Ciganos e degredos : os casos de Espanha, Portugal e Inglaterra, séculos XVI-XIX / Antonio Gómez Alfaro, Elisa Maria Lopes da Costa, Sharon Sillers Flote Publicação: Lisboa : Centre de Recherches Tsiganes, 1999Descrição: 157 p.Disponibilidade:
The civil war : the psychology, culture, and politics of abortion / ed. Linda J. Beckman, S. Marie Harvey Nível de parte analítica: Where do we go from here? : recomendations for abortion practice, policy, and research • Bringing lessons learned to the united states : improving access to abortion services • Abortion issues in psychotherapy • A cognitive approach to patient-centered abortion care • Abortion among adolescents • Men and abortion : the gender politics of pregnancy resolution • Testing a model of the psychological consequences of abortion • Understanding the ralationship of violence against women to unwanted pregnancy and its resolutions • The acceptability of medical abortion to women • Abortion and asian pacific islander americans • Latinas and abortion • Black women and the question of abortion • The impact of antiabortion activities on women seeking abortions • Barriers to access to abortion services • Why is abortion such a controversial issue in the United States? • Federal abortion policy and politics : 1973 to 1996Publicação: Washington : American Psychological Association, 1998Descrição: XXIX, 406 p. :
quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:
Advances in group processes : theory and research on humans emotions / ed. Jonathan H. Turner Nível de parte analítica: Emotions as commentaries on human concerns • Defensive strategies : the formation and social implications of patterned self-destructive behavior • A theory of the self, emotion, and culture • Consciousness, emotions and science • The differential impact of emotions on rational schemes of social organization : reading Weber and Coloman • Towards a universal power and status theory of emotion • The enhancement imperative and group dynamics in the emergence of religion and ascriptive inequality • Emotions, sentiments, and performance expectations • Violent males : a theory of their emotional / relational world • Physiological measures of theoretical concepts : some ideas for linking deflection and emotion to physical responses during interaction • emotions in identity theory : the effect of status • Identities, events, and moods • Integrating emotion into identity theoryPublicação: Oxford : Elsevier, 2004Descrição: 356 p.Disponibilidade:
Deslocalizar a Europa : antropolofuia, arte, literatura e história na pós-colonialidade / org. Manuela Ribeiro Sanches Publicação: Lisboa : Cotovia, 2005Descrição: 314 p.Disponibilidade:
Argonauts of the Western Pacific : an account of native enterprise and adventure in the archipelagoes of Malanesian New Guinea / Bronislaw Malinowski Publicação: Abingdon : Routledge, 2002Descrição: 518 p.Disponibilidade:
Culture of nonsalmonid freshwater fishes / ed. Robert R. Stickney Nível de parte analítica: Baitfish • The striped bass and its hybrids • Walleye • Yellow Perch • Northern Pike and muskellunge • Centrarchids • Carp and buffalo • Tilapia • Channel catfishPublicação: Boca Raton : CRC, 1993Descrição: 331 p.Disponibilidade:
Aquaculture : principles and practices / T. V. R. Pillay , M. N. Kutty Publicação: Oxford : Blackwell, 2005Descrição: 624 p.Disponibilidade: