Pais : uma experiência / Hugo Cruz, Inês Pinho ; pref. Daniel Sampaio, Maria Emília Costa Publicação: Porto : LivPsic, 2008Descrição: 136 p.Disponibilidade:
Personality development : a psychoanalytic perspective / Debbie Hindle, Marta Vaciago Smith Nível de parte analítica: The transition from late adolescence to young adulthood : student life • The transitional from late adolescence to young adulthood : oedipal themes • Adolescence : a personal identity in a topsy-turvy world • It's just and ordinary pain : thoughts on joy and heartache in puberty and early adolescence • Kings, queens, and factors : the latency period revisited • The toddler and the wider world • Babyhood : becoming a person in the family • Intra-uterine life and the experience of birthPublicação: New York : Routledge, 1999Descrição: 200 p.Disponibilidade:
A criança dos 3 aos 6 anos : o desenvolvimento emocional e do comportamento / T. Berry Brazelton, Joshua D. Sparrow Publicação: Lisboa : Presença, 2003Descrição: 447 p.Disponibilidade:
Associativismo imigrante / org. Ana Paula Beja Horta Nível de parte analítica: Conquista de mundos = conquering worlds • Associação espaço jovem : um testemunho = a space for young people association : a testimony • Ser associativo = being associative • O aaociativismo cbo-verdiano em Portugal : da Casa de Cabo Verde aos tempos de hoje = Cape Verdean associativism i Portugal : from the casa de Cabo Verde until today • Reflexões sobre o movimento associativo imigrante em Portugal = Reflections on the immigrant associative movement in Portugal • O desafio das associações de imigrantes = The challenge of immigrant associations • Pelos imigrantes, com os imigrantes = By immigrants, with immigrants • Integração e associativismo imigrante no município do Seixal = Integration and immigrant associations in the municipality of Seixal • A obra católica portuguesa das migrações e o movimento associativo imigrante em Portugal : percursos e desafios = The portuguese catholic organization for migration and the immigrant associative movement in Portugal : experiences and challenges • Civic and political engagement by immigrant organizations in Italy : the case studyof Milan = O envolvimento cívico e político de organizações de imigrantes em Itália : o estudo de caso de Milão • Políticas locais e associativismo imigrante em Espanha = Local policies and immigrant associativism in Spain • Participação cívica e trajectórias associativas de descendentes de imigrantes em Portugal = Civic participation and associative experiences of immigrant descendants in Portugal • Práticas associativas de guineenses, conexões transnacionais e cidadania incompleta = The associational practices of Guineans, transnational connections and incomplete citizenship • Estratégias identitárias e esquemas de integração : os psocicionamentos das associações angolanas, brasileiras, e da Europa de Leste em Portugal = Indentity strategies and integration schemes : the positionings of Angolan, Brazilian, and Eastern Europe association in Portugal • Associativismo em contexto migratório = Associativism in the context of migrationPublicação: Lisboa : Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, Alto-Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural, 2010Descrição: 272 p.Disponibilidade:
Handbook of implicit social cognition : measurement, theory, and applications / ed. Bertram Gawronsky, B. Keith Payne Nível de parte analítica: Implicit political cognition • Implicit social cognition and indirect measures in consumer behavior • Implicit social cognition in forensic settings • Clinical applications of implicit social cognition theories and methods • Implicit cognition in health psychology : why common sense goes out the window • Devided minds, divided morals : how implit social cognition underspins and undermines our sense of social justice • Measuring implicit processes in close relationships • The self-concept : new insights from implict measurement procedures • Two faces of self-esteem : implicit and explicit forms of self-esteem • Racia bias and stereotyping • Implict intergroup bias : cognitive, affective, and motivational underpinnings • Attitude structure and change : implications for implicit measures • What is implicit about goal pursuit? • Consistency and inconsistency im implicit social cognition : the case of implicit and explicit measures of attitudes • Automatic aspects of judgment and decision making • Prediction of behavior • The developmental of implicit social cognition • Formation, change, and contextualization of mental associations : determinants and principles of variations in implict measures • Conscousness, introspection, and the adaptative unconscious • Implicit measures : simililarities and differences • Methematical modeling of implicit social cognition • A practical guide to paper-and-pencil implicit meausres of attitudes • A practical guide to implicit association tests and related tasks • A practical guide to sequential priming and related tasks • Implicit social cognition : insights fom social neuroscience • Building blocks of socialbehavior : reflective and impulsive processes • Models of implict and explicit mental representation • In search of a mesure that qualifies as implicit : recomendations based on a decompositional view of automaticity • A history of implicit social cognition : where is it comming from? where is it now? where is it going?Publicação: New York : The Guilford Press, 2010Descrição: 594 p.Disponibilidade: