Applied behavior analysis / John O. Cooper ; Timothy E. Heron ; William L. Heward
Idioma: Inglês.País: Reino Unido, Harlow.Menção da edição: 3rd ed.Publicação: Pearson : Harlow, 2020Descrição: 839 p.ISBN: 978-1-292-32463-0.Resumo: Appropriate for all upper-level courses in basic principles, applications, and behavioural research methods. This text provides an accurate, comprehensive, and contemporary description of applied behavior analysis in order to help students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills. Applied Behavior Analysis provides a comprehensive, in-depth discussion of the field, offering a complete description of the principles and procedures for changing and analysing socially important behaviour. The 3rd Edition features coverage of advances in all three interrelated domains of the sciences of behavior–theoretical, basic research, and applied research. It also includes updated and new content on topics such as negative reinforcement (Ch. 12), motivation (Ch. 16), verbal behavior (Ch. 18), functional behavioural assessment (Ch. 25), and ethics (Ch. 29). (Fonte: Pearson).Assunto - Nome comum: Métodos de Investigação | Avaliação | Reforço | Comportamento Verbal | Medição | Análise de Comportamento | Modelações | Mudança de Comportamento | Ética | Research Methods | Assessment | Reinforcement | Verbal Behavior | Measuring | behavioral Analysis | Modeling | Behavior Change | Ethics Classificação: 2260 - Métodos de Investigação e Designs Experimentais | 2200 - Psicometria, Estatistica e Metodologia | 2240 - Estatistica e Matemática Recursos em linha: Localização do Documento Tipo de documento:Imagem da capa | Tipo de documento | Biblioteca | Cota | Estado | Data de devolução | Código de barras | |
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Biblioteca ISPA | M COOP/J1 | Disponível | 21831 |
Appropriate for all upper-level courses in basic principles, applications, and behavioural research methods.
This text provides an accurate, comprehensive, and contemporary description of applied behavior analysis in order to help students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills. Applied Behavior Analysis provides a comprehensive, in-depth discussion of the field, offering a complete description of the principles and procedures for changing and analysing socially important behaviour. The 3rd Edition features coverage of advances in all three interrelated domains of the sciences of behavior–theoretical, basic research, and applied research. It also includes updated and new content on topics such as negative reinforcement (Ch. 12), motivation (Ch. 16), verbal behavior (Ch. 18), functional behavioural assessment (Ch. 25), and ethics (Ch. 29).
(Fonte: Pearson)
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