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Handbook of life-course criminology: emerging trends and directions for future research / eds. Chris L. Gibson, Marvin D. Krohn
Ligado a: Life-course perspectives and prisoner reentryLigado a: Crime prevention and intervention over the life courseLigado a: Preventing substance use, delinquency, violence, and other problem behaviors over the life-course using the communities that care systemLigado a: Pandora's box: the consequences of low self-control into adulthoodLigado a: Getting out: a summary of qualitative research on desistance across the life courseLigado a: Desistance from crime: a review and ideias for moving forwardLigado a: How work affects crime - and crime affects work - over the life courseLigado a: Under the protective bud the bloom awaits: a review of theory and research on adult-onset and late-blooming offendersLigado a: Social networks and delinquency in adolescence: implications for life-course criminologyLigado a: Social capital, the life-course, and gangsLigado a: Adolescent-limited offendingLigado a: Adolescent time use, companionship, and the relationship with the developmentLigado a: The impact of schools and education on antisocial behavior over lifecourseLigado a: Neughborhood influences on antisocial behavior during childhood and adolescenceLigado a: Enhanced susceptibility to context: a promizing perspective on the interplay of genes and the social environmentLigado a: Genetic and environmental influences on the development of childhood antisocial behavior: current evidence and directions for future researchLigado a: The biology of childhood crime and antisocial behaviorLigado a: Development of antisocial behavior during childhoodIdioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos.Publicação: Gainesville : Springer, 2014Descrição: 341 p.ISBN: 9781493917914.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Legal | Criminologia | Adolescência | delinquência | Perversão | Intervenção | Comportamento anti-social | Fatores de risco Classificação: 4200 - Psicologia Forense e Aspectos Legais | 4270 - Prevenção do Crime Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:Tipo de documento | Biblioteca | Cota | Estado | Data de devolução | Código de barras | |
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Biblioteca ISPA | C6 GILB1 | Disponível | 19963 |
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