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Ethics in applied developmental psychology : emerging issues in an emerging field / ed. Celia B. Fisher, Warren W. TryonNível de parte analítica: Developmental psychology in the real world : a perspective on its ethical issues • Cultural forces leading to scientific developmental psychology • The ethics of research and intervention with ethnic minority parents and their children • Bias and social responsability in the study of maternal employment • Population generalizability, cultural sensivity, and ethical dilemmas • Practicing applied developmental psychology : playing the game you can't win • Predictive paralles between clinical and applied developmental psychology • Ethical issues in parent education • Ethical considerations of psychologists working in the media • Ethical dilemmas in playing by the rules : applied developmental research and the law • Ethical concerns for the use of research findings in applied settings • Plasticity in development : ethical implications for developmental interventions • Ethical considerations in the design, implementation, and evaluation of developmental interventions • Assessing social intervention : scientific and social implication • How to be ethical in applied developmental psychology : examples from research on adolescent drinking behavior • Psychological risks and remedies of research participation • Ethical dilemmas in recent research : a personal saga • Doing good well • Emerging ethical issues in an emerging fieldPublicação: Norwood : Ablex Publishing, 1990Descrição: 324 p.Disponibilidade:

Continuity and discontinuity of experience in child care / ed. Donald L. Peters, Susan KontosNível de parte analítica: Continuity and discontinuity of experience : summary and implications for research • Macrosystem continuity, congruity, and stability : Costa Rica as a case example • Moving from consistency to congruence in child care policy : the state's role • The effects of subsidized, private, and unregulated child care on family functioning • Some aspects of the relationships between family structure and child language development in three types of day care • Managing relations with parents : research notes on the teachers role • The attitudinal context of family-day care relationships • Continuity between home and family day care : caregivers and mothers perceptions and childrens social experiences • Consistency and stability in the family microsystem environment • Sources of stability and change in early childhood • Continuity and discontinuity of experience : an intervention perspectivePublicação: Norwood : Ablex Publishing, 1987Descrição: 214 p.Disponibilidade:

Pensamento e linguagem / Lev VygotskyPublicação: Lisboa : Relógio D'Água, 2007Descrição: 385 p.Disponibilidade:

Hacer para transformar : el metodo en la psicologia comunitaria / Maritza MonteroPublicação: Buenos Aires : Paidós, 2006Descrição: 368 p.Disponibilidade:

Gerações : intervenção comunitária em Santa Maria de Belém / Susana Fonseca Carvalhosa, José OrnelasPublicação: Santa Maria de Belém : Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria de Belém, Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2007Descrição: 55 p.Disponibilidade:

Adolescence / Laurence SteinbergPublicação: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008Descrição: 469 p.Disponibilidade:

Developmental psychopathology and family process : theory, research and clinical implications / E. Mark Cummings, Patrick T. Davies, Susan B. CampbellPublicação: New York : Guilford, 2000Descrição: 493 p.Disponibilidade:

The friendship factor : helping our children navigate their social world : and why it matters for their sucess and happiness / Kenneth H. RubinPublicação: New York : Penguin Putnam, 2002Descrição: 322 p.Disponibilidade:

Mapa de boas práticas : acolhimento e integração de imigrantes em Portugal / Maria Lucinda Fonseca, Monica GoracciPublicação: Lisboa : Organização Internacional para as Migrações, Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural, 2007Descrição: 240 p.Disponibilidade:

Outcomes report : proposals for a European common system of indicators of immigrants integration / Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos SocialesPublicação: Madrid : M.T.A.S, 2007Descrição: 78 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para empréstimo: Biblioteca ISPACota: C8 INTI1 (1).

Oxford textbook of psychotherapy / Ed. Glen O. Gabbard, Judith S. Beck, Jeremy HolmesNível de parte analítica: Brief and tome-limited psychotherapy • Psychotherapy supervision • Clinical-legal issues in psychotherapy • Ethics and psychotherapy • Psychotherapy and medication • Psychotherapy research • Implications of research in cognitive neuroscience for psychodynamic psychotherapy • Borderline personality disorder • Sexual orientation and psychotherapy • Gender issues in psychotherapy • Psychotherapy for medical patients • Psychotherapy with older adults • Psychotherapy during the reproductive years • Psychotherapy with adolescents • Psychosocial therapies with children • Psychotherapy of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder • Dependent personality disorder • Histrionic personality disorder • Borderline personality disorder • Psychotherapy for the narcissistic personality disorder • Cluster B antisocial disorders • Cluster A personality disorders • Psychotherapy and somatoform disorders • Individual psychotherapy and counseling for addiction • Sexual disorders • Paraphilias • Dissociative disorders • Eating disorders • Schizophrenia • Anxiety disorders • The psychoanalytic / psychodynamic approach to depressive disorders • Cogntive-behavior therapy for mood disorders • Psychotherapy integration • The arts therapies • Cognitive-behavior therapy with couples • Psychodynamic couple therapy • Family therapy • Cognitive-behavioral group interventions • Group psychotherapy • Interpersonal psychotherapy • Cognitive abd behavioural therapies • Major modalities : psychoanalytic psychodynamicPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005Descrição: 534 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of educational psychology / ed. Patricia A. Alexander, Philip H. WinnePublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006Descrição: 1055 p.Disponibilidade:

Designing learning environments for developing understanding of geometry and space / ed. Richard Lehrer, Daniel ChazanNível de parte analítica: Organization and freedom in geometry learning and teaching • Teachers and students investigating and communicating about geometry : the math forum • An introduction to geometry through anchored instruction • Mapping the classroom using a CAD program : geometry as applied mathematics • Opportunities to exlore and integrate mathematics with the geometers sketchpad • An alternative approach to proof in dynamic geometry • What is dynamic geometry? • Conjecturing and argumentation in high-school geometry students • geometric curve-drawing devices as an alternative approach to analytic geometry : an analysis of the methods,voice, and epistemology of a high-school senior • Interconnecting science and mathematics concepts • Sixth-garde students conceptions of stability in engineering contexts • Students understanding of three-dimensional bube arrays : findings from a research and curriculum development project • Development of geometric and measurement ideas • Developing understanding of geometry and space in the primary grades • Longitudinal study of children's reasoning about space and geometry • Interpreting student understanding in geometry : a synthesis of two models • Chaos in the classroom • Charting a course for secondary geometry • From a different perspective _ building on students informal knowledge • A role for geometry in general educationPublicação: Mahwah : lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998Descrição: 504 p.Disponibilidade:

Evaluación de recursos y estresores psicosociales en la comunidad / Enrique Gracia Fuster, Juan Herrero Olaizola, Gonzalo Musitu OchoaPublicação: Madrid : Sintesis, 2002Descrição: 156 p.Disponibilidade:

Manual de psicologia do desenvolvimento e aprendizagem / José Tavares, Anabela Sousa Pereira, Ana Allen Gomes, Sara Monteiro, Alexandra GomesPublicação: Porto : Porto Editora, 2007Descrição: 208 p.Disponibilidade:

Human memory : an introduction to research, data, and theory / Ian NeathPublicação: Pacific Grove : Brooks/Cole, 1998Descrição: 424 p.Disponibilidade:

Psicologia comunitária europea : comunidad, poder ética y valores = European community psychology : community, power, ethics and values / ed. Alipio Sánchez Vidal ; Alba Zambrano Constanzo, Maria Palacin LoisNível de parte analítica: La acción comunitaria en el nuevo siglo : comunidad, poder , ética y valores • La influencia de los grupos de escuelas de familias en las estrategias educativas parentales • Experimental intervention of mediation on primary and secondary schools : effects on the sense of belonging in the scholastic community • Sida y mundo laboral : una guia para la intervecion psicosocial • Health promotion as social value : a reasearch about youth perception of risk and community based intervention • Representaciones y prácticas en los actos de salud desde los discursos de género • Working with people who are maginalized by the social systems : challenges for community psychological work • Violence, mental health, and community intervention • Construyendo juntos un nuevo significado de participacion : una iniciativa para la creación y el cambio social desde la psicologia social comunitaria • Terapia comunitaria : relato de la experiência en Brasilia-distrito federal • Desarrollo tecnologico y calidad de vida en Brasil • inmigration and integration : an explorative study on attitudes toward barge chinese community (Italy) • Inmigración, cultura e intervención comunitaria • Una alternativa socioeducativa del desarrollo comunitario • Citizenship, empowerment, and participation : implications for community interventions • Participative democracy and community intervention • Community features and representation of the city in a sample of preadolescent subjects • Sense of community and social capital and their influence on wellbeing among preadolescents • Active participatios as an expression of the sense of community • Community development : action research through profiles analysis in a small town of southern Italy • Globalism and localism : meaning of sense of community at the local, national, european, and world • The meanings of community, sense of place and participation • Towards a common future : hope, social responsability, and sense of community • Entre el sentimento de comunidade y el yo comunitário • La confidencialidad en la intervención social desde el trabaljo social • Reforma psiquiatrica : la ética de los direchos civiles • Conflicto y meduación : ética y valores subyacentes • The ethics ofc • Ética feminista e interevción comunitária • Los discusos cotidianos de ligitimacion del trabajo en los professionales de la inserción sociolaboral • Reflexiones y propuestas en torno al trabajo comunitario com jóvenes chilenos en desventaja social • Acción social en tiempos de conformismo : por una ética posible de la intervencion comunitária • El consejo de coordinación pedagógica de Barcelona : el diálogo educativo entre la escuela y la cidade • Diferencias en normas personales, normas subjectivas y valores entre donantes y no donantes • Valores en niños de hoy : entre el prejuicuio y la cooperacion • Más allá de la generación X? : niveles de compromiso social y prioridades en el sistema de valores en universitarios • American and european values : wich european community psychology should we promote in the era of globalization? • Los valores para el siglo XXI en el contexto educativoPublicação: Barcelona : Universitat de Barcelona, 2004Descrição: 488 p.Disponibilidade:

Envolvimento parental numa UCIN [texto policopiado] : necessidades emergentes / Sandra ISabel Ferreira PedroPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2007Descrição: 2 vol.Disponibilidade:

Estudo preliminar do Parental Bonsing Instrument [Texto policopiado] : Adaptação de um instrumento de medida / Vera Santos RamosPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2007Descrição: 144 p.Disponibilidade:
