Female experience : three generations of british women psychoanalysts on work with women / ed. Joan Raphael-Leff, Rosine Jozef Perelberg Publicação: London, New York : Routledge, 1997Descrição: XIV, 295 p.Disponibilidade:
Family-peer relationships : modes of linkage / Ross D. Parke, Gary W. Ladd Nível de parte analítica: Epilogue : remaining issues and future trends in the study of family-peer relationships • Family economic circumstances, life transitions, and children's peer relations • An organizational perspective on peer relations in maltreated children • Peer relations in children with a depressed caregiver • Cross-cultural perspectives on family-peer relations • Parents' regulation of children's peer interactions : direct influences • Parents' management of children's peer relations : facilitating and supervising children's activities in the peer culture • Societal influences on children's peer relationships • Beyong parent-child relationships : potential links between family environments and peer relations • Links between adolescents relationships with their parents and peers : models, evidence, and mechanisms • Familial controbution to peer competence among young children : The role of interactive and afective processes • Predicting peer competence and peer relationships in childhood from early parent-child relationships • Family and peer relationships in historical perspective • Themes and theories : perspectives on processes in family - peer relationshipsPublicação: Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992Descrição: 458 p.Disponibilidade:
Emotion and memory in development : biological, cognitive, and social considerations / ed. Jodi A. Quas, Robyn Fivush Nível de parte analítica: Emotion and memory in development: clinical and forensic implications • Complications abound, and why that's a good thing • Relationships, stress, and memory • Co-constructing memories and meaning overtime • Physiological stress responses and children's event memory • Stress effects on the brain system underlying explicit memory • Development and social regulation of stress neurobiology in human development : implications for the study of traumatic memories • An integrated model of emotional memory : dynamic transactions in development • Creating a context for children's memory: the importance of parental status, coping, and narrative skikll for co-constructing meaning following stressful experiences • Mother-child reminiscing in the context of secure attachment relationships : lessons in understanding and coping with negative emotions • Mother-child emotion dialogues: a window into the psychological secure base • Coping and memory : automatic and controlled processes in adaptation to stress • Stress and autiobriographical memory functioning • Injuries, emergency rooms, and children's memory: factors contributing to individual differences • Children's understanding and remembering of stressful experiencesPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2009Descrição: 432 pDisponibilidade:
A dinâmica do bebé / ed. T. Berry Barzelton, Bertrand Cramer, Léon Kreisler, Roldf Schappi, Michel Soulé Publicação: Porto Alegre : Artes Medicas, 1987Descrição: 170 p.Disponibilidade:
Communication : an arena of development / ed. Nancy Budwig, Ina C. Uzgiris, James V. Werstch Nível de parte analítica: Language and the construction of self • groundwork for a holistic view of the ontogenesis of representation • Verbal and nonverbal contributions to early representation : evidence from african american toddlers • Verbal and nonverbal contributions to early representation : evidenc e from african toddlers • Words don't tell all : some thoughts on early communication development • Infant conversant : language and nonlanguage processes in developing early communication • Preverbal communication : emergence of representative symbols • Language and communication - what develops? : determining the role of language practices for a theory of development • Emotion within situated activity • Intersubjectuvuty and alterity in human communication • Introduction communication, meaning, and development : interdisciplinary perspectivesPublicação: Stamford : Ablex Publishing, 2000Descrição: 242 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para empréstimo: Biblioteca ISPACota: D AADP10 (1).
Caderno do bebé / Coord. de José Carlos Coelho Rosa, Sátia Sousa Nível de parte analítica: A separação : pressuposto fundamental na unidade originária • Da comunhão à comunhão : posição uterina e amor sem objecto • Pensar o brincar • Brincar a pensar, pensar a brincar • Para além da mãe : a vinculação na tríade mãe-pai-criança • Massagem do bebé : a troca para além do toque • A escuta : do olhar ao tocar • Com a vista na ponta dos dedos... • Entre memória emocional e memória semântica : mito pessoal do bebé • Aleitamento Materno : uma prioridade • Cavidades de sonhos • Nascer bem • O brincar do bebéPublicação: Lisboa : Fim de Século, 2006Descrição: 118 p.Disponibilidade:
Bebes/mães em revolta : tratamentos psicoanaliticos conjuntos dos desequilibrios psicossomaticos precoces / Rosine Debray Publicação: Porto Alegre : Artes Médicas, 1988Descrição: 178 p.Disponibilidade:
Bebé-mãe : primeira relação humana / Daniel Stern Publicação: Lisboa : Moraes, 1980Descrição: 181 p.Disponibilidade: Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: D STER1C (2).
Attachment in social networks : contributions to the Bowlby-Ainsworth attachment theory / ed. Louis W. C. Tavecchio, Marinus H. Van Ijzendoorn Nível de parte analítica: A cross-cultural evaluation of attachment research • Exploring children's behavior in the strange situation • Maternal unresponsiveness and infant crying : a critical replication of the Bell & Ainsworth Study • Interactions in the family, attachment and the birth of a sibling : a quantitative approach • Attachment and the birth of a sibling : an ethonographic appraoch • Attachment inside the family • Attachment three years later : relationships between quality of mother-infant attachment and emotional/cognitive development in kindergarten • Maternal employment and day care : effects on attachment • Factors affecting the development of caregiver-infant relationships • Perceived security and extension of the child's rearing context : a parent-report approach • The development of attachment theory as a Lakatosian researck program : philosophical and methodological aspectsPublicação: Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1987Descrição: 483 p.Disponibilidade: