Your search returned 30 results.

Vamos tomar um café online? : a expressão da presença social numa comunidade de ensino aprendizagem online / Maria Raquel Tavares Pereira CratoPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2008Description: 195 p.Availability:

Um olhar sobre o envelhecimento [Texto Policopiado] : bem-estar psicológico e autonomia funcional em idosos com apoio formal / Patrícia Maria Candeias XavierPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2004Description: 125 p.Availability:

Teoria e práctica de la psicologia comunitária : la tensión entre comunidad y sociedad / Maritza MonteroPublication: Buenos Aires : Paidós, 2003Description: 201 p.Availability:

Supporting women after domestic violence / ed. Hilary Abrahams ; foreword Cathy HumphreysPublication: London : Jessica Kingsley, 2007Description: 156 p.Availability:

Sociedade de bairro : dinâmicas sociais da identidade cultural / António Firmino da CostaPublication: Oeiras : Celta, 1999Description: 539 p.Availability:

Psychological safety, authentic leadership and social networks [texto policopiado] : A psycho-structural approach to the study of groups / André Escórcio SoaresPublication: Lisboa : ISPA: Instituto Universitário, 2015Description: 144 p.Availability:

Psicologia comunitária / José OrnelasPublication: Lisboa : Fim de Século, 2008Description: 478 p.Availability:

Promoting family wellness and preventing child maltreatment : fundamentals for thinking and action / ed. Isaac Prilleltensky, Geoffrey Nelson, Leslea PeirsonPiece-Analytic Level: Beyond the boundaries : themes for thinking and action in the promotion of family wellness and the prevention of child maltreament • A circle of healing : family wellness in aboriginal communities • Program inplementation and diffusion • Programming for distressed and disadvantaged adolescents • A review and analysis of programs to promote family wellness and prevent the maltreatment of preschool and elementary-school-aged children • Social policies for promoting the well-being of canadian children and families • Vision and values for child and family wellness • Context, contributing factors, and consequences • Mapping the terrain : framework for promoting family wellness and preventing child maltreatmentPublication: Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2001Description: 540 p.Availability:

Parcerias comunitárias na resposta a mulheres sobreviventes de violência doméstica : a experiência do Montijo / Raquel Cristina Paulo Pinheiro Vieitas CardosoPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2007Description: 161 p.Availability:

The Oxford handbook of culture and psychology / ed. Jaan ValsinerPiece-Analytic Level: Psychology courting culture: future directions and their implications • The authentic culture of living well: pathways to psychological well-being • How can we study interactions mediated by money as a cultural tool: from the perspectives of cultural psychology of differences as a dialogical method • Culture in constructive remembering • Guesses on the future of cultural psychology: past, present, and past • Ambivalence and its transformations • Affect and culture • Culture in play • Peer relations • Affective networks: The social terrain of a complex culture • A cultural-historical approach to university / community collaborative interventions • Collaboration and helping as cultural practices • The work of schooling • The interface between the sociology of practice and the analysis of talk in the study of change in educational settings • Duties and rights • The making of magic: cultural constructions of the mundane supernatural • The intergenerational continuity of values • Values and socio-cultural practices: pathways to moral development • Never at-home?: migrants between societies • Crossing thresholds: movement as a means of transformation • Encountering alterity: geographic and semantic movements • From material to symbolic cultures: culture in primates • Culture and epigenesis: a Waddingtonian view • Roots of culture in the Umwelt • Constructing histories • Risk and culture • Belonging to gender: social identities, symbolic boundaries and images • Cultural psychology of racial ideology in historical perspective: an analytic approach to understanding racialized societies and their psychological effects on lives • Being poor: cultural tools for survival • Life-course: a socio-cultural perspective • Social representations as anthropology of culture • Culture in action: a discursive approach • Narrative scenarios: toward a culturally thick notion of narrative • Dialogical theory of selfhood • The other in the self: a triadic unit • Culture-inclusive action theory: action theory in dialectics and dialectics in action theory • Culture: result and condition of action • Existential semiotics and cultural psychology • Modeling iconic literacy: the dynamic models for complex cultural objects • The city as a sign: a developmental-experiential approach to spatial life • Meaningful connections: semiotics, cultural psychology, and the forms of sense • Social life of the sign: sense-making in society • Macro-cultural psychology • Positioning theory: Moral dimensions of social-cutural psychology • Enactivism • Archeology and the study of material culture: synergies with cultural psychology • Cross-cultural psychology: taking people, contexts, and situations seriously • Cultural anthropology • The role of indigenous psychologies in the building of basic cultural psychology • Cultural-historical psychology : contributions of Lev Vygotsky • Volkerpsychologie • Culture and psychology: words and ideas in history • Introduction: culture in psychology: a renewed encounter of inquisitive mindsPublication: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012Description: 1130 p.Availability:

Organization : contemporary principles and practice / John ChildPublication: Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishing, 2005Description: 424 p.Availability:

Organização afiliativa num grupo de adolescentes em contexto escolar : relação com a mudança de conhecimentos e comportamentos face a prevenção da infecção pelo VIH / Magda Maria de Freitas Velosa FerreiraPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2002Description: 158 p.Availability:

O mundo é pequeno: o que podemos aprender sobre o networking e as redes sociais / Miguel Pereira Lopes, Miguel Pina e CunhaPublication: Lisboa : Actual Editora, 2011Description: 186 p.Availability:

Novos possíveis : estratégias identitárias de mulheres oriundas de Guiné-Bissau em Portugal / Susana Miguel GodinhoPublication: Lisboa : Alto-Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural, 2011Description: 151 p.Availability:

Models and methods in social network analysis / ed. Peter J. Carrington, John Scott, Stanley WassermanPiece-Analytic Level: Software for social network analysis • Graphic techniques for exploring social network data • Models for longitudinal network data • Underdependencies and social processes : dependence graphs and generalizad dependence structures • Random graph models for social networks : multiple relations or multiple raters • An introduction to ramdom graphs, dependence graphs, and p* • Using correspondence analysis for joint displays of affiliation networks • Network models and methods for studying the diffusion of innovations • Positional analysis of sociometric data • Extending centrality • Network sampling and model fitting • Recent developments in network measurementPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005Description: 328 p.Availability:

Management of marine protecte areas: a network perspective / ed. Paul D. GroriupPiece-Analytic Level: Marine protected areaas and offshore wind farms • Propects for marine protected areas in the turkish black sea • Black sea network of marine protected areas: european approaches and adaptation to expansion and monitoring in Ukraine • marine protected areas and marine spatial planning with special reference to the Black Sea • Eyes wide shut: managing bio-invasions in Mediterranean marine protected areas • Developing collaboration among marine protected area managers to strenghn network management • Ecosystem-based management for marine protected areas: a systematic approach • Multicriteria decision-making dor marine protecte area design and management • Socioeconomic impactys of networks of marine protected areas • Marine protected areas as spatial protection measures under the marine strategy framework directive • Marine protected area governance and effectiveness across networks • Typology , management and monitoring of marine protected area networks • Ecological effects and benefits of Mediterranean marine protected areas: management implications • From marine protected areas to MPA networksPublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2017Description: 293 p.Availability:

Intervenção comunitária : uma perspectiva psicológica / Isabel MenezesPublication: Porto : Livpsic, 2007Description: 165 p.Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCall number: C8 MENE1 (1).

The hidden power of social networks : understanding how work really gets donne in organizations / Rob Cross, Andrew ParkerPublication: Boston : Harvard Business School, 2004Description: 213 p.Availability:

Health psychology. / Shelley TaylorPublication: New York : Macgraw-hill, 1995Description: 781 p.Availability:

Good vibrations : optimism, social network and resource-attraction capability / Luis Miguel Pereira LopesPublication: Lisboa : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2008Description: 246 p.Availability:
