Indisciplina : um signo geracional? / Daniel Sampaio Publicação: Lisboa : Iie, 1997Descrição: 35 p.Disponibilidade:
Implicit measures of atittudes / ed. Bernd Wittenbrink, Norbert Schwartz Nível de parte analítica: What do we know about implicit attitude measures and what do we have to learn? • Mental representations are states, not things : implications for implivit and explicit measurement • Beyond the attitude object : implicit attitudes spring from object-centered contexts • Paradigms we live by : a plea for more basic research and the implicit association test • How to define and examine the implicitness of implicit measures • Undestanding social evaluations : what we can (and cannot) learn from neuroimaging • Attitudes as mental and neural states of readiness : using physiological measures to study implicit attitudes • armed only with paper and pencil : low-tech measures of implicit attitudes • Understanding and using the implicit association test - IV : what we know (so far) about the method • Measuring attitudes through primingPublicação: New York : Gilford Press, 2007Descrição: 294 p.Disponibilidade:
Handbook of psychological and educational assessment of children : intelligence, aptitude, and achievement / Cecil R. Reynolds, Randy W. Kamphaus Nível de parte analítica: Assessment of children for intervention planning following traumatic brain injury • Assessing the psychological and educational needs of children with moderate and severe mental retardation • Computerized Assessment • Cognitive abilities and assessment of children with language impairment • Assessment of creativity in children and adolescents • Assessment of culturally and linguistic diverse children • Bias in assessment of aptitude • Visual-motor assessment of children • Conceptual and technical problems in learning disability diagnosis • Clinical assessment of children's academin achievement • Assessing the witing abilities and instructional needs of students • Diagnostic achievement testing in reading • Advances in criterion-referenced testing methods and practices • Mutifactored and cross-battery ability assessments : are they worth the effort? • Biological approaches to the assessment of human intelligence • Neuropsychological perspectives on the assessment of children • Comprehensive assessment and adoelscent memory : the wide range assessment of memory and learning, the test of memory and learning, and the California verbal learning test - children's version • Assessing diverse populations with nonverbal tests of general intelligence • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale : fourth edition (SB4) : evaluating the empirical bases for interpretations • Clinical assessment practice with the Kaufman assessment battery for children (K-ABC) • Preschool intellectual assessment • assessing the intelligence of adolescents with the Kaufman adolescent and adult intelligence test (KAIT) • Assessing the intelligence of adolescents with the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition (WAIS-III) • Clinical interpretation of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third Edition (WISC-III) index scores • Legal and ethical issues in the assessment of children • A practical model for etst development • A history of the development of psychological and educational testingPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2003Descrição: 718 p.Disponibilidade:
Griffiths III - Escalas de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths / Louise Strud : Manual Técnico ; Cheryl FoxCroft ; Elizabeth Green ; Susan Bloomfield ; Johan Cronje ; Kim Hurter ; Hilary Lane ; Rivca Marais ; Candice Marx ; Paula MacAlinden ; Rosemary O'Connel ; Rutgh Paradice ; Danie Venter ; trad. carlota Themudo Ferreira ; trad. Inês Torres Carvalhão ; trad. Iolanda Campos Gil ; trad. Solange Ferreira Fernandes Publicação: Lisboa : Editora Hogrefe, 2015Descrição: 90 p.Disponibilidade: : Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCota: T13 GRIF8 (1).
Griffiths III - Escalas de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths / Louise Strud : Manual de Administração ; Cheryl FoxCroft ; Elizabeth Green ; Susan Bloomfield ; Johan Cronje ; Kim Hurter ; Hilary Lane ; Rivca Marais ; Candice Marx ; Paula MacAlinden ; Rosemary O'Connel ; Rutgh Paradice ; Danie Venter ; trad. carlota Themudo Ferreira ; trad. Inês Torres Carvalhão ; trad. Iolanda Campos Gil ; trad. Solange Ferreira Fernandes Publicação: Lisboa : Editora Hogrefe, 2015Descrição: 155 p.Disponibilidade:
Griffiths III - Escala de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths / Elizabeth Green ; Louise Stroud, Susan Bloomfield, Johan Cronje, Cheryl Foxcroft, Kim Hurter, Hilary Lane, Rivca Marais, Candice Marx, Paula Macalinden, Rosemary O'Connell, Ruth Paradice, Danie Venter Publicação: Lisboa : Hogrefe, 2018Descrição: +
Várias Caixas com vários objectosDisponibilidade: :
Form-Board de Goguelin [teste] / Goguelin Publicação: [S.l.] : PSIADisponibilidade: : Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: T12 ISG1 (1).