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Handbook of implicit social cognition : measurement, theory, and applications / ed. Bertram Gawronsky, B. Keith Payne

Ligado a: Implicit political cognitionLigado a: Implicit social cognition and indirect measures in consumer behaviorLigado a: Implicit social cognition in forensic settingsLigado a: Clinical applications of implicit social cognition theories and methodsLigado a: Implicit cognition in health psychology : why common sense goes out the windowLigado a: Devided minds, divided morals : how implit social cognition underspins and undermines our sense of social justiceLigado a: Measuring implicit processes in close relationshipsLigado a: The self-concept : new insights from implict measurement proceduresLigado a: Two faces of self-esteem : implicit and explicit forms of self-esteemLigado a: Racia bias and stereotypingLigado a: Implict intergroup bias : cognitive, affective, and motivational underpinningsLigado a: Attitude structure and change : implications for implicit measuresLigado a: What is implicit about goal pursuit?Ligado a: Consistency and inconsistency im implicit social cognition : the case of implicit and explicit measures of attitudesLigado a: Automatic aspects of judgment and decision makingLigado a: Prediction of behaviorLigado a: The developmental of implicit social cognitionLigado a: Formation, change, and contextualization of mental associations : determinants and principles of variations in implict measuresLigado a: Conscousness, introspection, and the adaptative unconsciousLigado a: Implicit measures : simililarities and differencesLigado a: Methematical modeling of implicit social cognitionLigado a: A practical guide to paper-and-pencil implicit meausres of attitudesLigado a: A practical guide to implicit association tests and related tasksLigado a: A practical guide to sequential priming and related tasksLigado a: Implicit social cognition : insights fom social neuroscienceLigado a: Building blocks of socialbehavior : reflective and impulsive processesLigado a: Models of implict and explicit mental representationLigado a: In search of a mesure that qualifies as implicit : recomendations based on a decompositional view of automaticityLigado a: A history of implicit social cognition : where is it comming from? where is it now? where is it going?Autor secundário: Gawronsky, Bertram, ed.;Payne, B. Keith, ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos.Publicação: New York : The Guilford Press, 2010Descrição: 594 p.ISBN: 9781606236734.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Social | Cognição social | Percepção social | Metodologia | Comportamento do consumidor | Auto-conceito | Desenvolvimento | Atitudes | Medidas | Relações intergrupais | Justiça social Classificação: 3000 - Psicologia Social | 3020 - Processos Interpessoais e de Grupo | 3040 - Percepção Social e Cognição Social Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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