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A sua pesquisa recuperou 19 resultados.

Toward a general theory of expertise : prospects and limits / compil. K. Ericsson ; co-aut. Jacqui SmithNível de parte analítica: Symbolic connectionism : toward third-generation theories of expertise • Expertise as the circumvention of human processing limitations • Techniques for representing expert knowledge • Controlling complex systems or, expertise as grandmother's know-how • Process-performance paradox in expert judgment : how can experts know so much and predict so badly? • Literate expertise • Musical expertise • Motor-skills experts in sports, dance, and other domains • General and specific nature of medical expertise : a critical look • Learning and use of representations for physics expertise • Expertise in chess : the balance between knowledge and search • Prospects and limits of the empirical study of expertise : an introductionPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991Descrição: 344 p.Disponibilidade:

Thinking and deciding / Jonathan BaronPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Descrição: 570 p.Disponibilidade:

Reasoning : studies of human inference and its foundations / ed. Jonathan E. AdlerNível de parte analítica: The emotional dog and its rational tail : a social intuistionist approach to moral judgment • Distinct brain loci in deductive versus probabilistic reasoning • Logic and biology : emotional inference and emotions in reasoning • The truth in relativism • On the very idea of a conceptual scheme • Culture and systems of thought : holistic versus analytic cognition • Rasoning across cultures • Evolution of inference • Commitment • The modularity of mind :an essay on faculty psychology • Why we are so good at catching cheaters • Use or misuse of the selction task? : rejoinder to Fiddick, Cosmides, and Tooby • Beyond intuition and instinct blindeness : toward and evolutionary rigorous cognitive science • Pragmatic reasoning schemas • Domain-specific knowledge and conceptual change • The sopcial context of reasoning : conversational inference and rational judgment • Further notes on logic and conversation • Presupposition, attention, and why-questions • Reasoning and pragmatics • Reasoning and conversation • THe skills of argument • The layout of arguments • Propensies and counterfactuals : the loser that almost won • Causation • Causal thinking • belief change as propositional update • Reflections on conscious reflection : mechanisms of impairment by reasons analysis • Belief, doubt, and evidentialism • Belief revision • Explanatory coherence • Defeasible reasoning • Reasoning, decision making, and rationality • Individual differences in reasonning and the algotithmic / intentional level distinction in cognitive science • Human reasoning and argumentation : the probabilistic approach • Properties of inductive reasoning • When explanations compete : the role of explanatory coherence on judgments of likelihood • Category-based induction • Reasoning in conceptual spaces • Inductive logic and inductive reasoning • Patterns, rules, and inferences • The problem of deduction • reasoning with quantifiers • Interpretation, representation, and deductive reasoning • mental models and deductive reasoning • Logical approaches to human deductive reasoning • Breakdown of will • Can human irrationality be experimentally demonstrated? • Extensional versus intuitive reasoning : the conjunction fallacy in probability judgment • Falalcies and rationality • Paradoxes • Internal and external reasons • belief and the will • Introduction : philosophical foundations • Change in view : principles of reasoning • Introduction : philosophical foundationsPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008Descrição: 1056 p.Disponibilidade:

The psychology of problem solving / Edited by Janet E. Davidson , Robert J. SternbergNível de parte analítica: Problem solving - large / small, hard / easy, conscious / nonconscious, problem-space / problem-solver : the issue of dichotomization • Analogical transfer in problem solving • The fundamental computational biases of human cognition : heuristics that (sometimes) impair decision making and problem solving • Feeling and thinking : implications for problem solving • Motivating self-regulated problem solvers • Comprehension of text in problem solving • The role of wotking memory in problem solving • Insights about insightful problem solving • Creativity : a source of difficulty in problem solving • Is sucess or failure at solving complex problems related to intellectual ability? • The acquisition of expert performance as problem solving : construction and modiating mechanisms through deliberate practice • Recognizing, defining, and representing problemsPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Descrição: XI, 394 p.Disponibilidade:

The psychology of abilities, competencies, and expertise / Edited by Robert J. Sternberg ; Elena L. GrigorenkoNível de parte analítica: What causes individual differences in cognitive performance? • Biological intelligence • Expertise, competence, and creative ability • The early progress of able young musicians • Expertise and mental disabilities : bridging the unbridgeable? • On abilities and domains • The search for general abilities and basic capacities : theoretical implications from the modifiablity and complexity of mechanisms mediating expert performance • Developing childhood proclivities into adult competencies : the overlooked multiplier effect • Intelligence as adaptative resource development and resource allocation : a new look through the lenses of SOC and expertise • Trait complexes, cognitive investment, and domain knowledgePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Descrição: XI, 280 p.Disponibilidade:

The nature of reasoning / Edited by Jacqueline P. Leighton ; Robert J. SternbergNível de parte analítica: What do we know about the nature of reasoning? • Teaching Reasoning • Individual differences in thinking reasoning and decision making • The evolution of reasoning • The development of deductive reasoning • The assessment of logical reasoning • Cognitive heuristics : reasoning the fast and frugal way • Heuristics and reasining I : making deduction simple • Mental-logic theory : what it proposes, and reasons to take this proposal seriously • Mental models and reasoning • Strategies and knowledge representation • Task understanding • The role of prior beliefs in reasoning • Working memory and reasoning • reasoning and brain function • Defining and describing reasonPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004Descrição: 470 p.Disponibilidade:

Metaphors of mind : conceptions of the nature of intelligence / Robert SternbergPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990Descrição: 344 p.Disponibilidade:

Lifespan development and the brain : the perspective of biocultural co-constructivism / ed. Paul B. Baltes, Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz, Frank RoslerNível de parte analítica: Letters on nature and nurture • Co-constructing hhuman engineering technologies in old age : lifespan psychology as a conceptual foundation • The influence if organized violence and terror on brain and mind : a co-constructive perspective • The influence of work and occupation on brain development • Characteristics of illeterate and literate cognitive processing : implications of brain-behavior co-constructivism • Influences of biological and self-initiated factors on brain and cognition in adulthood and aging • The musical m ind : neural tuning and the aesthetic experience • Reading, writing, and arithmetic in the brain : neural specialization for acquired functions • Language acquisition : biological versus cultural implications for brain structure • Blindness : a source and case of neuronal plasticity • Sensory input-based adaptation and brain architecture • Adult neurogenesis • Adult neurogenesis • Neurobehavioral development in the context of biocultural co-constructivismPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 427 p.Disponibilidade:

Intellectual development / compil. Robert Sternberg ; co-aut. Cynthia BergNível de parte analítica: Princess grows up : a satiric fairy tale about intellectual development • Contextual approaches to adult intellectual development • Sociocultural approach to intellectual development • Learning perspective : adulthood • Integrating learning into a theory of intellectual development • Information-processing perspective on cognitive aging • Information-processing perspective on cognitive development in childhood and adolescence • Neo-piagetian perspective on adult cognitive development • Neo-piagetian theories of child development • Study of adult cognition from a piagetian perspective • Beyond the stage debate : action, structure, and variability in piagetian theory and research • Major abilities and development in the adult period • Psychometric perspective on intellectual development in childhood and adolescence • Perspectives for viewing intellectual development throughout the life coursePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992Descrição: 411 p.Disponibilidade:

The imitative mind : development, evolution, and brain bases / ed. Andrew N. Meltzoff, Wolfgang PrinzNível de parte analítica: Imitation, apraxia, and hemisphere dominance • The role of imitation in body ownership and mental growth • Is there such a thing as functional equivalence between imagined, observed, and executed action? • Cell populations in the banks of the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque and imitation • From minor neurons to imitation: facts and speculations • What is the body schema? • On bodies and events • Visuomotor coupligs in object-oriented and imitative actions • Goal-directed imitation • Imitation : common mechanisms in the observation and execution of finger and mouth movements • Experimental approaches to imitation • Seeing actions as hiearchically organizad structures: great ape manual skills • The imitator's representation of the imitated : ape and child • Ego function of early imitations • Notes on individual differences and the assumed elusiveness of neonatal imitation • Self-awareness, other-awareness, and secondary representation • Imitation and imitation recognition: functional use in preverbial infants and nonverbal children with autism • Elements of a developmental theory of imitation • An introduction to the imitative mind and brainPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002Descrição: 353 pDisponibilidade:

Handbook of creativity / compil. Robert SternbergNível de parte analítica: Fifty years of creativity research • Prodigies and creativity • Enhancing creativity • Organizational creativity • Computer models of creativity • Creativity across cultures • Implications of a systems perspective for the study of creativity • Motivation and creativity • Influence of personality on artistic and scientific creativity • Creativity and intelligence • Creativity and knowledge : a challenge to theories • From case studies to robust generalizations : an approach to the study of creativity • Creative cognition • Development of creativity • Evolving creative minds : stories and mechanisms • Biological bases of creativity • Creativity from historiometric perspective • Case study method and evolving systems approach for understanding unique creative people at work • Experimental studies of creativity • Psychometric approaches to the study of human creativity • History of research on creativity • Concept of creativity : prospects and paradigmsPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999Descrição: 490 p.Disponibilidade:

Good thinking: seven powerful ideas that influence the way we think / Denise C. CumminsPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012Descrição: 199 p.Disponibilidade:

Development of cognitive anthropology / Roy D'andradePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995Descrição: 272 p.Disponibilidade:

Critical feeling: how to use feelings strategically / Rolf ReberPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016Descrição: 298 p.Disponibilidade:

Creativity in science : chance, logic, genius and zeitgeist / Dean Keith SomontonPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004Descrição: 216 p.Disponibilidade:

Creativity and reason in cognitive development / ed. James C. Kaufman, John BaerNível de parte analítica: How early school experiences inpact creativity : an ecological perspective • The relationship among schooling, learning, and creativity : all roads lead to creativity or you can't get there from here? • Higher level thinking in gifted education • Does culture always matter : for creativity, yes, for deductive reasoning, no! • Is it reasonable to be creative? • A young artist's story : advancing and the development of artistic talent and creativity in children • Crativity in young children's thought • Opening up creativity : the lenses of axis and focus • From alexithymia, borne of trauma and oppression, to symbolic elaboration, the creative expression of emotions, and rationality • Creative thinking and reasoning : can you have one without the other? • The role of domain knowledge in creative problem solving • The role of knowledge base in creative thinking • Alternative knowledge structures in creative thought : scheme, associations, and cases • Reasoning and personal creativity • The creativity of everyday moral reasoning : empathy, disgust, and moral persuasion • Dynamic processes within associative memory stores : piercing together the neural basis of creative cognition • Creative genius, knowledge, and reason • Expertise and reason in cretive thinkingPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 369 p.Disponibilidade:

The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning / ed. Keith J. Holyoak, Robert G. MorrisonNível de parte analítica: Learning to think : the challenges of teaching thinking • Intelligence • Thinking and reasoning in medicine • Scientific thinking and reasoning • Ellsworth, Phoebe C. • Language and thought • Reasoning and thinking in nonhuman primates • Effects of aging on reasoning • Mathematical cognition • Development of thinking • Cognitive and neuroscience aspects of thought disorder • Cognive neuroscience of deductive reasoning • Thinking in working memory • Thinking as a production system • Complex declarative learning • Creativity • Problem solving • Motivated thinking • A model of heuristic judgment • Decision making • Visuospatial reasoning • Mental models and thought • Deductive reasoning • Causal learning • Analogy • Approaches to modeling human mental representations : what works, what doesn't, and why • Concepts and categories : memory, meaning, and metaphysics • Similarity • Thinking and reasoning : a reader's guidePublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005Descrição: 858 p.Disponibilidade:

Autobiographical memory / compil. David RubinNível de parte analítica: Loss and recovery of autobiographical memory after head injury • Case study of the forgetting of autobiographical knowledge : implications for the study of retrograde amnesia • Amnesia, autobiographical memory, and confabulation • Autobiographical memory across the lifespan • Childhood amnesia : an empirical demonstration • Temporal reference systems and autobiographical memory • Public memories and their personal context • Autobiographical memory : a developmental perspective • Strategic memory search processes • Schematization of autobiographical memory • Nested structure in autobiographical memory • Ways of searching and the contents of memory • Autobiographical memory : a historical prologue • Autobiographical memory-introductionPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1988Descrição: 295 p.Disponibilidade:

Affect and accuracy in recall : studies of flashbulb memories / ed. Eugene Winograd, Ulric NeisserNível de parte analítica: THe theorectical and empirical status of the flashbulb memory hypothesis • Constraints on memory • Remembering personal circumstances : a functional analysis • Special versus ordinary memory mechanisms in the genesis of flashbulb memories • Why do traumatic experiences sometimes produce good memory (flashbulbs) and sometimes no memory (repression) • Do flashbulb memories differ from other types of emotional memories? • Remembering the details of emotional events • A proposed neurobiological basis for regulating memory storage for significant events • Preschool children's memories of personal circumstances : the fire alarm study • Developmental issues in fashbulb memory research : children recall the challenger event • Potential flashbulbs : memories of ordinary news as the baseline • Phantom fashbulbs : false recolletions of hearing the news about challengerPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992Descrição: 315 p.Disponibilidade:
