management / ed. I. L. Boyd, S. Wanless, C. J. CamphuysenNível de parte analítica: Marine management : can objectives be set for marine top predators • Marine reserves and higher predators • Setting management goals using information from predators • The scenario Barents Sea study : a case of minimal realistic modelling to campare management strategies for marine ecosystems • Modelling the behaviour of individuals and groups of animals foraging in heterogeneous environments • The method of multiple hypotheses and the decline of Steller sea lions in Western Alaska • The functional response of generalist predators and its implications for the monitoring of marine ecosystems • Population dynamics of Antarctic krill Euphasia superba at South Georgia : sampling with predators provides new insights • Use of gannets to monitor prey availability in Northern Atlantic Ocean : colony size, diet and foraging behaviour • Does the prohibition of industrial fishing for sandeels have any impact on local gadoid populations? • How many fish should we leave in the sea for seabirds and marine mammals? • Foraging energetics of North Sea birds confronted with fluctuating prey availability • Impacts of oceanography on the foraging dynamics of seabirds in the North Sea • Monitoring predator-prey intearctions using multiple predator species : the South Georgia experience • Identifying drivers of change, did fisheries play a role in the spread of north Atlantic fulmars? • Consequences of prey distribution for the foraging behavior of top predators • Biophysical influences on seabird trophic assessments • Spatial and temporal variation in the diets of polar bears across the Canadian Artic : indicators of changes in prey populations and environment • Distribution and foraging interaction of seabirds and marine mammals in the North Sea : multispecies foraging assemblages and habitat-specific feeding strategies • Linking predator foraging behaviour and diet with variability in continental shelf ecosystems : grey seals of eastern Canada • The use of biologically meaningful oceanographic indices to separate the effects of climate and fisheries on seabird breeding success • Physical forcing in the southwest Atlantic : ecosystem control • Effects of sisheries on ecosystems : just another top predator?Publicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 378 p.Disponibilidade:

Territorialidade e utilizacao em pomatoshistus pictus, pisces : gobiidae / Ana Isabel MagalhaesPublicação: Lisboa : Ispa, 1998Descrição: 42 p.Disponibilidade: Não há exemplares disponíveis :

Studying cetacean social structure in space and time / Hal Whitehead, Jenny Christal, Peter L. TyackDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET MANN1 (1). :

The study of behavior: organization, methods, and principles / Jerry A. HoganPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017Descrição: 371 p.Disponibilidade:

Strategies of being female : animal patterns, human choices / Evelyn Shaw, Joan DarlingPublicação: Sussex : Harvester Press, 1985Descrição: 164 p.Disponibilidade:

The sperm whale : social females and roving males / Hal Whitehead, Linda WeilgartDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET MANN1 (1). :

The social lives of whales and dolphins : introduction / Janet Mann, Richard C. Connor, Peter L. Tyack, Hal WhiteheadDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET MANN1 (1). :

Sexo e comportamento humano : uma perspectiva evolutiva / Bobbi S. LowPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, 2002Descrição: 464 p.Disponibilidade:

Sensory systems of aquatic mammals / ed. Ron A. Kastelein, Jeanette A. Thomas, Paul E. NachtigallNível de parte analítica: Equivalence class formation and cross-modal transfer : testing marine mammals • Working memory of a California sea lion (zalophus californianus) for the 2 choice location of a 2-dimensional black stimulus • Conditional discrimination learning in a male harbor seal (phoca vitulina) • Echolocation, cognition, and the dolphin's world • Fishing technique development in newly weaned grey seal (halichoerus grypus) • Comparative immunocytochemistry of calcium-binding protein-positive neurons in visual and audotory systems of cetacean and primate brains • The auditory organ of mammals in relation to the acoustic properties of the habitat and frequency tuning • Fiber analysis of the vestibular nerve of small cetaceans • Structure and function of the vibrissae of the ringed seal (phoca hispida L.) • retinal resolution in the bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatus) • Macro-anatomical aspects of the cetacean eye and its imaging system • Estimates of blast injury and acoustic trauma zones for marine mammals from underwater explosions • Humpback whale song in Tonga : initial findings • Interactions between free-ranging dolphins (tursiops truncatus) and passive acoustic gill-net deterrent devices • Field tests of acoustic devices on groundfish gillnets : assessment of effectiveness in reducing harbour porpoise by-catch • Humpback whale song in Tonga : initial findings • Rhythmic sound sequences emitted by aroused bottlenose dolphins in the Sado estuary, Portugal • Comparisons of whistlers among seven odontocete species • Rutting whistler of a male Pacific walrus (odobenus rosmarus divergens) • structure, complexity, and organization of vocalizations in harp seal (phoca groenlandica) pups • Underwater vocal repertoire of the leopard seal (hydruga leptonyx) in Prydz Bay, Antarctica • Geographic variation in leopard seal (hydruga leptonyx) underwater vocalizations • Artificial neural network modeling of dolphin echolocation • echolocation and imagery • Effects of visual deprivation on the echolocation rate by a bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatus) • sounds inside the respiration system of tursiops truncatus • acoustic recognition by a dolphin of shapes • Discrimonation of echoes from aspect-dependent targets by a bottlenose dolphin and human listeners • Some signal processing techniques • Frequency tuning and temporal resolution in dolphins • aerial and underwater hearing thresholds for 100 Hz pure tones in two pinniped species • Estimation of auditory response thresholds in humpback whales using biologically meaningfull sounds • Risso's dolphin (grampus griseus) hearing thresholds in aneohe Bay, Hawaii • steady-state auditory-evoked potentials in three cetacean species elicited usung amplitude-modulated stimuli • Interaural time and intensity difference thresholds in the bottlernose dolphin (tursiops truncatus) • Auditory evoked potentials of a killer whalem (orcinus orca)Publicação: Woerden : De Spil Publishers, 1995Descrição: 588 p.Disponibilidade:

Scienceand the conservation, protection, and management of wild cetaceans / Hal Whitehead, Randall R. Reeves, Peter L TyackDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET MANN1 (1). :

Principles of animal behaviour / Lee Alan DugatkinPublicação: New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2014Descrição: 648 p.Disponibilidade:

Primate life histories and socioecology / Peter M. Kappeler, Michael E. Pereira, Carel P. Van SchaikNível de parte analítica: Primate life histories and future research • Why are apes so smart? • Life history, infant care strategies, and brain size in primates • Matrix models for primate life history analysis • Human life histories : primate trade-offs, grandmothering socioecology, and the fossil record • Dental developmental and primate life histories • Models of primate development • Adaptions to seasonality : some primate and nonprimate examples • Puzzles, predation, and primates : using life history to understand selection pressures • Matrix models for primate life history analysis • Socioecological correlates of phenotypic plasticity of primare life histories • Primate life histories and phylogeny • Primate life histories and socioecologyPublicação: London : University Of Chicago Press, 2003Descrição: 395 p.Disponibilidade:
