Honeybee neurobiology and behavior : a tribute to Randold Menzel / eds. Giovanni Galizia, Dorothea Eiseinhardt, Martin Giurfa Nível de parte analítica: Learning and memory : commentary • Visual cognition in honey bees : from elemental visual learning to non-elemental problem solving • Testing mathematical laws of behavior in the honey bee • Tactile antennal learning in the honey bee • Extinction learning in honey bees • The molecular biology of learning and memory - memory phases and signaling cascades • Distributed plasticity for olfactory learning and memory in the honey bee brain • Genetics and molecular biology : commentary • Molecular insights into honey bee brain plasticity • Neuroanatomical dissection of the honey bee brain based on temporal and regional gene expression patterns • Neurogenomic and neurochemical dissection of honey bee dance communication • Sensory systems: commentary • Psychophysics of honey bee color processing in complex environments • Honey bee vision in relation to flower patterns • The auditory system of the honey bee • Taste perception in honey bees • Onfactation in honey bees : from molecules to behavior • Brain anatomy and physiology : commentary • Neuropeptides on honey bees • Dopamine signaling in the bee • Cellular physiology of the honey bee brain • Glutamate neurotransmission in the honey bee central nervous system • Neuro transmitter systems in the honey bee brain : functions in learning and memory • Plasticity of synaptic microcircuits in the mushroom-body calyx of the honey bee • The digital honey bee brain atlas • Communication and navigation : commentary • Navigation and communication in honey bees • Olfactory information transfer during recruitment in honey bees • Progress in understanding how the waggle dance improves the foraging efficiency of honey bee colonies • How do honey bees obtain information about direction by following dances? • Foraging honey bees : how foragers determine and transmit information about feeding site locations • Mechanisms of social organization : commentary • Circadian rhythms and sleep in honey bees • Vitellogenin in honey bee behavior and lifespan • The spirit of the hive and how a superorganism evolvesPublicação: Dordrecht : Springer, 2012Descrição: 509 p.Disponibilidade:
From genes to animal behavior : social structures, personalities, communication by color / Miho Inoue-Murayama, Shoji Kawamura, Alexander Weiss Nível de parte analítica: Molecular brain imaging of personality traits in nonhuman primates : a study of the common marmoset • Fuctional association between the brain and physiological responses accompanying negative and positive emotions and its regulation by genetic factors • Effect of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on the development of macaque socialization • Evolutionary diversification of visual opsin genes in fish and primates • Evolutionary genetics of coloration in primates and other vertebrates • Personality-associated genetic variation in birds and its possible significance for avian evolution, conservation, and welfare • Genetics and the social behavior of the dog revisited : searching for genes relating to personality in dogs • Molecular behavioral research in great apes • Genetic variants of the dopaminergic system in humans and model organisms • Developing and validating measures of temperament in livestock • Applications of personality to the management and conservation of nonhuman animals • Toward a basis for the phenotyupic gambit : advances in the evolutionary genetics of animal personality • Evolutionary genetics of personality in nonhuman primates • How to meaure animal personality and why does it matter? : integrating the psychological and biological approaches to animal personality • Social structures and conflict resolution in primitively eusocial polistes wasps • Male reproductive skew and paternal kin-biased behavior in primates • Extra-pair paternity and sexual selection • Female mate choice in rodentsPublicação: Tokyo : Springer, 2011Descrição: 413 pDisponibilidade:
From DNA to diversity : molecular genetics and the evolution of animal design / Sean B. Carroll, Jennifer K. Grenier, Scott D. Weatherbee Publicação: Malden : Blackwell, 2005Descrição: 258 p.Disponibilidade:
Foraging behaviour / Mark A. Hindell Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 BOYD1 (1). :
Focus on early childhood : principles and realities / Ed. Magaret Boushel ; Mary Fawcett ; Julie Selwyn Nível de parte analítica: Historical views of childhood • Fetal development • Infancy • Early development : critical perspectives • Young children's rights and needs • Early childhood care and education services in Britain • Child agency and primary schooling • Family stress and family support • The child as citizenPublicação: Oxford : Blackwell Science, 2000Descrição: 216 p.Disponibilidade:
Ethics in marine mammal science / Nick J. Gales, et al Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 BOYD1 (1). :
Encyclopedia of reproduction / Edited by Ernst Knobil ; Jimmy D. Neill Publicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1998Descrição: 4 vol.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para empréstimo: Biblioteca ISPACota: ENC KNOB1 (4).