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A sua pesquisa recuperou 508 resultados.

Empreendedorismo e "learning organization : Esudo de caso numa instituição de ensino superior brasileiraNível de conjunto: Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, Vol. 3, nº 3, 2004, 60-73Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R8 (1). :

Empowerment and performance / Toby D. Wall, Stephen J. Wood, Desmond J. LeachDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S2 COOP/C30 (1). :

Emplyee training and development / Raymond A. NoePublicação: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2005Descrição: 463 p.Disponibilidade:

Employee training and development / Raymond A. NoePublicação: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2010Descrição: 589 p.Disponibilidade:

Emotion in education / Ed. Paul A. Schutz, Reinhard PekrunNível de parte analítica: Where do we go from here? implications and future directions for inquiry on emotions in education • The power and politics of emotions in teaching • There's no place for feeling like this in the workplace: women teachers' anger in school settings • Teachers' anger, frustation and self-regulation • Scaffolding emotions in classroom • Teacher identities, beliefs, and goals related to emotions in the classroom • The impact of race and racism on student's emotions: a critical race analysis • Student's emotions: a key component of self-regulated learning? • Test anxiety in educational contexts: comcepts, findings, and future directions • Being and feeling interested: transient state, mood, and disposition • A dynamical systems perspective regarding student's learning processes: shame reactions and emergent self-organizations • The role of affect in studennt learning: a multi-dimensional approach to considering the interaction of affect, motivation, and engagement • A macro cultural-psychological theory of emotions • Examining emotional diversity in the classroom: an attribution theorist considers the moral emotions • Emotion in the hierarchical model of approach-avoidance achievement motivation • Understanding students' affective processes in the classroom • The control-vallue theory of achievement emotions: an integrative approach to emotions in education • Introduction to emotion in educationPublicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007Descrição: 348 pDisponibilidade:

Emergência e circulação do conhecimento psicopedagógico moderno (1880-1960) : estudos comparados Portugal-Brasil / Jorge Ramos do Ó, Luís Miguel CarvalhoPublicação: Lisboa : EDUCA, 2009Descrição: 272 p.Disponibilidade:

Embedding service learning in european higher education: developing of culture of civic engagement / eds Pilar Aramburuzabala, Lorraine MacIlrath, Hector OpazoNível de parte analítica: Considerations for service learning in European higher education • Institutionalisation of service learning in European higher education • European student reflections and perspectives on student learning • Service learning in post-communist countries: Lithuania and Croatia • Promoting civic engagement through service learning at the University of Bologna • Service learning in teacher training: a case study of the autonomous University of Madrid • National university of Ireland, Galway: developing service learning as an ethos and practice • Identified service learning practices in European higher education • Understanding the evolution of service learning at European universities: Insights from actor-network theory • Service learning, civic competencies and work-life skills • Europe engage: developing a culture service learning within higher education in Europe • Youth life poupose: evaluating service learning via development of lifelong radar for community contribution • The changing face of higher education: economic and democratic imperatives • What is service learning?: making sense of the pedagogy and practicePublicação: Oxon : Routledge, 2019Descrição: 249 p.Disponibilidade:

Em busca de uma aprendizagem organizacional eficaz : o papel do tipo e da abrangência cultural / Patrícia Jardim Palma, Miguel Pereira LopesNível de conjunto: Comportamento Organizacional E Gestao, Vol. 11, nº 2 (2005), p. 133-157Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R7 (1). :

El desenvolviment del e-learning: el desarrollo del e-learning [Número temático]Nível de conjunto: Educar : Revista Del Department De Pedagogia I Didactica. nº 41 (2008)Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :

Effective learning and teaching of writing : a writing in education / eds. Gert Rijlaardam, Huub Van den Bergh, Michel CouzijnNível de parte analítica: Writing-to-learn and the graph-drawing as aids of the integration of text and graphs • Children's writings strategies : profiles of writers • The effect of student prior experience, attitudes, and approaches on performance in an undergraduate science witting program • Learning by writing hypertext: a research based design of university courses in writing hypertext • writing-to-learn: conducting a process log • Refelctive writing & reflective thinking • Fostering reflective witing by structuring writing-to-learn tasks • Enhancing thinking dispositions through informal writing • Composing a summary • Down the plughole: the pitfallsof testing the writing of L2 pupils • Digital information literacy : teaching students to use the internet in source-based writing • Assessment of agumentative writing • Adapting to the classroom setting: new research on teachers moving between traditional and computer classrooms • Fostering novices ability to write informative texts • Metacognition to learn how to write texts at school and to develop motivation to do it • Writing in your own words: children's use of information sources in research projects • Writing to learn : constructing the concept of genre in a writing workshop • Teaching writing : teaching oral presentation • teaching how to write argumentative texts at primary school • Action research : a study on using an integrative-narrative method to teach L2 writing in a Hong Kong primary school • Impact of regular philosophical discussion on argumentative skills • Teaching writing: using research to inform practice • The uptake of peer-based intervention in the writing classroom • Learning to read and write argumentative text by observation of peer learners • Learning to write instructive texts by reader observation and written feedback • Monitoring local coherence through bridging integration • Improving argumentative writing by fostering sargumentative speech • Stylistic imitation as a tool in writing pedagogy • Deaf ways of writing narratives: a bilingual approach • Using a structured writing workshop to help good readers who are poor writers • Thegarden of thought: about writing poems in upper secondary school • Popular culture: a resource for writing in secondary english classrooms • Making digital annotations using the world wide web • The directivity of teacher strategies in collaborative writing tasks • Metacognitive regulations, peer interactions and revision of narratives by sixth-graders • Contextual factors enhancing cognitive and metacognitive activity during the process of collaborative writing • Rewriting to introduce punctuations in the second grade: a didactic approach • Looking at reading and writing through language • Emergent writing in kindergarten and the emergence of the alphabetic principle • Effective learning and teaching of writingPublicação: New York : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005Descrição: 670 p.Disponibilidade:

Effective early childhood professional development: improving teacher practice and child outcomes / ed. Carollee Howes, Bridget K. Hamre, Robert C. PiantaNível de parte analítica: Conclusion: moving evidence-based professional development into the field: recommendations for policy and research • Scaling up effective professional development • History, scale up, and improvements of a comprehensive, statewide professional development program in Texas • Implications of information processing theory for professional development of early educators • Extending models of emotion self-regulation to classroom settings: implications for professional development • Early literacy intervention intensity and its relation to child outcomes • Improving preschool education with curriculum enhancements and professional development: the head start REDI intervention model • Designing effective curricula and teacher professional development for early childhood mathematics and science • Using coaching-based professional development to improve head start teachers' support of children's oral language skills • Introducing a conceptual framework of professional development in early childhood educationPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes Publishing, 2012Descrição: 233 pDisponibilidade:

The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement : social-emotional learning in the classroom / ed. Maurice J. Elias, Harriet ArnoldNível de parte analítica: The senior passage course • Faciling history and ourselves • Teenage health teaching modules : social-emotional learning in the context of health education • The best practices in prevention curriculum : foundational life skills for general and special education • Hereos to the rescue • Read and serve : student-centered service learning and literacy • Teaching life skills in the schools • Fostering caring, character, and responsability in schools • The second step program : social-emotional skills for violence prevention • Teaching emotional literacy in elementary school classrooms : the PATHS curriculum • Inside open circle • Social decison making / social problem solving : a theorectically sound, evidence-based framework for social-emotional learning in the classroom • Raising healthy children : school intervention strategies to develop prosocial behaviors • Morning meeting : teaching the art of caring conversation • Teaching preschool children coping skills for stress management • I can problem solve : an interpersonal cognitive problem-solving approach for children • The professional inquiry kit : one avenue for exploring, enhancing, and applying emotional intelligence in schools • Raising your new teacher's emotional intelligence : how using social-emotional competencies can make your first year of teaching less stressful and more successful • Addressing social-emotional education in teacher education • From school to work : social-emotional learning as the vital connection • The connection between character, service, and social-emotional learning • Multiple intelligence and emotional intelligence : finding common ground in the classroom • Brain development and social-emotional learning : an introduction for educators • The connection between academic and social-emotional learningPublicação: Thousand Oaks : Sage, 2006Descrição: 273 p.Disponibilidade:

Educational psychology : theory and practice / Robert E. SlavinPublicação: Boston : Pearson, 2012Descrição: 572 p.Disponibilidade:

Education for thinking / Deanna KuhnPublicação: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2005Descrição: 209 p.Disponibilidade:

Educar hoje : enciclopédia dos pais / dir. Roberto Carneiro ; Manuela MachadoPublicação: Lisboa : Lexicultural, 2000Descrição: 193 p.Disponibilidade:

Educar, comunicar e ser / Emanuel Oliveira MedeirosPublicação: Mirandela : João Azevedo Editor, 2006Descrição: 170 p.Disponibilidade:

Educar a criança / Mary Hohmann, David P. WeikartPublicação: Lisboa : Funbdação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1997Descrição: 820 p.Disponibilidade:

Educació i formació vial = Educación e formación vial [Número temático]Nível de conjunto: Educar : Revista Del Department De Pedagogia I Didactica. nº 46 (2010)Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :

Educação especial e inclusão : quem disser que uma sobrevive sem a outra não está no seu perfeito juízo / Organizado por Luís de Miranda CorreiaPublicação: Porto : Porto Editora, 2003Descrição: 206 p. : ilDisponibilidade:
