Advances in the study of behavior. vol 28 / compil. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Jay Rosenblat ; co-aut. Charles Snowden ; co-aut. Timothy Roper Nível de parte analítica: Intraspecific variation in ungulate mating strategies : the case of the flexible fallow deer • Olfactation in birds • Long-term memory in human infants : lessons in psychobiology • Memory in avian food caching and song learning : a general mechanism of different processes? • Socially induced infertility, incest avoidance and the monopoly of reproduction in cooperatively breeding african .... • Techniques for analyzing vertebrate social structure using identified individuals : review and recommendations • Sexual imprinting and evolutionary processes in birds : a reassessmentPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1999Descrição: 376 p.Disponibilidade:
Clofeta iii : chechlist of the fishes of the eastern tropical atlantic / e outros J. Quero, co-aut. J. Hureau, co-aut. C. Karrer, co-aut. A. Post, co-aut. L. Saldanha Publicação: Lisboa : Jnict, 1990Descrição: 1081-1492 p.Disponibilidade:
Clofeta ii : chechlist of the fishes of the eastern tropical atlantic / e outros J. Quero, co-aut. J. Hureau, co-aut. C. Karrer, co-aut. A. Post, co-aut. L. Saldanha Publicação: Lisboa : Jnict, 1990Descrição: 520-1080 p.Disponibilidade:
Clofeta i : chechlist of the fishes of the eastern tropical atlantic / e outros J. Quero, co-aut. J. Hureau, co-aut. C. Karrer, co-aut. A. Post, co-aut. L. Saldanha Publicação: Lisboa : Jnict, 1990Descrição: 519 p.Disponibilidade:
Aquatic cycle strategies : survival in a variable environment / compil. Michael Whitfield ; co-aut. Jack Matthews ; co-aut. Colin Reynolds Nível de parte analítica: Identifying marine sensitive areas - the importance of understanding lyfe cycles • Running the gauntlet : pollution, evolution and reclamation of an estuarine bay • Amphibians and agriculture : double jeopardy • On the benefits of being a larva... or not • History and recruitment in structure of intertidal assemblages on rocky shores : an introduction top problems for .... • Influence of ontogeny on the response of freshwater fish to environmental variables • Egg hatching : one mechanism for life cycle partitioning in aquatic insects • Plankton behaviour and life cycles in advective environments • With or against the grain : responses of phytoplankton to pelagic variability • Synchronicity and sociality : breeding strategies in constant and varuiable benthic environmentsPublicação: Oban : Mbauk, 1999Descrição: 149 p.Disponibilidade:
Fishes of bermuda : history, zoogeography, annotated checklist, and identification keys / William Smith-Vaniz, co-aut. Bruce Colette, co-aut. Brian Luckhurst Publicação: [S.l.] : A.S.I.H., 1999Descrição: 424 p.Disponibilidade:
Behaviour and conservation of littoral fishes / compil. Vitor Almada ; co-aut. Rui Oliveira ; co-aut. Emanuel Goncalves Nível de parte analítica: Role of seagrass beds on the conservation of littoral fish • Conservation of littoral fish communities : a case study at arrabida coast, portugal • Marine parks in the gulf of aqba : a case study of establishment and management • Cleaner fish symbiosis in european and macaronesian waters • Cleaning simbiosis : a review • Size-dependent distribution in littoral fish : optimization of competitive exclusion? • Conflict or cooperation : what determines optimal solutions to competition in fish reproduction? • Alternative mating tactics, nest defence and courtship behaviour in gobies - just a matter of size? • Sexual selection and sex roles in the sand goby • Are female ornaments different from those of males? the pipefish evidence • Accessory organs of the male reproductive system in mediterranean blennies, blenniidae, in comparison with those of .... • Hormones, behaviour and conservation of littoral fishes : current status and prospects for future research • Role of olfactation in fish reproduction : its importance for the conservation of littoral fish • Unidirectional hybridization in fishes • Habitats, sensory systems and lifestyles in littoral fishes • Ecology and behaviour of reef fishes in the temperate north-eastern atlantic and adjacent waters • Fish life on the littoral edgePublicação: Lisboa : Ispa, 1999Descrição: 562 p.Disponibilidade:
Attitudes to animals : views in animal welfare / ed. Francine L. Dolins Nível de parte analítica: In the absense of animals : power and impotence in our delings with endangered animals • Human sentiment and the future of wildlife • Animals in scientific education and a reverence for life • Alternatives to using animals in education • Minding animals : the role of animals in children's mental development • Humane education : the role of animal-based learning • Should we let them go? • New perspectives on the design and management of captive animal environments • Animal welfare : the concept of the issues • Primate cognition : evidence for the ethical treatment of primates • Personality and the hapiness of the chimpazee • Behavioural requirements of farm animals for psychological well-being and survival • Environmental enrichment and impoverishment : neurophysiological effects • Problem of animal subjectivity and its consequences for the scientific measurement of animal suffering • Sheep in wolves clothing? attitudes to animals among farmers and scientists • Me and my totem : cross-cultural attitudes towards animals • Look back in the mirror : perspectives on animals and ethicsPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999Descrição: 262 p.Disponibilidade:
Interdital fishes : life in two worlds / compil. Michael Horn ; co-aut. Karen Martin ; co-aut. Michael Chotowski Nível de parte analítica: Fossil record of the interdital zone • Convergent evolution and community convergence : research potential using interdital fishes • Biogeography of rocky interdital fishes • Systematic of interdital fishes • Interdital fish community • Predation by fishes in the interdital • Herbivory • Recruitment of interdital fishes • Parental care in interdital fishes • Interdital spawning • Sensory systems • Movement and homing in interdital fishes • Osmoregulation, acid-base regulation, and nitrogen excretion • Respiration in water and air • Vertical distribution patterns • Methods for studying interdital fishesPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1999Descrição: 399 p.Disponibilidade:
Comparative primate socioecology / ed. P. C. Lee Nível de parte analítica: Evolutionary ecology and cross-cultural comparison : the case of matrilineal descent in sub-saharan africa • Hominid behavioural evolution : missing links in comparative primate socioecology • Ecology of sex differences in great ape foraging • Energetics, time budgets and group size • Why is female kin bonding so rare? comparative sociality of neotropical primates • Lemur social structure and convergence in primate socioecology • Mating systems, intrasexual competition and sexual dimorphism in primates • Sex and social evolution in primates • Evolutionary ecology of the primate brain • Some current ideas about the evolution of the human life history • Comparative ecology of postnatal growth and weaning among haplorhine primates • Socioecology and the evolution of primate reproductive rates • Phylogenetically independent comparisons and primate phylogeny • Claudistics as a tool in comparative analysis • Comparative method : principles and illustrations from primate socioecologyPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999Descrição: 412 p.Disponibilidade: