Hormones, health, and behaviour : a socio-ecological and lifespan perspective / ed. C. Panter-Brick, M. Worthman Publicação: Cambridge : University, 1999Descrição: VIII, 290 p. :
quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:
Hormones, brain and behavior / Edited by Donald W. Pfaff ; Arthur P. Arnold ; Anne M. Etgen ; Susan E. Fahrbach ; Robert T. Rubin Nível de parte analítica: Relationships between endocrine functions and substance abuse syndromes : heroin and related short-acying opiates and other long-acting opioid agonists used in pharmacotherapy of addiction • Alcohol abuse : endocrine concomitants • Cocaine, hormones, and behavior : clinical and preclinical studies • Aging and alzheimer's disease • Hypothalamic origin of prevalent human disease • Calcium metabolism and psychiatric disorder • Diabetes mellitus • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder • Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa • The neuroendocrinology of affective disorders • Stress and anxiety disorders • Pain : sex / gender differences • An evolutionary psychological perspective on the modulation of competitive confrontation and risk-taking • Consequences of mutations in androgen receptor genes : molecular biology and behavior • Gender and behavior in subjects with genetic defects in male sexual differentiation • Genetics of endocrine-behavior interactions • Neuroendocrine-immune interactions : implications for health and behavior • Neuroregulatory peptides of central nervous systems origin : from bench to bedside • Cholecystokinin : a molecular negative-feedback control of eating • Melatonin as a hormone and as a marker for circadian phase position in humans • Brain prolactin • Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I: effects on the brain • Gonadal hormones and behavior in women : concentrations versus context • Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in men • ypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis • Hypothalamic-pituitiary-aderenal axis : introduction to physiology and pathophysiology • Protective effects of estrogen on aging and damaged neural systems • Evolution and the plasticity of aging in the reproductive schedules in long-lived animals : the importance of genetic variation in neuroendocrine mechanisms • Adult neurogenesis in the mamalian brain • Sex steroids and neuronal growth in adulthood • Puberty in boys and girls • Neuroendocrine regulation of puberty • Thyroid hormones and brain development • Enduring effects of early experience on adult behavior • Glucocorticoids, stress, and development • Sexual identity and sexual orientation • Sexual differentiation of human brain and behavior • Masculinization and defiminization in altricial and precocial mammals : comparative aspects of steroid hormone action • Impact of environmental endocrine disruptors on sexual differentiation in birds and mammals • Differentiation / maturation of centers in the brain regulating reproductive function in fishes • Sexual differentiation of brain and behavior in birds • Wjat neuromuscular systems tell us about hormones and behavior • Anatomy, development, and function of sexually dimorphic neural circuits in the mammalian brain • Concepts of genetic and hormonal induction of vertebrate sexual differentiation in the twenthieth century, with special reference to the brain • Corticotropin-releasing factor : putative neurotransmitter actions of a neurohormone • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone • Electrophysiological and molecular properties of the oxytocin- and vasopressin-secreting systems in mammalsPublicação: Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2002Descrição: 5 Vol.Disponibilidade:
Hormonal pheromones in fish / Norm Stacey, Peter Sorensen Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P3 PFAF1 (1). :
Handbook of stress and the brain / ed. T. Steckler, N. H. Kalin, J. M. H. M. Reul Nível de parte analítica: Glucocorticoid antagonists and depression • Substance P. (NK1 receptor) antagonists • Nonpeptide vasopresson V1b receptor antagonists • CRF antagonists as novel treatment strategies for stress-related disorders • Stress and dementia • Stress and drug abuse • The role of stress in opiate and psychostimulant addiction : evidence from animal models • Atypical antipsychotic drugs and stress • A contemporary appraisal of the role of stress in schizophrenia • Depression and effects of antidepressant drugs on the stress systems • Neuroendocrine aspects of PTSD • The molecular basis fever • Glucocorticoids and the immune response • Cytokine activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis • Stress-induced hyperthermia • Social hierarchy and stress • Glucocorticoid hormones, indivisual differences, and behavioral and dopaminergic responses to psychostimulant drugs • Rat strain differences in stress sensivity • Gene targeted animals witl alterations in corticotropin pathways : new insights into alostatic control • Early environmental manipulations in rodents and primates : potential animal models in depression research • hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in postnatar life • Role of prefrontal cortex in stress responsivity • Involvement of the amygdala in the neuroendocrine and behavioral consequences of stress • Psychological and physiological stressors • Enhancing resilience to stress : the role of signaling cascades • Cellular and molecular analysis of stress-induced neurodegeneration - methodological considerations • Adult neurogenesis in rodents and primates : functional implications • Experience, structural plasticity and neurogenesis • The role of neurotrophic factors in the stress responsivity • The intrecellular signaling cascade and stress • Pathways and transmitter interactions mediating an integrated stress response • Acetylcholinesterase as a window onto stress responses • Endogenous opioids, stress, and psychopathology • Neuroactive steroids • Modulation of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission by corticosteroid homones and stress • Stress, corticotropin-releasing factor and serotonergic neurotransmission • Regional specialisation in the central noradrenergic response to unconcitioned and conditioned environmental stimuli • Functional interactions between stress neuromediators and the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system • The locus coeruleus-noradrenergic system and stress : modulation of arousal state and state-dependent behavioral processes • Sympatho-adrenal activity and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation • Neurocircuit regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical stress response : an overview • Glucocorticoids : effects on human cognition • Effects of glucovorticoids on emotion and cognitive processes in animals • Glucocorticoids and motivated behaviour • Corticosteroids and the blood-brain barrier • The role of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in the regulation of corticosteroid activity in the brain • Glucocorticoid effects on gene expression • Corticosteroid receptors and HPA-axis regulation • The role of vasopressin in behaviors associated with aversive stimuli • Vasopressin and oxytocin • The roles of urocortins 1, 2, and 3 in the brain • Behavioral conseqyuences of altered corticotropin-releasing factor activation in brain : a functionalist view of affective neuroscience • Moldecular regulation of the CRF system • Novel CRF family pçeptides and their receptors : an evolutionary analysis • The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as a dynamically organized system : lessons from exercising mice • Molecular biology of the HPA axis • Hormones of the pituitary • An introduction to the HPA axis • The neuropsychology of stress • Stress : an historical perspectivePublicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005Descrição: 2 vol.Disponibilidade:
Handbook of psychophysiology / Edited by John T. Caccioppo ; Louis G. Tassinary ; Gary G. Berntson Nível de parte analítica: Functional MRI : backgroud, methodology, limits, and implementation • General laboratory safety • Dynamic modeling • Biosignal processing • Salient method, design, and analysis concerns • Psychometrics • Environmental psychophysiology • Applicatyions of psychophysiology to human factors • The detection of deception • Psychophysiological applications in clinical health psychology • Psychophysiology in the study of psychopathology • Sleep and dreaming • Developmental psychophysiology : conceptual and methodological perspectives • Interpersonal processes • Emotion and motivation • Language • Cognition and the autonomic nervous system : orienting, antecipation, and conditioning • Motor preparation • Interoception • From homeostasis to allodynamic regulation • Psychosocial factors and humoral immunity • Psychological modulation of cellular immunity • Reproductive hormones • Stress hormones in osychophysiological research : emotional, behavioral, and cognitive implications • The sexual response system • The gastroinstestinal system • Respiration • Cardiovascular psychophysiology • The electrodermal system • The skeletomotor system : surface electromyography • The pupilary system • Neuropsychology and behavioral neurology • Positron emission tomography and fuctional magnetic resonance imaging • Ecent-related brain potentials : methods, theory, and applications • Psychophysiological sciencePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Descrição: 1039 p.Disponibilidade:
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone / Lothar Jennes, P. Michael Conn Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET PFAF4 (1). :
Gonadal hormones and behavior in women : concentrations versus context / David R. Rubinow, Peter J. Schmidt, Catherine A. Roca, Robert C. Daly Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET PFAF5 (1). :
Glucocorticoids, stress, and development / Claire-Dominique Walker, Leonie A. M. Welberg, Paul M. Plotsky Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET PFAF4 (1). :