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A sua pesquisa recuperou 14994 resultados.

Primary prevention practices / Martin BloomPublicação: Thousand Oaks : Sage, 1996Descrição: 441 p.Disponibilidade:

Empowering survivors of abuse / compil. Jacquelyn CampbellNível de parte analítica: Issues in providing care for rural battered women • Clinical interventions with battered migrant farm worker women • Intervening with battered hispanic pregnant women • Clinical interventions with native american battered women • Providing effective interventions for african american battered women • Domestic violence : a practical guide to the use of forensic evaluation in clinical examination and documentation of ... • Assessing physical and nonphysical abuse against women in a hospital setting • Screening for abuse in the clinical setting • Changing women's lives : the primary prevention of violence against women • Struggles of runaway youth : violence and abuse • Diverging realities : abused women and their children • Helping battered women take care of their children • Nursing interventions for abused women on obstetrical units • Stress related to domestic violence during pregnancy and infant birth weight • Risk factors for femicide among pregnant and nonpregnant battered women • Dynamics of battering during pregnancy : women's explanations of why • Exploration of women's identity : clinical approaches with abused women • Woman abuse : educational strategies to change nursing practice • Domestic violence : reconsideration of ethical issues in the health care system • Health care-based programes for domestic violence survivors • Making the health care system an empowerment zone for battered women : health consequences, policy recommendations, ...Publicação: London : Sage, 1998Descrição: 332 p.Disponibilidade:

Out of the darkeness : contemporary perspectives on family violence / compil. Glenda Kantor ; co-aut. Jana JasinskiNível de parte analítica: Conducting ethical cross-cultural research on family violence • Ethical dimensions of intervention with violent partners : priorities in the values and beliefs of practitioners • Ethical issues in trauma research : the evolution of an empirical model for decision making • Collaboration between researchers and advocates • Controlling domestic violence : victim resources and police intervention • Feminist therapy for battered women : an assessment • Expanding batterer program evaluation • Wife abuse in intact couples : a review of couples treatment programs • Social predictors of wife assault cessation • Surviving abusive dating relationships : processes of leaving, healing, and moving on • Woman battering : a comparative analysis of black and white women • Attitudes as explanations for aggression against family members • Methodological issues in classifying maltreatment : an examination of protective issue children • Measuring physical and psychological maltreatment of children with the conflict tactics scales • Traumatic events screening inventory : assessin trauma in children • Effects of neglect on academic achievement and disciplinary problems : a developmental perspective • Childrens exposures to marital aggression • Black mother's emotional and behavioral responses to the seacula abuse of their children • Pornography and the organization of intra- and extrafamilial child sexual abuse • Pandemic outcomes : the intimacy variable • Examination of physical assault and childhood victimization histories within a national probability sample of women • Homicides of children and youth : a developmental perspective • Change in cultural norms approving marital violence from 1968 to 1994Publicação: Thousand Oaks : Sage, 1997Descrição: 332 p.Disponibilidade:

Domestic violence : the criminal justice response. 2 ed. / Eve Buzawa, co-aut. Carl BuzaeaPublicação: Thousand Oaks : Sage, 1996Descrição: 285 p.Disponibilidade:

Grande livro da crianca : o desenvolvimento emocional e do comportamento durante os primeiros anos. 2 ed. / T. BrazeltonPublicação: Lisboa : Presenca, 1998Descrição: 535 p.Disponibilidade:

Community psychology : linking individuals and communities / James Dalton, co-aut. Maurice Elias, co-aut. Abraham WandersmanPublicação: Belmont : Wadsworth, 2001Descrição: 488 p.Disponibilidade:

Introducing women's studies : feminist theory and practice. 2. ed. / compil. Victoria Robinson ; co-aut. Diane RichardsonNível de parte analítica: Motherhood and women's lives • Women and reproduction • Women, marriage and family relationships • Women and education • Women and health • Feminism and social policy • Women and work • Black hole : women's studies, science and technology • Methodology matters! • Women, violence and male power • Sexuality and feminism • Picture is political : representation of women in contemporary popular culture • Women, writing and language : making the silences speak • Women, history and protest • Feminist theory : capital f, capital t • Women's studies and its interconnection with race, ethnicity and sexuality • Introducing women's studiesPublicação: Houndmills : Macmillan, 1997Descrição: 492 p.Disponibilidade:

Criando caim : proteger a vida emocional dos rapazes / Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson, eresa BarkerPublicação: Porto : Ambar, 1999Descrição: 285 p.Disponibilidade:

Red de redes : las practicas de la intervencion en redes sociales / Elina Nora DabasPublicação: Buenos Aires : Paidos, 1998Descrição: 175 p.Disponibilidade:

Antisocial behavior in school : strategies and best practices / Hill Walker, co-aut. Geoff Colvin, co-aut. Elizabeth RamseyPublicação: Pacific Grove : Brooks / Cole, 1994Descrição: 481 p.Disponibilidade:

Children's reasoning and the mind / ed. Peter Mitchell ; Kevin J. RiggsNível de parte analítica: About + belief + counterfactual • Communication and representation : why mentalistic reasoning is a lifelong endeavour • Causal reasoning and behaviour in children and adults in a technologically advanced society : are we still prepared to... • Theory of mind, metacognition, and reasoning : a life-span perspective • Belief as construction : inference and processing bias • False beliefs about false beliefs • Children's understanding of belief : why is it important to understand what happened? • Attending to and learning about mental states • Linguistic determinism and the understanding of false beliefs • Self-reflection and the development of consciously controlled processing • Theory of mind, domain specificity, and reasoning • Beyond really and truly : children's counterfactual thinking about pretend and possible worlds • What is difficult about counterfactual reasoning? • Reasoning from false premises • Proposal for the development of a mental vocabulary, with special reference to pretence and false belief • Grounding of symbols : a social-developmental account • Making judgements about mental states : processes and inferencesPublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2000Descrição: 415 p.Disponibilidade:

Child psychology : a handbook of contemporary issues / compil. Lawrence Balter ; co-aut. Catherine Tamis-LemondaNível de parte analítica: Behavioral inhibition and impulsive aggressiveness : insights from studies with rhesus monkeys • Who should help me raise my child? a cultural approach to understanding nonmaternal child care decisions • Nature of parents race-related communications to children : a developmental perspective • Cultural, social, and maturational influences on childhood amnesia • New family forms : children raised in solo mother families, lesbian mothers families, and in families created by .... • Effects of community violence on children • Effects of poverty on children • Role of gender knowledge in children's gender-typed preferences • Parenting • Emotion, emotion-related regulation, and quality of socioemotional functioning • Academic and motivational pathways through middle childhood • Metacognitive development • Emotion regulation in peer relationships during middle childhood • Telling two kinds of stories : sources of narrative skill • Role of reminders in young children's memory development • Taking a hard look at concreteness : do concrete objects help young children learn symbolic relations? • Pretense and counterfactual thought in young children • Peer relations • Signs and sounds of early language development • Development of recognition and categorization of objects and their spatial relations in young infants • Visual information processing in infancy : reflections of underlying mechanisms • Infant-parent attachment • What, why, and how of temperament : a piece of the action • Emotional self-regulation in infancy and toddlerhoodPublicação: Philadelphia : Psychology Press, 1999Descrição: 542 p.Disponibilidade:

Ética de la intervencion social / Alipio Sánchez VidalPublicação: Barcelona : Paidos, 1999Descrição: 211 p.Disponibilidade:

Desenvolvimento social da crianca / H. SchafferPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, 1999Descrição: 509 p.Disponibilidade:

Primeiros passos dos bebes : uma declaracao de independencia / T. BrazeltonPublicação: Lisboa : Terramar, 1995Descrição: 294 p.Disponibilidade:

Este medo sem sentido... : a ansiedade na adolescencia. 2 ed / A. Santos PereiraPublicação: Porto : Ambar, 1997Descrição: 123 p.Disponibilidade:

Nascimento de uma mae : como a experiencia da maternidade transforma uma mulher / Daniel Stern, co-aut. Nadia Bruschweiller-Stern, co-aut. Alison FreelandPublicação: Porto : Ambar, 2000Descrição: 247 p.Disponibilidade:

Gestão curricular : fundamentos e práticas / Maria do Céu RoldãoPublicação: Lisboa : Ministério da Educação - Departamento da Educação Básica, 1999Descrição: 93 p.Disponibilidade:

Educar hoje : enciclopédia dos pais / dir. Roberto Carneiro ; Manuela MachadoPublicação: Lisboa : Lexicultural, 2000Descrição: 203 p.Disponibilidade:

Desenvolvimento social da crianca / H. SchafferPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, 1999Descrição: 509 p.Disponibilidade:
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