Bebé-mãe : primeira relação humana / Daniel Stern Publicação: Lisboa : Salamandra, 1992Descrição: 181 p.Disponibilidade:
Attachment in middle childhood / ed. Kathryn A. Kerns, Rhonda A. Richardson Nível de parte analítica: Relationships past, present, and future : reflections on attchment in middle childhood • Examining relationships between students and teachers : a potential extension of attchment theory? • Perceived security of attchment to mother and father : developmental differences and relations to self-worth and peer relationships at school • Quality of attachment at shool age : relations between child attachment behavior, psychosocial functioning , and school performance • Attachment and friendship predictors of psychosocial functioning in middle childhood and the mediating roles of social support and self-worth • The construct of coherence as an indicator of attachment security im middle childhood : the friends and family interview • attachment in infancy and inearly and late childhood : a longitudinal study • Dimensions of attachment in middle childhood • The attachment hierarchy in middle childhood : conceptual and methodological issues • Assessing attachment in middle childhood • Developmental conrtextual considerations of parent-child attachment in the later middle childhood years • Ontogeny of attachment in middle childhood : conceptualization of normative changesPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2005Descrição: 289 p.Disponibilidade:
Continuity and change in family relations : theory, methods, and empirical findings / ed. Rand D. Conger, Frederick O. Lorenz, K.A. S. Wickrama Nível de parte analítica: studying change in family relationships : the findings and their implications • Experimental interventions in sibling relationships • The changing nature of adolescent sibling relationships : a theoretical framework for evaluating the role of relationship • Sibling relationships during childhood : multiple perceptions from multiple perspectives • Putting problem solving to the test : replicating experimental interventions for preventing youngsters problem behaviors • Continuity versus discontinuity in parent and adolescent negative affect • The transition to parenting : continuity and change in early parenting behavior and attitudes • reality testing in premarital intervention : a progressive approach to effecting change in marriage • How and why marriages change over time : shifting patterns of companionship and partnership • Change and continuity in marital relationships during the middle years • Chronic and changing marital instability and physical illness : trajectories of Czech couples • Trajectories of change during the early years of marriage • Modeling continuity and change in family relationships with panel data • Changing families in changing timesPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004Descrição: 428 p.Disponibilidade:
Communication : an arena of development / ed. Nancy Budwig, Ina C. Uzgiris, James V. Werstch Nível de parte analítica: Language and the construction of self • groundwork for a holistic view of the ontogenesis of representation • Verbal and nonverbal contributions to early representation : evidence from african american toddlers • Verbal and nonverbal contributions to early representation : evidenc e from african toddlers • Words don't tell all : some thoughts on early communication development • Infant conversant : language and nonlanguage processes in developing early communication • Preverbal communication : emergence of representative symbols • Language and communication - what develops? : determining the role of language practices for a theory of development • Emotion within situated activity • Intersubjectuvuty and alterity in human communication • Introduction communication, meaning, and development : interdisciplinary perspectivesPublicação: Stamford : Ablex Publishing, 2000Descrição: 242 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para empréstimo: Biblioteca ISPACota: D AADP10 (1).
Partnerships in research, clinical, and educational settings / ed. Roger Bibace, James J. Dillon, Barbara Noel Dowds Nível de parte analítica: A partnership ideal • University-community-school partnership • Physician partnerships with patients through temporal and interpersonal sequences • Faculty physician groups • Some psychological processes involved in managing pediatric asthma • Pediatric asthma, assissing and changing behavior • Strivinf for doctor-patient partmerships in obstetrics and gynecology • Moving classrooms beyond transmission models of teaching and learning : a teacher-researcher collaborative model • Partnerships in the elementary school classroom • Students as partners • Interpreting everyday behavior using the learning to learn cycle as a means to pursue individual intellectual ends • Psychology and ethics : the distance strategy as ethical commitment • contrasting transmissiom and partnership models of teaching and learning • A cycle of activities that approsimates a partnership ideal between researcher and research participant • What children want to know about medicine • Focus groups as a means for eliciting the expertise of research participants • Toward a partnership with research participants • Toward a coexistence concept of causal reasoning about illness in children and adults • Psychology's subject(s) : moving toward the partnership model • An introduction to partnership in research : changing the researcher-participant relationship • Introduction : partnership in the social world : opportunities for science and practicePublicação: Stamford : Ablex Publishing, 1999Descrição: 306 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para empréstimo: Biblioteca ISPACota: D AADP9 (1).
Applied developmental science : graduate training for diverse disciplines and educational settings / ed. Celia B. Fisher ; John P Murray ; Irving E. Sigel Nível de parte analítica: Birds of a feather : administrative choices and issues in creating a specialized applied, multidisciplinary, developmental unit • Building suceessful university _ community human service agency collaborations • Field experiences in applied developmental science • Applied developmental psychology graduate training should be grounded in a social-cultural framework • Training applied developmental scientists for community outreach : the Michigan State University model of integrating science and outreach for children, youth, and families • Graduate and postgraduate education in the applications of development science to adult development and aging • Doctorl education in applied child developmental • Integrating applied developmental child psychology • Applied developmental science and training in pediatric psychology • Doctoral training in applied developmental psychology _ matching graduate education, student needs, and career opportunities • Graduate education in the applied developmental sciences : history and background • Applied developmental science in colleges oh human ecology and family and consumer sciences • Applied developmental science comes on agePublicação: New Jersey : Ablex Publishing, 1996Descrição: 296 p.Disponibilidade: :