A sua pesquisa recuperou 2394 resultados.

Trouble with assumptions : a reply to jago and ragan / Martin Chemers, co-aut. Fred FiedlerNível de conjunto: Journal Of Applied Psychology, Vol. 71, nº 4 (1986), p. 560-563Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R7 (1). :

Trends in organizational behavior. volume 1 / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauNível de parte analítica: Till death us do part... changing work relationships in the 1990s • Psychological contract as an explanatory framework in the employment relationship • Personality and personnel selection • Work and family : in search of more effective workplace interventions • Human effects of mergers and acquisitions • Coordinating global companies : effects of electronic communication, organizational commitment, and a multi-cultural ... • Meso organizational behavior : avoiding three fundamental biases • Functional and dysfunctional organizational linkagesPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley, 1994Descrição: 141 p.Disponibilidade:

Trends in organizational behavior, vol.8 : employee versus owner issues in organizations / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauNível de parte analítica: Employee stock transfers in smes : understanding and infrequent event • Bringing open-book management into the academic line of sight : sharing the firm's financial information with workers • Achieving a sense of ownership among employees : a critical look at the role of reward systems • When employees become owners : can employee loyalty be bought? • Psychological consequences of employee ownership : on the role of risk, reward, identity and personality • When employers share ownership with workers • Employee equity : employee versus owner issues in organizational behaviorPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2001Descrição: 145 p.Disponibilidade:

Trends in organizational behavior. vol 6 - the virtual organization / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauNível de parte analítica: Collaboration in the virtual organization • Interdependence in virtual organizations • Context for geographically dispersed teams and networks • Human resource management and the virtual organization : mapping the future research issues • Managers in a virtual context : the experience of self-threat and its effects on virtual work organizations • Virtual organization : promises and payoffs, large and small • Virtual workplaces : implications for organizational behaviorPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1999Descrição: 124 p.Disponibilidade:

Trends in organizational behavior. vol 5 / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauNível de parte analítica: Extra- and intra-organizational work values and behavior : a multiple-level model • Human resource management practices in the networked organization : impacts of electronic communication systems • Relational models and organizational studies : applications to resource allocation and group process • Dysfunctional work behaviors in organizations • International management and the circulation of ideas • Job insecurity is important, but not for the reasons you might think : the example of contingent workers • Employees behaving badley : dimensions, determinants and dilemmas in the study of workplace deviancePublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1998Descrição: 179 p.Disponibilidade:

Trends in organizational behavior. vol 4 / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauNível de parte analítica: New facets of commitment in response to organizational change : research trends and the dutch experience • Continuing american dilemma : studying racism in organizations • Letting them down gently : conceptual advances in explaining controversial organizational policies • Effective team management and cooperative decisions in decisions in chinese organizations • Relative deprivation approach to understanding underemployment • Electronic office • Determinants of participation in training and development • Asking why? in the workplace : causal attributions and organizational behaviorPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1997Descrição: 129 p.Disponibilidade:

Trends in organizational behavior. vol 3 / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauNível de parte analítica: Social networks and the liability of newness for managers • Renegotiating psychological contracts : japanese style • Expatriate employee • Toward an understanding of the variety in work arrangements : the organization and labor relationships framework • Computer-aided systems for organizational learning • Service quality • Employee theft • Issues in managerial compensation research • Computers can read as well as count : how computer aided text analysis can benefit organisational researchPublicação: Chichester : Wiley, 1996Descrição: 182 p.Disponibilidade:

Trends in organizational behavior. vol 2 / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauNível de parte analítica: Cross-cultural issues in organizational behavior • Employees at risk : contingent work and the psychological experience of contingent workers • Diagnostic models for organizations : toward an integrative perspective • Entrepreneurship in east europe : a general model and empirical findings • Impact of job relocation : future research • Applications of groupware in organizational learning • Effective implementation of organizational change : an organizational justice perspective • Occupational stress management : current status and future directionsPublicação: Chichester : Wiley, 1995Descrição: 151 p.Disponibilidade:

Trends in organizational behavior : vol.7 - time and organizational behavior / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauNível de parte analítica: Organizational identify in transition over time • Work-life initiatives : greed or benevolence regarding workers time? • Time, person-career fit, and the boundarryless career • Alternative ways of describing time in cross-cultural careers research • All in timing : team pacing behaviors in dynamic conditions • Reduced-load work and the experience of time among professionals and managers : implications for personal and .... • Importance of time scalesPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2000Descrição: 116 p.Disponibilidade:

Treinamento, desenvolvimento e educação nas organizações (TD&E) : estratégias para potencializar competências indivisuaisno trabalho / Pedro afonso Cortez, Thaís ZerbiniDisponibilidade:

Tratamento estatistico de questionarios sobre : clima organizacional, motivacao e satisfacao profissional / Rui Bartolo RibeiroPublicação: Lisboa : Tap/ispa, 1990Descrição: 95 p.Disponibilidade:

Tratado de psicologia del trabajo / ed. Jose Maria Peiró ; Fernando PrietoPublicação: Madrid : Sintesis, 1996Descrição: 284 p.Disponibilidade:

Tratado de psicologia del trabajo / ed. Jose Maria Peiró, Fernando PrietoPublicação: Madrid : Sintesis, 1996Descrição: 447 p.Disponibilidade:

Translating organizational change / compil. Barbara Czarniawska ; co-aut. Guje SevonNível de parte analítica: Otherhood : the promulgation and transmission of ideas in the modern organizational environment • When organization travels : on intercultural translation • Global transfromations • Deinstitutionalization and the logic of fashion • Technical and aesthetic fashion • Logic of organizational transformation : on the conversion of non-business organizations • Imitating by editing success : the construction of organization fields • Organizational imitation in identity transformation • Travels of ideasPublicação: Berlin : Walter De Gruyter, 1996Descrição: 284 p.Disponibilidade:

Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, locus of control, and support for innovation : key predictors of.. / Jane Howell, co-aut. Bruce AvolioNível de conjunto: Journal Of Applied Psychology, Vol. 78, nº 6 (1993), p. 891-902Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R7 (1). :

Transcending cultural boundaries for human and organization development : experiences of international exchanges between India and the United States / Uma JainDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S2 GOLE/R1 (1). :

Traite de psychologie du travail / Claude Levy-Leboyer, co-aut. Jean-Claude SperandioNível de parte analítica: Conflits et negociation • Chomage et representations sociales • Un cas de dysfonction sociale : l'absenteisme • Aspects psychopathologiques du travail • Accident du travail : evolution des conceptions • Nuisances en milieu de travail • Organisation temporelle des activites • Aspects cognitifs du travail • Adequation des postes • Analyse du travail • Orientation en cours de carriere • Insertion professionnelle • Methodes de recrutement • Evaluation de la personnalite dans la selection du personnel • Interets, leur evolution et leur mesure • Aptitudes et capacites cognitives • Problemes ethiques poses par l'usage des tests • Cercles de qualite : realite ou mythe ? • Expression des salaries • Satisfaction et implication dans le travail • Autorite et hierarchie • Concertation • Motivation au travail • Theories organisationnelles • Travailleurs ages et la retraite • Travail des femmes • Travailleurs immigres • Fonction de maitrise et son evolution • Travail agricole • Travail artisanal • Evolution des metiers • Ergonomie du travail informatise • Aspects psychologiques du changement technique • Strategie de la recherche en psychologie du travail • Psychologues du travail dans les services publics • Intervention dans l'entreprise et le developpement des organisations • Attitude des jeunes face au trvail et au non-travail • Vie de travail, vie hors travail : la vie en temps partage • Travail comme activite et comme valeur • Psychologie du travail en france. naissance et developpementPublicação: Paris : Puf, 1987Descrição: 826 p.Disponibilidade:

Training effects on attitudes toward divergent thinking among manufacturing engineers / Min Basadur, co-aut. George Graen, co-aut. Terri ScanduraNível de conjunto: Journal Of Applied Psychology, Vol. 71, nº 4 (1986), p. 612-617Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R7 (1). :

Traffic congestion, perceived control, and psychophysiological stress among urban bus drivers / Gary Evans, co-aut. Sybil CarrereNível de conjunto: Journal Of Applied Psychology, Vol. 76, nº 5 (1991), p. 657-663Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R7 (1). :

Trabalho, subjectividade e participação na sociedade pós-industrial / Vito VolpiDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S2 LANE1 (1). :
