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A sua pesquisa recuperou 259 resultados.

The phenomenological mind : an introduction to philosophy of mind and cognitive science / Shaun Gallagher, Dan ZahaviPublicação: London : Routledge, 2008Descrição: 244 p.Disponibilidade:

Pesquisa qualitativa em psicologia : caminhos e desafios / Fernando Luis González ReyPublicação: São Paulo : Thompson, 2002Descrição: 188 p.Disponibilidade:

A perda e o tempo : um enfoque fenemenológico nas vivências subjectivas / Ana Rute Monsanto Laranjo FerreiraPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2008Descrição: 101 p.Disponibilidade:

Participatory community research : theories and methods in action / ed. Leonard A. Jason, et al.Nível de parte analítica: New horizons for knowledge : the influence of citizen participation • The community action research project as context for the Chicago conference • Conclusion • Faculty deconstructs participatory research • Student refelctions on commuity research practices and their implications • Community concerns about participatory research • Community narratives : the use of narrative ethnography in participatory community research • Culturally anchred research : quandaries, guidelines, and exemplars for community psychology • Empowerment evaluation : principles and action • Self-help research : issues of power sharing • University-community partnerships : a frame work and an exemplar • Prevention science : participatory approaches and community case studies • Primary prevention : involving schools and communities in youth health promotion • Epidemiological research : science and community participation • Community development : enhancing the knowledge base through participatory action research • Participatory action research : general principles and the study with a chronic health condition • Introduction : capturing theory and methodology in participatory researchPublicação: Washington : American Psychological Association, 2004Descrição: 270 p.Disponibilidade:

Participatory action research : international contexts and consequences / Robin MacTaggartNível de parte analítica: Action research : improving learning from experience in nurse education in Thailand • Integrating participatory action research tools in New Caledonia • Sources of a theory for action research in the United States • A background to action research in Spain • Participatory research in Venezuela : 1973 to 1991 • Participatory educational research in Australia : the first wave - 1976 to 1986 • Particatory action research in Colombia : some personal feelings • Action research : the problem of participation • Action research : a closed chapter in the history of german social science? • Guiding principles for participatory action research • Reading the collectionPublicação: Albany : State University of New York Press, 1997Descrição: 283 p.Disponibilidade:

The Oxford handbook of hypnosis : theory, research and practice / ed. Michael R. Nash, Amanda J. BarnierNível de parte analítica: Hypnosis in the courts • Making a contribution to the clinical literature : time-series designs • Clinical Hypnosis : the empirical evidence • Hypnosis in sport : cases, techniques and issues • Trauma-related disorders and dissociation • Hypnosis in the treatment of conversion and somatization disorders • Medical illnesses, conditions and procedures • Treating children using hypnosis • Hypnosis for health-compromising behaviors • Hypnotic approaches to treating depression • Hypnosis and anxiety : early interventions • Hypnosis in the relief of pain and pain disorders • An Eriksonian approach to clinical hypnosis • reclaiming the cognitive uncounscious : integrating hypnotic methods and cognitive-behavioral therapy • reclaiming the cognitive unsconscious : integrating hypnotic methods and cognitive-behavioral therapy • Psychoanalytic approaches to clinical hypnosis • Hypnosis and mind-body interactions • Hypnosis, trance and suggestion : evidence from neuroimaging • Hypnosis and the brain • advances in hypnosis research : methods, designs and contributions of intrinsic and instrumental hypnosis • Parsing everiday suggestibility : what does it tell us about hypnosis? • Hypnosis scales for the twenty-first century : what do we need and how should we use them? • measuring and understanding individual differences in hypnotizability • A psychoanalytic theory of hypnosis : a clinically informed approach • Intelligent desigh or designed intelligence? : hypnotizability as neurobiological adaptation • How hypnosis happens : new cognitive theories of hypnotic responding • social cognitive theories of hypnosis • Dossociation theories of hypnosis • Generations and lanscapes of hypnosis : questions we've asked, questions we should ask • The domais of hypnosis, revisited • Introduction : a road map for explanation, a working definitionPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2008Descrição: 791 p.Disponibilidade:

Os adolescentes e a sexualidade : conversas com adultos no contexto do Movimento Escutista : estudo exploratório / Olga Rebordão de Oliveira CunhaPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2008Descrição: 146 p.Disponibilidade:

Organizações positivas : manual de trabalho e formação / Miguel Pina e Cunha, et al.Publicação: Lisboa : Sílabo, 2008Descrição: 306 p.Disponibilidade:

Observing animal behaviour / Marian Stamp DawkinsPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2007Descrição: 158 p.Disponibilidade:

Observação clínica / Albert Ciccone ; trad. Dália DantasPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2000Descrição: 144 p.Disponibilidade:

O processo psicodiagnóstico e as técnicas projectivas / ed . Maria Luisa Siquier de Ocampo, Maria Esther Garcia Arzeno, Elza Grassano de PiccoloPublicação: São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1981Descrição: 437 p.Disponibilidade:

O impacto da doença oncológica nos filhos : a negação como resposta ao cancro materno / Cláudia Sofia da Palma PereiraPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2008Descrição: 208 p.Disponibilidade:

O amor em psicoterapia : estudo fenomenologico-existencial do modo ser amoroso por parte dos terapeutas / Fabiana Fontenelle de AndradePublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2007Descrição: 57 p.Disponibilidade:

New advances in statistical modeling and applications / António Pacheco; Rui Santos; Maria do Rosário Oliveira; Carlos Daniel PaulinoNível de parte analítica: Évora residents and sports activity • Table-graph: a new approach to visualize multivariate data. Analysis of chronic diseases in Portugal • Forecast intervals with Boot.EXPOS • Using INLA to estimate a highly dimensional spatial model for forest fires in Portugal • Volatility and returns of the main stock indices • Hierarchical normal mixture model to analyse HIV / AIDS LOS • Brugada syndrome diagnosis: three approaches to combining diagnostIc markers • The traveling salesman problem and the Gnedenko Theorem • Application of the theory of extremes to the study of precitipation in Madeira Island: statistical choice of estreme domains of attraction • Tail dependence of a pareto process • The MOP EVI-estimator revisited • Extremal quantiles, value-at-risk, quasi-PORT and DPOT • Peaks over random threshold asymptotically best linear estimation of the extreme value index • A semi-parametric estimator of a shape second-order parameter • Valuation of bond options under the CIR model: some computational remarks • Individual growth in a random environment: an optimization problem • Consequences of an incorrect model specification on population growth • Modeling human population death rates: a bi-dimensional stochastic gompertz model with correlated wiener processes • Nearest neighbor connectivity on two-dimensional multihop MANETs • Cantor sets with random repair • Testing serial correlation isung the Gauss-Newton regression • Testing the maximum by the mean in quantitative group tests • Robust functional principal component analysis • Resampling methodologies in the field of statistics of univariate extremes • Ouliers: the strength of minors • The non-mathematical side of statisticsPublicação: Heidelberg : Springer, 2014Descrição: 283 pDisponibilidade:

Nature : methods / Chief editor: Daniel EvankoPublicação: New York : Nature Publishing GroupDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R2 (1). :

Narrative gerontology : theory, research, and practice / Edited by Gary Kenyon ; Phillip Clark ; Brian de VriesNível de parte analítica: A narrative approach to integration and healing among the terminally ill • A history of guided autobiography • Using narrative therapy with older adults • A narrative approach to nursing care of people in difficult life situations • narrative knowledge and health care of the elderly • Narrative gerontology in clinical pracgtice : current applications and future prospects • The future of the past : continuing challenges for reminiscence research • The times of our lives • Telling survival bakward : holocaust survivors narrate the past • Challengung ordinary pain : narratives of older people who live with pain • Autobiographical memories : a building block of life narratives • Autobiographical memories : A building blocl of life narratives • Stroried worlds: aquiring a narrative perspective on aging, identity, and everyday life • Narrative, experience, and aging • Narrative gerontology : an overviewPublicação: New York : Springer Publishing Company, 2001Descrição: 358 p.Disponibilidade:

Narrative development : six approaches / ed. Michael BambergPublicação: Mahwah : London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997Descrição: XIV, 278 p.Disponibilidade:

Models and methods in social network analysis / ed. Peter J. Carrington, John Scott, Stanley WassermanNível de parte analítica: Software for social network analysis • Graphic techniques for exploring social network data • Models for longitudinal network data • Underdependencies and social processes : dependence graphs and generalizad dependence structures • Random graph models for social networks : multiple relations or multiple raters • An introduction to ramdom graphs, dependence graphs, and p* • Using correspondence analysis for joint displays of affiliation networks • Network models and methods for studying the diffusion of innovations • Positional analysis of sociometric data • Extending centrality • Network sampling and model fitting • Recent developments in network measurementPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005Descrição: 328 p.Disponibilidade:

Mirrors for behavior III : an anthology of observation instruments / Communication Materials CenterPublicação: Devon : Anro Press, 1974Descrição: 3 vol.Disponibilidade:

Metodologias de investigação anti-racistas : questões críticas / George J. Sefa Dei, Gurpreet Singh JohalNível de parte analítica: Ordem no K.O.S. • Para um enquadramento anti-racistas da investigação : o caso para entrevistas aprofundadas de caris interventivo • Etnografia crítica : uma forma eficaz de levar a cabo a investigação anti-racista • Repensar abordagens anti-preconceito na educação pre-escolar : uma mudança para uma educação anti-racista • Alguns insights do discurso educativo anti-racista sobre epistemologia, ontologia e axiologia e axiologia destinados e investigadores em educção comparativa • Relatos ardentes : questionamento da autoridade e as politicas de representação na investigação em ciências sociais • Questões criticas nas metodologias de investigação anti-racistas : uma introduçãoPublicação: Mangualde : Pedago, 2008Descrição: 246 p.Disponibilidade:
