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A sua pesquisa recuperou 169 resultados.

Phylogeny inference based on distance methods: practice / Marco SalemiDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

The phylogenetic handbook : a practical approach to DNA and protein phylogeny / ed. Marco Salemi, Anne-Mieke VandammeNível de parte analítica: LAMARC: estimating population genetic parameters from molecular data: practice • LAMARC: estimating population genetic parameters from molecular data: theory • Detecting recombination in viral sequences: practice • Detecting recombination in viral sequences: theory • Tetrapod phylogeny and data exploration using DAMBE: practice • Tetrapod phylogeny and data exploration using DAMBE • Splits Tree: a network-based tool for exploring evolutionary relationships in molecular data: practice • Splits Tree: a network-based tool for exploring evolutionary relationships in molecular data • Analysis of coding sequences: practice • Analysis of coding sequences: theory • Selecting models of evolution: practice • Selecting models of evolution: theory • Analysis of nucleotide sequences using TREECON: practice • Analysis of nucleotide sequences using TREECON: theory • Phylogenetic analysis using protein sequences: practice • Phylogenetic analysis using protein sequences: theory • Phylogeny inference based on parsimony and other methods using PAUP: practice • Phylogeny inference based on parsimony and other methods using PAUP: theory • Phylogeny inference based on maximum-likelihood methods with three-puzzle: practice • Phylogeny inference based on maximum-likelihood methods with three-puzzle: theory • Phylogeny inference based on distance methods: practice • Phylogeny inference based on distance methods: theory • Nucleotide substitution models: practice - the Phylip and Tree-Puzzle software packages • Nucleotide substitution models: theory • Multiple alignment: practice • Multiple alignment: theory • Sequence databases: practice • Sequence databases: theory • Basic concepts of molecular evolutionPublicação: Cambridge : University, 2003Descrição: XXIV, 406 p. : quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:

Phylogenetic analysis using protein sequences: theory / Fred R. OpperdoesDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Phylogenetic analysis using protein sequences: practice / Fred R. OpperdoesDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Patterns in evolution: the new molecular view / Roger LewinPublicação: New York : Scientific American Library, 1999Descrição: 245 p.Disponibilidade:

Os problemas da biologia / John Maynard-Smith ; trad. Ana Falcão BastosPublicação: Lisboa : Gradiva, 1986Descrição: 200 p.Disponibilidade:

The origin of modern humans / Roger LewinPublicação: New York : Scientific Americal Library, 1993Descrição: 204 p.Disponibilidade:

The origin of animal body plans : a study in evolutionary developmental biology / Wallace ArthurPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Descrição: 339 p.Disponibilidade:

A origem do homem e a selecção sexual / Charles DarwinPublicação: Lisboa : Relógio D' Água, 2009Descrição: 652 p.Disponibilidade:

A origem do homem e a seleção sexual / Charles DarwinPublicação: São Paulo : HEMUS, 1974Descrição: 712 p.Disponibilidade:

A olho nu : viagens em busca da espécie humana / Desmond MorrisPublicação: Lisboa : Europa-América, 2000Descrição: 276 p.Disponibilidade:

O ratinho, a mosca e o Homem / François JacobPublicação: Lisboa : Gradiva, 1997Descrição: 183 p.Disponibilidade:

o Jogo dos possíveis : ensaio sobre a diversidade do mundo vivo / Francois JacobPublicação: Lisboa : Gradiva, 1982Descrição: 141 p.Disponibilidade:

Nucleotide substitution models: theory / Korbinian Strimmer, Arndt von HaeselerDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Nucleotide substitution models: practice - the Phylip and Tree-Puzzle software packages / Marco SalemiDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Normal and defective colour vision / eds. J. D. Mollon, J. Pokorny, K. KnoblauchNível de parte analítica: Visual disfunction following mercury exposure by breathing mercury vapour or by eating mercury-contaminated food • Colour-vision disturbances in patients with arterial hypertension • Early vision loss in diabetic patients assessed by the Cambridge colour test • Colour vision in vision in central serous chorioretinopathy • Effects of retinal detachment on S and M cone function in an animal model • Extreme anomalous trichmatism • Survey of the colour vision demands in fire-fighting • Preliminary norms for the Cambridge University colour test • Middle wavelength sensitive photopigment gene expression in absent in deuteranomalous colour vision • Hybrid pigmanet genes, dichromacy, and anomalous trichromacy • Genotypic variation in multi-gene dichromats • Some properties of the physiological colour system • How to find a tritan line • Macular pigment : nature's notch filter • Representing an observer's matches in an alien colour space • Schopenhauer's parts of daylight in the light of modern colorimetry • The effect of global contast distribution on colour appearance • Calculating appearances in complex and simple images • Red-green colour deficiency and colour constancy under orthogonal-daylight changes • Triranopic colour constancy under daylight changes? • Colour discrimination colour constancy and natural scene statistics • Stimulus duration affects rod influence on hue perception • The influence of rods on colour naming during dark adaptation • Sensivity to movementof configurations of achromatic and chromatic points in amblyopic patients • Integration times reveal mechanisms reponsing to isoluminant chromatic gratings : a two-centre visual evoked potential study • Reaction times to stimuli in isololuminant • Spatial contrast sensivity for pulsed- and steady-pedestal stimuli • Psychophysical correlates of parvo- and magnocellular function • Coding of position of achromatic and chromatic edges by retinal ganglion cells • The neural circuit providing input to midget ganglion cells • Structure of receptive dield centers of midget retinal ganglion cells • Comparison of human and monkey pigment gene promoters to evaluate DNA sequences proposed to govern L : M cone ratio • The arrangement of L and M cones in human and a primate retina • Lack of S-Opsin expression in the brush-tailed porcupine (atherurus africanus) and other mammals : Is the evolutionary persistence of S. Cones a paradox? • Did primate trichromacy evolve for frugivory or folivory? • Photopigment polymorphism in prosimians and the origins of primate trichromacy • Electrons and x-rays reveal the structure of rhodopsin : a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor-implications for colour vision • Introduction : Thomas Young and thetrichromatic theory of colour visionPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003Descrição: 422 p.Disponibilidade:

Multiple alignment: theory / Des HigginsDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Multiple alignment: practice / Marco Salemi, Des HigginsDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 SALE1 (1). :

Morphometrics, age estimation, and growth / W. Don Bowen, Simon NorthridgeDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: B2 BOYD1 (1). :

Molecular markers, natural history, and evolution / John C. AvisePublicação: Sunderland : Sinauer, 2004Descrição: 684 p. : quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:
