A sua pesquisa recuperou 2 resultados.

Technique of psychoanalytically oriented parent education / Lawrence BalterDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C5 BUCH1 (1). :

Child psychology : a handbook of contemporary issues / compil. Lawrence Balter ; co-aut. Catherine Tamis-LemondaNível de parte analítica: Behavioral inhibition and impulsive aggressiveness : insights from studies with rhesus monkeys • Who should help me raise my child? a cultural approach to understanding nonmaternal child care decisions • Nature of parents race-related communications to children : a developmental perspective • Cultural, social, and maturational influences on childhood amnesia • New family forms : children raised in solo mother families, lesbian mothers families, and in families created by .... • Effects of community violence on children • Effects of poverty on children • Role of gender knowledge in children's gender-typed preferences • Parenting • Emotion, emotion-related regulation, and quality of socioemotional functioning • Academic and motivational pathways through middle childhood • Metacognitive development • Emotion regulation in peer relationships during middle childhood • Telling two kinds of stories : sources of narrative skill • Role of reminders in young children's memory development • Taking a hard look at concreteness : do concrete objects help young children learn symbolic relations? • Pretense and counterfactual thought in young children • Peer relations • Signs and sounds of early language development • Development of recognition and categorization of objects and their spatial relations in young infants • Visual information processing in infancy : reflections of underlying mechanisms • Infant-parent attachment • What, why, and how of temperament : a piece of the action • Emotional self-regulation in infancy and toddlerhoodPublicação: Philadelphia : Psychology Press, 1999Descrição: 542 p.Disponibilidade:
