Promoting patient engagement and participation for effective healthcare reform / ed. Guendalina Graffigna Nível de parte analítica: Engagement in health and safety at the workplace: a new role for the occupational health physician • Could patient engagement promote a health system free from malpractice litigation risk? • Accountability and public reporting: publication of performance to improve quality • The value of measuring patient engagement in healthcare: new frontiers for healthcare quality • prohibitions and violations in organizational spaces across the patient-staff interface in hospital • The patient centered organizational model in italian hospitals: practical challenges for patient engagement • Why do patients prtest?: collective action processes in people with chronic illnesses: a psychosocial perspective • The light of preterm behavioral epigenetics: an epigenetic perspective on caregiver engagement • A relational perspective on patient engagement: suggestions from couple-based research and intervention • Barriers to and facilitators of older adult's adherence to health recommendations: towards and engaging two-way health communication • Individual, institutional, and environmental factors promotion patient retention and dropout • The patient-centered medicine as the theorectical framework for patient engagement • Habilitation, healthy agency, and patient-partcipationPublicação: Hershey : Medical Information Science Reference, 2016Descrição: 357 p.Disponibilidade:
Preparing teachers for a changing world : what teachers should learn and be able to do / Ed. Linda Darling-Hammond, John Bransford Nível de parte analítica: The design of teacher education programs • How teachers learn and develop • Classroom management • Assessment • Teaching diverse learners • Teaching subject matter • Educational goals and purposes : developing a cirricular vision for teaching • Enhancing the development of student's language(s) • Educating teachers for developmentally appropriate practice • Theories of learning and their roles in teachingPublicação: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2005Descrição: 593 p.Disponibilidade:
Preparação de revistas ciêntificas: teoria e prática / ed. Sueli Mara Soares Pinto Ferreira, Maria das Graças Targino Nível de parte analítica: Critérios de qualidade para as revistas cientificas em comunicacao • Revistas ciêntificas de comunicação e a realidade ibero-americana • Editoração electrónica de revistas ciêntificas com suporte do protocolo OAI • E-Prints: modelo de comunicação científica em transição • Periódico científico: parâmetros para avaliação de qualidade • Avaliação de originais nas revistas cientificas: uma trajectoria em busca de acerto • Instrumental aos autores para preparação de trabalhos ciêntificos • Autoria e leitura de artigos por docentes pesquisadores: motivações e barreiras • Artigos ciêntificos: a saga da autoria e co-autoriaPublicação: São Paulo : Reichmann & Autores Editores, 2005Descrição: 310 p.Disponibilidade:
Os livros e a leitura: desafios da era digital / eds Artur Santos Silva, et al. Nível de parte analítica: Los libros y la lectura en transformacion: desafios para la promocion de la lectura • Leitura digital: a biblioteca como pilar de democratização • A multiplicação dos ecrâs: novas formas de leitura ou novos leitores • The future of the book • Uma gramática do português em tempos de crise e incertezaPublicação: Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2015Descrição: 155 p.Disponibilidade:
Optimizing health literacy for improved clinical practices / eds. Vassilios E. Papalois, Maria Theodospoulou Nível de parte analítica: Health literacy: the way forward to increase the rates of deceased organ donation • Living organ donation role of ethics for improved clinical practice • Health literacy in the development of kidney transplantation programs in low- and middle-income countries • Health literacy and ethnic minority populations • An overview of global health initiatives and practices • Health literacy in school • Reflections and understanding of quality management in healthcare • Health thanks to communication: a model of communication competences to optimize health literacy - assertiveness, clear language, and positivity • Health literacy and patient - reported outcomes • Increasing health literacy to improve clinical trial recrutment • Uberization of healthcare • Back to the basics: the importance of considering health literacy in the development and utilization of consumer E-Health interventions • Health literacy in non-communicable diseases: contexts and cases • Weaving health literacy strategies throughtout the fabric of healthcare organizations • Health literacy: a key attribute for urban settingsPublicação: Hershey : IGI Global, 2018Descrição: 337 p.Disponibilidade:
O pensamento tornado dança : estudos em torno de George Steiner / Org. Ricardo Gil Soeiro Nível de parte analítica: Ouvir Steiner : o código de Pasternak • George Steiner : fragmentos sobre un pensador de (la) excepción • La parole souffle sur notre poussiére : essai sur l'oeuvre de George Steiner • La obra de George Steiner : la lectura del hombre • El arte de preguntar : sobre no passion spent y grammars of creation, de George Steiner • The educational relevance of George Steiner's literary and philisophic thought • We come after : the holocaust in Steinerian thought, 1952-1971 • Um Steiner nietzschiano? : breves apontamentos sobre Errata : an examined life • Estará o divino nos recortes e nos pormenores? a questão da mobilidade em Geprge Steiner e Aby M. Warburg • O homem como fim em si? : de Kant a Heidegger e Jonas • Steiner e a incandescência da tragédia • Quase a nossa incerta : George Steiner e a hermenêutica radical • Lições de George Steiner • Apresentação de George Steiner • O pensamento tornado dança: George Steiner e livros que ensinam a dançarPublicação: Lisboa : Roma Editora, 2009Descrição: 239 p.Disponibilidade:
Numerical reasoning in judgments and decision making about health / Ed. Britta L. Anderson, Jay Schulkin Nível de parte analítica: Conclusion • Do the numbers help patients decide?: ethical and emprirical challenges for evaluating the impact of quantitative information • A review of theories of numeracy: psychological mechanisms and implications for medical decision making • Rational healthcare • Anticipating barriers to the communication of critical information • Using visual aids to help people with low numeracy make better decisions • Numeracy and genetic screening • Application of numeracy in diabetes mellitus chronic disease care • Patient numeracy: what do patients need to recogniza, think, or do with health numbers • Physicians understanding and use of numeric information • Collective statistical illiteracy in health • Measuring numeracyPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014Descrição: 313 p.Disponibilidade:
Multicultural issues in literacy : research and practice / Edited by Arlette Ingram Willis ; Georgia Earnest García ; Rosalinda B. Barrera ; Violet J. Harris Nível de parte analítica: Pitfalls and potential : multicultural literature and teacher study groups • The implementation of a multicultural literacy program in fourth- and fifth-grade classrooms • Assessing and assisting performance of diverse learners : a view of responsive teaching in action • English as a second language, literacy development in mainstream classrooms : application of a model for effective practice • From the mountain to the mesa : scaffolding preservice teachers' knowledge about the cultural contexts of literacy • Multicultural views of literacy learning and teaching • Telling the people's stories : literacy practices and processes in a navajo community school • Fostering collaboration between home and school through curriculum development : perspectives of three appalachian children • Headwoman's blues : small group of culture, gender, and ability • Examining children's biliteracy in the classroom • Finding esmerelda's shoes : a case study of a young bilingual child's responses to literature • Giving voice to multicultural literacy reasearch and practicePublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003Descrição: VIII, 309 p. :
Modernidade, educação e estatísticas na Ibero-América dos séculos XIX e XX / coord. António Candeias Nível de parte analítica: A educação nos censos populacionais brasileiros (1872-1960) • Alfabetização e escolarização nos censos populacionais portugueses (1864-2001) • Representações do nacional e do educacional nas estatísticas educacionais brasileiras do ensino primário • A estatística educacional e a instrução pública no Brasil : aproximações • Historiografia da alfabetização em Portugal • O império da ciência e controlo populacional nos liceus portugueses da primeira metade do século XX • La alfabetización en Galicia (1900-1940) : incidência de los factores relacionados com el período, la edad y la cohorte • Modernidade e cultura escrita nos séculos XIX e XX em Portugal : população, economia, legitimação política e educação • Os organismos internacionais e o campo educacional : as posições do Brasil e de Portugal nas estatísticas da UNESCO (1946-1972)Publicação: Lisboa : Educa, 2005Descrição: 287 p.Disponibilidade:
Minds in the making : essays in honor of David R. Olson / ed. Janet Wilde Astington Nível de parte analítica: Language and metalanguage in children's understanding of mind • Nonverbal theory of mind : is it important, is it implicit, is it simulation, is it relevant to autism? • Mind, memory and metacognition : the role of memory span in children's developing understanding of the mind • RUM, PUM, and the perspectival relativity of sortals • Internal and external notions of metarepresentation : a developmental perspective • lying as doing deceptive things with words : a speech act theorectical perspective • Content and the representation of belief and desire • Minds in the (re)making: imitation and the dialectic of representation • From action to witing : modes of representing and knowing • Building on the oral tradition : how story composition and comprehension develop • Rhetirical and aesthic form : poetry as textual art • Cognition and the lexicon in the environment of texts • Literacy as symbolic space • Making up my mind : learning the culture of olson and OISE • The sociability of meaning : Olson's interpretative • Constructivist to the core : an introduction to the volumePublicação: Oxford : Blackwell Publishers, 2000Descrição: 299 p.Disponibilidade: