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A sua pesquisa recuperou 101 resultados.

Dyslexia and literacy : key issues for research / Angela J. FawcettDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 REID1 (1). :

Designing for science : implications from everyday, classroom, and professional settings / Edited by Kevin Crowley ; Christian D. Schunn ; Takeshi OkadaNível de parte analítica: Intenet epistemology : contributions of new information technologies to scientific research • The role of hypothesis formation in a community of psychology • Facets of students thinking : designing to cross the gap from research to standards-based practice • Everyday activuty and the development of scientific thinking • Epistemologically authentic scientific reasoning • High throughput discovery : search and interpretation on the path to new drugs • Developing reflective inquiry practices : a case study of software, the teacher, and students • Reconsidering the role of experiment in science education • From cognition to instruction to cognition : a case study in elementary school science instruction • Complexity, emergence, and synthetic models in science education • Scientific Thinking : a cognitive-historical Approach • What scientific thinking reveals about the nature of cognition • Acquiring expertise in science : explorations of what, when, and how • The rhythms of scientific thinking : a study of collaboration in an earthquake microworld • Explanatory conversations and young children's developing scientific literacy • Seek and ye shall find : how curiosity engenders discoveryPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001Descrição: XIV, 498 p. : il.Disponibilidade:

Da literacia ou de uma narrativa sempre imperfeita de outra identidade pessoal / Maria da Graça Castro PintoNível de conjunto: Revista Portuguesa de Educação, Vol. 15, nº 2 (2002), p. 95-123Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :

Contexts for learning: sociocultural dynamics in children's development / ed. Ellice A. Forman, Norris Minick, C. Addison StonePublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 1993Descrição: 395 p.Disponibilidade:

Comprehensive reading instruction across the grade levels : a collection of papers from the reading research 2001 conference / ed. Cathy M. RollerPublicação: Newark : Reading Association, 2002Descrição: 180 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 ROLL1 (1). :

Com todas as letras / Emilia FerreiroPublicação: São Paulo : Cortez Editora, 1992Descrição: 102 p.Disponibilidade:

A comédia humana, cultura e feminilidade / Terezinha de Camargo VianaPublicação: Brasilia : Universidade de Brasília, 1999Descrição: 239 p.Disponibilidade:

Children's literacy development : making it happen through school, family, and community involvement / Patricia A. EdwardsPublicação: Boston : Pearson Educacion, 2004Descrição: XXI, 313 p.Disponibilidade:

Chapeuzinho vermelho aprende a escrever : estudos psicolinguisticos comparativos em três línguas / ed. Emilia Ferreiro, Clotilde Pontecorvo, Nadja Ribeiro Moreira, Isabel Garcia HidalgoPublicação: Sao Paulo : Atica, 1996Descrição: 229 p.Disponibilidade:

Biopsychology of early parent-infant communication / International SymposiumPublicação: Lisboa : Fund Calouste Gulbenkian, 1989Descrição: 198 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: G PEDR1 (1).

Best practices in literacy instruction / Edited by Lesley Mandel Morrow, Linda B. Gambrell, Michael PressleyPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2003Descrição: XVII, 358 p. : il.Disponibilidade:

A balanced approach to beginning reading instruction : a synthesis of six major U.S. research studies / John Edwin CowenPublicação: Newark : Reading Association, 2003Descrição: 104 p.Disponibilidade:

A arte da pesquisa / Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. WilliamsPublicação: São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 2000Descrição: 351 pDisponibilidade:

Art and Science : Proceedings of the XVIII Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics / ed. José Pedro Fróis, Pedro Andrade, J. Frederico MarquesNível de parte analítica: From the hostility of opposition to the in midst of perception : the shift of thinking by aesthetic-artistic processes • The Russian nature and old town architecture as the causes of Russian art : collection of art photo pictures • Watercolors in the abstract • Texture : light paintings • Traces of meaning • Within words... time • The power of (even depicted) shadows in favouring the visibility of illusory contours, surfaces and volumes • Associative connection of colours to composition of different character • Interpretation and impression of gaze directions in a Japanese ukiyo-e picture and its compositional variations • The psychological reality of the 17 plane symmetry groups • Analysis of multiple impressions of color-form pairs and their influence on memorability • Effects of congruent and incongruent titles on aesthetiv experiences of paintings • The spatial structure of chromatic textures and it's resultant color appearance • A visuomotor skill model for artists advantages in drawing, visual analysis, and form recognition • About photographic in science • Functions of communication in pictures • Prototypically of visual stimuly • Aesthetic communication through posters • Perception and aesthetic preference for configurations with multiple color combinations • Experimental scrutiny of the visual right-ness theory of picture preception • Typically and 20th century painters categorization • Effects of titling conditions on the aesthetical judgment of paintings • Can effective meaning of multiple color combinations be predicted from their component colors? • Pictorial rotation and aesthetic preference • Informatioon technologies and aesthetic problems • The soul-fitter against the problem : an empirical study of the aesthetics of psychology and the psychologists • Novelty, curiosity, and absurdity end and art begins : the dangers in defining what should be considered art • The scientific illustration, witness of the renaissance revolution from the art for science • Personal qualities : method of measurements and its implication in cultural politics • Music-affect relationship in educational context • A study of preference for particular tone/tempo frequency relationships in popular music • Mind and body : towards a comprehensive view of musical emotions • A musical variation system by the structural correspondence between music and narrative • Computer feedback in musical communication of emotions : the feel-me program • Classical music : what's not to like? • Aesthetic evaluation of music lowered by negative moods • Reaxamining the equal-odds rule in classical composers • Creativity in music : cerebral hemisphericity, stylistic features, and greatness • The role of motivation in musical training • Fractals in art : from Homer to Solzhenitsyn • A computational approach to literary and narrative production : toward computational narratology • A rethorical analysis of a Japanese comic for hyper-comic system • An analysis of the celtic legend Deirdre, based on a story-making formula • Reading life and personality through art-work : interpretation on the edge • Hyperfiction and science • A computational modeling of perspective and vopice in the narrative rhetoric • Fictional representations of the blush • Secondary variations and hypertext : making of literary hypertext and evaluation method • Novel as a laboratory : Paul Auster's awareness of the literary medium in City of Glass • What is a literary masterpiece? : the empirical angle • The role of nonverbal expressions in the novel • What happens when a psychologyst takes a literary topic : literary theorists don't like it : a reply to Gerard Steen and Edmund Nierlich • A study of the willing suspension of desbelief by the way of the reader's imagination • The horizon of expectations in the cinemato-graphic field. PI: faith in chaos : cinema, literature and science theory • Non-story processing on the film rhetoric composition system • Effects of film velocity and figure locomotion on genre categorisation and affective viewer impressions • The Matrix : movigoers knowledge about actors and actresses • Monsterpiece : a case study of group creation • Dynamics of creativity performances under short term stress (or confort) conditions • Comparing personality, psychometrically-measured creativity and intelligence in creative artists, prisoners and university students • The Bauhaus and the search for an art language • The development of aesthetic apprehension • Developing an art understanding interview • General conceptions about art : preliminary findings • Creativity in free and project-based artistic production of children aged 10-12 • Learning art as a rite of initiation • The child's relationships with artworks and the role of Museum Educational Services • Life science and art education • Green aesthetics and education through art • Aesthetic literacy in art education discourses outside USA and UK • The installation as a metaphor for art education • Developing portfolios for learning and assessment aesthetic understanding • Internet and art education : webs to learn and create net-art • A cross culture study of gender concepts • The visual culture of medicine • The grey point • Written and spoken languages and the establishment of a grammar in art • On the beauty of handwriting and chinese calligraphy • Measuring aesthetic sensivity : scale development and psychometric properties • Virtuality and aggressiveness : aesthetic categories? • Mastering the style! : influences of stylistic information on appreciation of abstract paintings • The social class factor in young people's attitudes to dance • Situated sensibilities and seeking the pre-discursive : aesthetic response in times of crises • Chzen-Ichimi : the tea ceremony and zen, noh play • Influence of conflict and incongruity intolerence on decisions concerning personal elegance • Aesthetic appreciation of visual images favouring expectation confirmation of contradiction phenomena • Processing stages in art appreciation • Synchrony and preference • Aesthetic analogues of Gresham's Law • Personal constructs and the perception of faces and facial expressions • Exploring aesthetic preference using fMRI • Effects of colour and texture on emotional evaluations • Semantic differentials of aesthetic appreciation of photographs • Gestalt rules overning aesthetic preference • The assessment of preference for balance : introducing a new test • Assemblage as Rorschach : empirical hermeneutic aesthetics and the art spectator • Predicting preference for furniture, paintings, and houses : a discontinued confrontation between three theories of aesthetics • Aesthetic judgments and mnemonic traces • Demand on figurativity : from the prejudice on the occasion of an English-Hungarian cross-cultural survey • Does the visual taste develop? : recent data about the comparison between mass-produced art and museum art • Affective qualities of Russioan and Dutch landscapes : a cross-cultural study • El Greco's use of hidden geometry • Factors contributing to the perceived quality of static abstract designs • Visual aesthetics and the brain • Listening mode may affect neurophysiological responses to sounds • Choreography and cognition : a joint research project • Dancing between worlds : trans-disciplinary approaches to cognition, creativity & coreography • About elementary musical sounds used in vocal performance (theoretical and empirical study) • Means and devices of art : information standpoint • A psychological analysis of Chekhov's moments of fright • Some psychological remarks about A. Chekhov's Albione's daughter • Means and devices of art : theory and measurements • Questions from the bottom of Canyon between two cultures, and cry at the brink of the bottomless abyss of terroristic war • The elastic distance between images and objects • Do the arts evolve in synchrony? • Evolution of artistic life : Russian literature and Russian music in the XIXth Century (quantitative approach) • Arousal potential, sizes of oeuvres, and the evolution of Russian painting • The effects of art museum visit on the aesthetic response of elementary • Archaelogy in museums : public and fiction • Time : a neglected aspect of visitor characteristics • The museaum visitor's concept of learning • THe influence of a map on visitor navigation in an open air museum • Expectations of museum professionals towards studies of visitor behavior and museum evaluation • Mental representations of museums : an investigation on school children • Organizational aspects and expertise levels as variables influencing affective processes in museum visits • Art / science / technology : e-art in virtual museums measured by interdimensional networking method • Environmental qualities in art museums and visitors experience : cognitive and affective processes • Analyzing the production of meaning during exhibition visits • Using silence to empower adult visitors viewing contemporary art in a fine arts museum • Symposium recent trends in museology • Careers in the dramatic arts : developmental and motivational perpsectives • Albert Wellek : a pionner in the field of aesthetics and the psychology of music • Personality and artistic style : connected, yes, but in what ways? • The neuropsychology of visual artists • Art, science and humour : the study of humourous experience at the intersection between psychology and the art worldPublicação: Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2004Descrição: 736 p.Disponibilidade:

Análisis de los tutoriales web creados por bibliotecas universitárias : materiales formativos para la ALFIM / Marta Somoza-FérnandezPublicação: BArcelona : VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, 2009Descrição: 330 p.Disponibilidade:

Alfabetização em processo / Emilia FerreiroPublicação: São Paulo : Cortez, 2005Descrição: 136 p.Disponibilidade:

Advances in child development and behavior / Robert V. KailPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 2003Descrição: 496 p.Disponibilidade:

Actas do seminário Situação Nacional da Literacia / org. Conselho Nacional de EducaçãoPublicação: Lisboa : C.N.E., 1996Descrição: 141 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para empréstimo: Biblioteca ISPACota: E3 CNE13 (1).

99. Livro
77 vozes pela nossa saúde : Um debate plural por um direito fundamental / Francisco Camacho ; coord. de João Pombeiro, Mónica BelloPublicação: Alfragide : Oficina do Livro : ISCTE - Executive Education, 2023Descrição: 688 p.Disponibilidade:
