A sua pesquisa recuperou 375 resultados.

Ethical principles and practice in couple and family therapy / Steven R. Thorp, Alan E. FruzzettiDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 ODON2 (1). :

The ethical practice of school psychology : a rebuttal and suggested model / Donald N. BersoffDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 BERS1 (1). :

Ethical perspectives in clinical research / David M. Bersoff, Donald N. BersoffDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 BERS1 (1). :

Ethical issues in the supervision of student research : a study of critical incidents / Rodney K. Goodyear, Clyde A. Crego, Michael W. JohnstonDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 BERS1 (1). :

Ethical issues in testing and evaluation for personnel decisions / Manuel London, Douglas W. BrayDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 BERS1 (1). :

Ethical issues for psychologists working with persons with developmental disabilities / W. Larry Williams, Kevin D. WilliamsDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 ODON2 (1). :

Ethical dilemmas of psychologists : how are these affected at times on national security / Victor CláudioDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 CLAU/V3 (2). :

Ethical dilemmas in psychological practice : results of a national survey / Leonard J. Haas, John L. Malouf, Neal H. MayersonDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 BERS1 (1). :

Ethical decision making and psychologists' attitudes toward training in ethics / Alexander J. TymchukDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 BERS1 (1). :

Ethical considerations in psychological assessment / Henry E. Adams, Kristen A. LuscherDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 ODON2 (1). :

Ethical conflicts in psychology / ed. Donald N. BersoffNível de parte analítica: Cosiderations for ethical practice in managed care • Managed outpatient mental health plans : clinical, ethical, and practical guidelines for participation • Legal liability and managed care • Practicing psychology in the era of managed care : implications for practive and training • APA and the FTC : new adventures in consumer protection • HIPAA : federal regulation of healthcare records • Record Keeping Guidelines • The commerce of professional psychology and the new ethics code • On being ethical in legal places • Some contrarian concerns about law, psychology, and public policy • Conducting risk evaluations for future violence : ethical practice is possible • Conducting risk evaluations for future violence : ethical practice is possible • Is it unethical to offer predictions of future violence? • Role conflict in forensic clinical psychology : reply to Arcaya • Role conflicts in coercive assessments : evaluation and recommendations • When worlds collide : therapeutic and forensic roles • Compatibility of therapeutic and forensic roles • Irreconcilable conflict between therapeutic and forensic roles • Guidelines for child custody evaluations in divorce proceedings • Specialty guidelines for forensic psychologists • Psychologists and the judicial system : broader perspectives • The expert witness, the adversary system, and the voice of reason : reconciling impartiality and advocacy • Competence and quality in the performance of forensic psychologists • When is an "expert" and expert • Reclaiming the intigrity of science in expert witnessing • Use and then prove, or prove and then use? Some thoughts on the ethics of mental health professionals courtroom involvement • Black and white and shades of gray : a portrait of the ethical professor • Ethical issues in the supervision of student research : a study of critical incidents • Guidelines for ethical conduct in the care and use of animals • Psychological research online : report of board of scientific affairs advisory group on the conduct of research on the internet • Informed consent and deception in psychotherapy research : an ethical analysis • Deception methods in psychology : haven they changed in 23 years? • Informed consent for psychological research : do subjects comprehend consent forms and understand their legal rights? • Empirical studies of ethical issues in research : a research agenda • Policy for protection of human research subjects • Ethical perspectives in clinical research • Internet-mediated psychological services and the American Psychological >Association ethics code • A debate on prescription privileges for psychologists • Guidelines for psychological practice with older adults • Guidelines for providers of psychological servives to ethnic, linguistic, and culturally diverse populations • Guidelynes for psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients • Guidelines for therapy with women • National survey of ethical practices across rural and urban communities • Ethical and legal considerations in marital and family therapy • Risk management with the suicidal patient : lessons from case law • Increasingly informed consent : discussing distinct aspects of psychotherapy at different points in time • Evolving standards for informed consent : is it time for an individualized and flexible apprach? • Inform consent : complexities and meanings • Seeking an understanding of informed consent • Psychiatric participation in onterrogation of detainees • Report of the presidential task force on psychological ethics and national security • Practical and ethical issues in teaching psychological testing • Psychological testing on the internet : new problems, old issues • Legal issues in computerized psychological testing • The ethical practice of school psychology : a rebuttal and suggested model • Strategies for private practitioners coping with subpoenas or compelled testimony for clients records or test data • Statement on the disclosure of test data • Ethical issues in testing and evaluation for personnel decisions • The legal regulation of school psychology • Test validity and the ethics of assessment • remediation for ethics violations : focus on psychotherapists sexual contact with clients • Criminalization of psychotherapist-patient sex • Managing risk when contemplating multiple relationships • The current state of sexual ethics training in clinical psychology : issues of quantity, quality, and effectiveness • Concrete boundaries and the problem of literal-mindedness : a response to Lazarus • How certain boundaries and ethics diminish therapeutic effectiveness • Nonromantic, nonsexual posttherapy relationships between psychologists and former clients : an exploratory study of critical incidents • Explicit ambiguity : the 1992 ethics code as an Oxymoron • The concept of boundaries in clinical practice : theorectical and risk-management dimensions • A preliminary look at how psychologists identify, evaluate and proceed when faced with possible multiple relationship dilemmas • Divergent ethical perspectives on the duty-to-warm principle with HIV patients • HIV, confidentality, and duty to protect : a decision-making model • Factors contributing a breaking confidentiality with adolescent clients : a survey of pediatric psychologists • Confidentiality with minors clients : issues and guidelines for therapists • Outpatient psychotherapy with dangerous clients : a model for clinical decision making • Limiting therapist exposure to Tarasoff liability : guidelines for risk containment • Some contrarian concerns about law, psychology, and public policy • Therapists as protectos and policeman : new roles as a result of Tarasoff? • Privacy and confidentiality in psychotherapy • Privacy, confidentiality, and privilege in psychotherapeutic relationships • Navigating the nuances : a matrix of considerations for ethical-legal dilemmas • Canadian code of ethics for psychologists • The virtue of principle ethics • Ethics and the professional practice of psychologists : the role of virtues and principles • A principle-based analysis of the 2002 Amrican Psychological Association Ethics Code • An historical overview of basic approaches and issues in ethical and moral philosophy and principles : a foundation for understanding ethics in psychology • Competency training in ethics education and practice • Problems with ethics training by osmosis • When laws and ethics collide : what should psychologysts do? • Ethical dilemmas in psychological practice : results of a national survey • Ethical decision making and psychologists' attitudes toward training in ethics • Ethical ambiguities in the practice of child clinical psychology • Ethics of practice : the beliefs and behaviors of psychologists as therapists • The failure of clinical psychology graduate students to apply understood ethical principles • Rules and procedures : October 1, 2001 • Bylaws of the American Psychological Association • Examining the personal-professional distiction : ethic codes and the dificulty of drawing a boundary • Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct • A short story of the development of APA's ethics codesPublicação: Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, 2008Descrição: 608 p.Disponibilidade:

Ethical and legal considerations in marital and family therapy / Gayla MargolinDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 BERS1 (1). :

Ethical ambiguities in the practice of child clinical psychology / Carole I. Manheim, et al.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P1 BERS1 (1). :

Estudos do comportamento de morcegos / Wilson UiedaDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET DELC1 (1). :

Estudo sobre a demografia de estabelecimentos - relatório final / Departamento de Estudos, Estatística e Planeamento, Ministério da Segurança Social e do TrabalhoPublicação: Lisboa : Ministério da Educação, Departamento de Programação e Gestão Financeira, 2003Descrição: XII, 114 p. : il. + 1 CD\ROM CardDisponibilidade:

Estudo de pequenos mamíferos na natureza : dicas para um exercício de dedicação e paciência / Edson Montilha de Oliveira, Kleber Del-ClaroDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET DELC1 (1). :

Estudando o comportamento de protozoários / Marta D'Agosto, Helba H. Santos-Prezoto, Roberto Júnio P. DiasDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET DELC1 (1). :

A estruturação das identidades no quotidiano do trabalho : o caso dos profissionais de enfermagem / Duarte Pimentel, Marina Lourenço Completo, Victor Santos CoelhoDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S2 PIME1 (1). :

Establishing person-organization fit / Charles K. Parsons, Daniel M. Cable, Robert C. LidenDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S2 EDER1 (1). :

Escola e identidade profissional : o caso dos técnicos de cardiopneumologia / David TavaresPublicação: Lisboa : Colibri, 2007Descrição: 288 p.Disponibilidade:
