Reflectindo acerca dos modelos da cognição : uma primeira aproximação Nível de conjunto: Psychologica, Extra série, 2004, 493-508Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :
Racionalidade dos agentes : individual, multi-variada e situada Nível de conjunto: Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, Vol. 3, nº 3, 2004, 20-31Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R8 (1). :
Psychology of reasoning : theoretical and historical perspectives / ed. Ken Manktelow, Man Cheung Chung Nível de parte analítica: The contextual character of thoght : integrating themes from the histories and theories of the study of reasoning • Constructing science • The proof of the pudding is in the eating : translating Popper's philosophy into a model for tersting behaviour • What we reason about and why : how evolution explains reasoning • Reasoning about strategic interaction : solution concepts in game theory • Coherence and argumentation • History of the dual process theory of reasoning • Some presursors of current theories of syllogistic reasoning • The history of mental models • Reasoning an rationality :the pure and the practical • The natural history of hypotheses about the selection : task : towards a philosophy of science for investigating human reasoning • Violations, lies, broken promises, and just plain mistakes : the pragmatics of counterexamples, logical semantics, and the evaluation of conditional assertions, regulations, and promises in variants of Wason's selection task • The psychology of conditionals • Rationality, rational analysis, and human reasoning • Reasoning and task environments : the Brunswikian appoach • The contextual character of thought : integrating themes from the histories and theories of the study of reasoning • Constructing science • The proof of the pudding is in the eating : translating popper's philosophy into a model for testing behaviour • What we reason about and why : how evolution explains reasoning • Reasoning about stretegic interaction : solution concepts in game theory • Coherence and argumentation • History of the dual process theory of reasoning • The history of mental models • Some precursors of current theories of syllogistic reasoning • Reasoning and rationality : the pure and the practical • The natural history of hypotheses about the selection task : towards a philosophy of science for investigating human reasoning • Violations, lies, broken promises, and just plain mistakes : the pragmatics of counterexamples, logical semantics, and the evaluation of conditional assertions, regulations, and promises in variants of wason's selection task • The psychology of conditionals • Rationality, rational analysis, and human reasoning • Reasoning and task environments : the brunswikian approach • The contextual character of thought : integrating themes from the histories and theories of the study of reasoningPublicação: Hove : New York : Psychology, 2004Descrição: X, 382 p.Disponibilidade:
Production du langage / Direction de Michel Fayol Nível de parte analítica: La génération automatique de textes • La critique génétique et l'étude des processus d'écriture litteraires • La production de textes techniques ecrits • Les ateints neuropsychologiques de la production verbale • Approche psycholinguistique des troubles de la production verbale dans les pathologies psychiatriques • Développement de la production verbale orale • Apprentissage de la gestion de la production et contraintes de capacité • La gestion en temps réel de la production verbale : méthodes et données • La production de phrases • Les niveaux de traitement dans la production verbale orale et ecrite de mots isolés a partir d'images • Modeles linguistiques de production • Les modeles de redaction de textes • Les modeles de la production de la parolePublicação: Paris : Hermès Science, 2002Descrição: 314 p.Disponibilidade:
Pânico : da compreensão ao tratamento / José Pinto Gouveia, Serafim Carvalho, Lígia Fonseca Publicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2004Descrição: 282 p.Disponibilidade:
The Oxford handbook of quantitative methodsNível de parte analítica: Network analysis: a defenitional guide to importante concepts • Monte Carlos analysis in academic research • Mathematical modeling • Bayesian statistical methods • Robust statistical estimation • Overview of statistical estimation method • Program evaluation: principles, procedures, and practices • Observational methods • Designs for and analysis of response time experiments • Matching and propensy scores • Experimental design for causal inference: clinical trials and regression discontinuity designs • Effect size and sample size planning • High-stakes test construction and test use • Survey design and measure development • The IRT tradition tradition and its implication • Modern test theory • Teaching quantitative psychology • Theory construction, model building, and model selection • Special populations • Quantitative methods and ethics • The philosophy of quantitative methods • IntroductionPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013Descrição: 515 p.Disponibilidade: :
The Oxford handbook of causal reasoning / ed. Michael R. Waldmann Nível de parte analítica: Causal cognition and culture • causal reasoning nin non-human animals • The development of causal reasoning • Social attribution and explanation • Causality and causal reasoning in natural language • The role of causal knowledge in reasoning about mental disorders • Causation in legal and moral reasoning • Space, time, and causality • Intuitive theories • causality in decision-making • Causal argument • Inferring causal relations by analogy • Diagnostic reasoning • Causal explanation • Concepts as causal models: induction • Concepts as causal models: categarozation • Causal models and conditional reasoning • Causation and probability of causal conditionals • reinforcement learning and causal models • Planning and control • Goal-directed actions • Visual impressions of causality • Cognitive neuroscience of causal reasoning • Singular causation • Pseudocontingencies • Mental models and causation • Force dynamics • Formalizing prior knowledge in causal induction • The aquisition ands use of causal structure knowledge • causal invaraince as an essential constraint for creating a causal representation of the world: generalizing the invariance of causal power • The inferential resoning theory of causal learning: toward a multi-process propositional account • Rules of causal judgment: mapping statistival information onto causal beliefs • Associative accounts of causal cognition • Causal reasoning: an introductionPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2017Descrição: 751 p.Disponibilidade: