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A sua pesquisa recuperou 115 resultados.

Log-linear models and logistic regression / Ronald ChristensenPublicação: New York : Springer, 1997Descrição: 483 p.Disponibilidade:

Literacia em saúde: modelos, estratégias e intervenção / coord. Carlos Lopes, Cristina Vaz de AlmeidaNível de parte analítica: Prólogo - Health literacy: a crucial professional skill for health in the 21st century • A vision for health in Europe • A literacia em saúde em Portugal e a importância do ILS-PT: inquérito europeu sobre literacia em saúde • Literacia em saúde: capacitação dos profissionais de saúde: o lado mais forte da aliança • Contributos da literacia em saúde para a promoção e racionalização de custos na saúde • Estratégias para melhorar a literacia sobre o sono da mulherPublicação: Lisboa : ISPA - Instituto Universitário, 2018Descrição: 78 p.Disponibilidade:
  (1 votos)
LISREL 8 : structural equation modelling with the SIMPLIS command language / Karl G. Joreskog, Dag SorbomPublicação: Hillsdale : SSI Scientific Software, 2001Descrição: 226 p.Disponibilidade:

The laboratory fish / Edited Gary K. OstranderPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 2000Descrição: XVI, 678 p.Disponibilidade:

An introduction to methods & models in ecology, evolution, & conservation biology / Stanton Braude, Bobbi S. LowPublicação: Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2010Descrição: 267 p.Disponibilidade:

Intervenção focada na família : desejo ou realidade :percepções de pais e profissionais sobre as práticas de apoio precoce a crianças com necessidades educativas especiais e suas famílias / Júlia van Zeller de Serpa PimentelPublicação: Porto : Universidade do Porto : Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação, 2003Descrição: 552 p.Disponibilidade:

Intersubjective processes and the unconscious / Lawrence J. BrownPublicação: Hove : Routledge, 2011Descrição: 267 pDisponibilidade:

The interpersonal tradition: the origins of psychoanalytic subjectivity / Irwin HirschPublicação: London : Routledge, 2015Descrição: 222 p.Disponibilidade:

Internet addiction / Daria J. Kuss, Helley M. PontesPublicação: Nottingham : Hogrefe, 2019Descrição: 88 p.Disponibilidade:

Inferring phylogenies / Joseph FelsensteinPublicação: Sunderland : Sinauer Associates, 2004Descrição: 664 p.Disponibilidade:

Infant research and adult treatment : co-constructing interactions / Beatrice Beebe, Frank M. LachmannPublicação: New York : The Analytic Press, 2002Descrição: 272 p.Disponibilidade:

Implementação de um programa de intervenção sobre o processo de revisão da escrita / Maria Leocádia Ferreira Sales Ribeiro MadeiraPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2001Descrição: 210 p.Disponibilidade:

If / Jonathan St. B. T. Evans, David E. OverPublicação: Oxford : Uninersity, 2004Descrição: VII, 190 p.Disponibilidade:

Hierarchical linear models : applications and data analysis methods / Stephen W. Raudenbuch, Anthony S. BrykPublicação: Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2002Descrição: 483 p.Disponibilidade:

Heuristics: the foundations of adaptative behavior / ed. Gerd Gigerenzer, Ralph Hertwig, Thorsten PachurNível de parte analítica: Aggregate age-at-marriage patterns from individual mate-search heuristics • Applying one reason decision-making: the prioritisation of literature searches • If...: satisficing algorithms for mapping conditional statements onto social domains • Green defaults: information presentation and pro-environmental behaviour • Instant customer base analysis: managerial heuristic often get it right • Parental investment: how an equity motive can produce inequality • Optimal versus naive diversification: how inefficient in the 1/N portfolio strategy • How dogs navigate to catch fisheries • Simply heuristics that help us win • Predicting Wimbledon 2005 tennis results by mere player name recognition • Take-the-best in expert-novice decision strategies for residential burglary • Geographic profiling: the fast, frugal, and accurate way • Psycholkogical models of professional decision making • The use of recognition in group decision-making • Fluency heuristic: a model of how the mind exploits a by-product of information retrieval • Why you yhink Milan is larger than Modena: neural correlates of the recognition heuristic • The recognition heuristic in memory-based inference: is recognition a non-compensatory cue? • On the psycohology of the recognition heuristic: retrieval primacy as a key determinant of its use • The aging decision maker: cognitive aging and the adaptative selection of decision strategies • Does imitation benefit cue order learning? • Sequential processing of cues in memory-based multiattribute decisions • A response-time approach to comparing generalized rational and take-the-best models of decision making • Empirical tests of a fast-and-frugal heuristic: not everyone takes-the-best • The quest for take-the-best: insights and outlooks from experimental research • The relative success of recognition-based inference in multichoice decisions • A signal detection analysis of the recognition heuristic • Categorization with limited resources: a family of simple heuristics • Heuristic and linear models of judgment: matching rules and environments • Fast, frugal, and fit: simple heuristics for paired comparison • SSL: a theory of how people larn to select strategies • Hindsight Bias: a by-product of knowledge updating • Moral satisficing: rethinking moral behavior as bounded ratinality • One-reason decision-making: modeling violations of expected utility theory • The priority heuristic: making choices without trade-offs • Naive and yet enlightened: from natural frequencies to fast and frugal decision trees • Simple heuristics and rukles of thumb: where psychologists and behavioural biologists might meet • How forgetting aids heuristic inference • Models of ecological rationality: the recognition heuristic • Reasoning the fast and frugal way: models of bounded rationality • Homo heuristicus: why biased minds make better inferencesPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011Descrição: 844 p.Disponibilidade:

The health literacy instructional model / Patrick Dunn, Vasileios Margaritis, Scott ConardPublicação: Balti : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017Descrição: 93 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of psychotherapy integration / John C. Norcross ; Marvis R. GoldfriedPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005Descrição: 547 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of psychotherapy in cancer care / Ed. Maggie Watson, Ed. David KissaneNível de parte analítica: Reconstructing meaning in bereavement • Psychosocial interventions for elderly cancer patients : how old would you be if you did not know old you are? • Therapy for parental cancer and dependent children • Psychotherapy with paediatric and adolescent cancer patients • Therapy in the setting of genetic presdisposition to cancer • Focused family therapy in palliative care and bereavement • Therapies for sexual dysfunction • Couples therapy and advanced cancer : using intimacy and meaning to reduce existential distress • Couple-Fpcused group intervention for women with early brest cancer and their partners • Meaning-centered Group psychotherapy • A short term, structured, psychoeducational intervention for newly diagnosed cancer patients • Supportive-expressive group psychotherapy • Written emotional disclosure • Dignity therapy • Narrative therapy • Motivational counselling in substance dependence • Relaxation and image based therapy • Mindfulness interventions for cancer patients • Cognitive analytic therapy in psycho-oncology • Cognitive-behavioural therapies in cancer care • Supportive psychotherapy in cancer care : an essential ingredient of all therapyPublicação: Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011Descrição: 266 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of personality disorders : theory and practice / ed. Jeffrey J. MagnavitaPublicação: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2004Descrição: 580 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of depression / ed. Ian H. Gotlib, Constance L. HammenNível de parte analítica: Closing comments and future directions • Biological and psychosocial interventions for depression in children and adolescents • Marital, family, and interpersonal therapies for depression in adults • Pharmacotherapy and psychosocial treatments for bipolar disorder • Cognitive and bahavioral treatment of depression • Pharmacotherapy and other somatic teratments for depression • Preventing dirst onset and recurrence of major depressive episodes • Depression and suicide • Depression in later life : epidemiology, assessment, impact, and treatment • Depression in couples and families • Adolescent depression • Depression in children • Gender differences in depression • Understanding depression across cultures • The social environment and life stress in depression • Depression in its interpersonal context • Cognitive aspects of depression • Children of depressed parents • Depression and arly adverse experiences • Representation and regulation of emotion in depression : perspectives from affective neuroscience • Neurobiologicar aspects of depression • genetics of major depression • Bipolar and unipolar depresion : a comparison of clinical phenomenology,biological vulnerability, and psychosocial predictors • Depression and medical Illness • Personality and mood disorders • Methodological issues in the study of depression • Assessment of depression • Course and outcome of depression • Epidemiology of depressionPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2009Descrição: 709 p.Disponibilidade:
