Sociolinguistics / Allen Grimshaw Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: L POOL1 (1). :
Social meaning in linguistic structure : code-switching in norway / Jan-Petter Blom, co-aut. John Gumperz Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: L GUMP1 (1). :
Social influence: direct and indirect processes / ed. Joseph P. Forgas, Kipling D. Williams Nível de parte analítica: A side view of social influence • Determinants and consequences of cognitive processes in majority and minority influence • Self-categorization principles underlying majority and minority influence • Social influence effects on task performance: the ascendancy of social evaluation over self-evaluation • Attitudes, behavior, and social context: the role and group membership on social influence processes • Social influence and intergroup beliefs: the role of perceived social consensus • Revealing the worst first: stealing thunder as a social influence strategy • Resisting influence: judgemental correction and its goals • relationships throught the power of language • Memory as a target of social influence?: memory distortions as function of social influence and metacognitive knowledge • On being moody but influential: the role of affect in social influence strategies • Subtle influences on judgment and behavior: who is most susceptible? • Social power, influence, and agression • Automatic social influence: the perception-behavior links as an explanatory mechanism for behavior matching • Unintended influence: social-evolutionary processes in the construction and change of culturally-shared beliefs • Sucessfully simulating dynamic social impact: three levels of prediction • Increasing compliance by reducing resistance • Systematic opportinism: an approach to the study of tactical social influence • Social influence: introduction and overviewPublicação: Philadelphia : Psychology Press, 2001Descrição: 367 p.Disponibilidade:
Social context and semantic feature : the russian pronominal usage / Paul Friedrich Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: L GUMP1 (1). :
Social communication / Klaus Fiedler Nível de parte analítica: Language at the heart of social psychology • The evolution of language • Linguistic markers of social distance and proximity • Interpersonal processes in context : understanding the influences of settings and situations on social interaction • The psychological functions of function words • Deception : a social lubricant and a selfish act • Conversational hand gestures and facial displays in face-to-face dialogue • Motives and goals in context : a strategic analysis of information sharing in groups • What is said and what in meant : conversational implicatures in natural conversations, research settings, media, and advertising • Social influence and persuasion : recent theoretical developments and integrative attempts • Representation of the sexes in language • Accommodating a new frontier : the context of law enforcement • How communication shapes culture • Language, stereotypes, and intergroup relations • Groundings : sharing information in social interaction • Frontiers if research on social communication : introduction and overviewPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2007Descrição: 444 p.Disponibilidade: