Your search returned 80 results.

A world of babies : imagined childcare guides for seven societies / ed. Judy DeLoache, Alma GottliebPiece-Analytic Level: Never leave your little one alone : raising an Ifaluk child • The view from the Wuro : a guide to child rearing for Fulani parents • Infants of the dreaming : a Warlpiri guide to child care • Making babies in a Turkish village • Gift from the goods : a Balinese guide to early child rearing • Luring your child into this life : a beng path for instante care • A parenting manual, with words of advice for puritan mothers • If Dr. Spock were born in Bali : raising a world of babiesPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Description: 280 p.Availability:

Work with parents : psychoanalytic psychotherapy with children and adolescents / Edited by John Tsiantis ; Siv Boalt Boethious ; Birgit Hallerfors ; Ann Horne ; Lidia TischlerPiece-Analytic Level: Working with parents of sexually abused children • Helping children through treatment of parenting : the model of mother / infant psychotherapy • Working with parents of autistic children • Work with parents of psychotic children within a day-care therapeutic unit setting • Parental therapy : in theory and practice • Keeping the child in mind : thoughts on work with parents of children in therapy • Therapeutic space for re-creating the child in the mind of the parents • Dialogues with parentsPublication: London : Karnac Books, 2000Description: XXIX, 202 p.Availability:

Troubles psychiatriques des parents et santé mentale de l'enfant / O. BonnotAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: DR EMC2 (1). :

Stress e bem-estar : modelos e domínios de aplicação / coord. Alexandra Marques Pinto, Adelina Lopes da SilvaPiece-Analytic Level: Psicologia do desporto, participação desportiva e treino de competências pessoais : reflexões sobre um caso • Bem-estar docente : perspectivas para superar o mal-estar dos professores • Stress em contexto militar e aeronáutico : identificação dos stressores mais frecuentes e indicação de estratégias organizacionais e pessoais para a melhoria de bem-estar • Stress e vitimação em meio prisional : dos crimes aos castigos • Stress e bem-estar nas organizações • Bem-estar e exposição a riscos ambientais • Gravidez, parentalidade e mudança : stress e adaptação nos processos de transição para a parentalidade • Família e stress : das crises normativas às crises inesperadas : como intervir numa perspectiva sistémica • As múltiplas facetas do stressPublication: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2005Description: 196 p. : quadros, gráficosAvailability:

Ser pai, hoje / Leonor Falé BalanchoPublication: Lisboa : Presença, 2003Description: 111 p.Availability:

Ser pai em tempos de dor : o comportamento parental de companheiros de mulheres com depressão pós-parto / Débora C. da Silva MartinsPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2008Description: 128 p.Availability:

A relação mais precoce : os pais, os bebés e a interacção precoce / T. Brazelton Berry, co-aut. Bertrand G. CramerPublication: Lisboa : Terramar, 1989Description: 268 p.Availability:

Psychological issues in adoption : research and practice / ed. David M. Brodzinsky, Jesús PalaciosPublication: Westport : Praeger, 2005Description: 324 p.Availability:

Psychanalyse et lien social [Número temático] / Coord. Joseph RouzelSet Level: Cultures et Sociétés: Sciences de L'homme, nº 4, 2007Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R10 (1). :

Psicologia dos pais e do brincar / Eduardo SáPublication: Lisboa : Fim De Seculo, 1993Description: 105 p.Availability:

Psicologia do feto e do bebé / org. Eduardo SáPiece-Analytic Level: A observação de bebés... segundo Esther Beck • Prioridades da psicologia para a saúde materno-infantil • A liberdade do nascimento e a sabedoria do bébé • Os bebés : da biologia à psicanálise • Psicologia do feto • A vida fetal • A saúde do feto • O feto e os pais : a primeira ecografia de Margarida • De feto a bebéPublication: Lisboa : Fim de Século, 2003Description: 132 p.Availability:

Psicoanálisis y relaciones de género / comp. Alcira Mariam Alizade, Teresa LartiguePublication: Buenos Aires : México : Lumen, 2004Description: 183 p.Availability:

Personalidade e primiparidade tardia [Texto Policopiado] / Sara Cristina Cabral BatistaPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2007Description: 200 p.Availability:

Parenting representations : theory, research, and clinical implications / ed. Ofra MayselessPiece-Analytic Level: Why do inadequate parents do what they do? • Interplay of relational parent-child representations from a psychoanalytic perspective : an analysis of two mother-father-child triads • Intergenerational transmission of experiences in adolescence : the challenges in parenting adolescents • Good investments : foster parent representations of their foster children • Intergenerational transmission of dysregulated maternal caregiving : mothers describe their upbringing and childrearing • Like fathers, like sons? fathers attitudes to childrearing in light of their perceived relationships with own parents, and their attachment concerns • Maternal representations of parenting in adolescence and psychosocial functioning of mothers and adolescents • Modeling and reworking childhood experiences : involved fathers representations of being parented and of parenting a preschool child • The dual viewpoints of mother and child on their relationship : a longitudinal study of interaction and representation • Communicating feelings : links between mothers representations of their infants, parenting, and infant emotional development • Social cognitive appraches to parenting representations • Maternal representations of relationships : assessing multiple parenting dimensions • Sttudying parenting representations as a window to parents internal working model of caregivingPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 460 p.Availability:

Parentalités [Número Temático]Set Level: Psychiatrie de L'enfant, vol. 50, nº1 (2007)Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R8 (1). :

Parentalidade / Orlanda CruzPublication: Quarteto : Coimbra, 2005Description: 261 p.Availability:

Parent-infant psychodynamics : wild things, mirrors and ghosts / ed. Joan Raphael-LeffPiece-Analytic Level: Feeding disorders • Pregnancy after stillbirth or neonatal death : psychological risks and management • Management of perinatal loss of a twin • The effect of infants behaviour on maternal mental health • Understanding the language of babies • Psycho-analytic insight and relationships • Cannibalism and succour : is breast always best? : thoughts on Amanda • Amanda : observations and reflections of a bottle-fed baby who found a breast mother • Parenting an infant with a birth defect : the regulation of self-esteem • Joy and woe : response to prenatal testing • The dead mother complex • Unconscious communication • Into the night : children's dream books • Sleep problems in babies and young children • Therapeutic interventions in infancy : two contrasting cases of persistent crying • Ghosts in the nursery : a psychoanalytic approach to the problems of impaired infant-mother relationships • A theory of thinking • The experience of the skin in early object relations • Where the wild things are • Emotions and emotional communication in infants • Mirror-role of mother and family in child developmentPublication: London : Philadelphia : Whurr, 2003Description: XIX, 316 p.Availability:

A parceria professores-pais na construção de uma escola do 1º ciclo / Rui Canário, Clara Rolo, Mariana AlvesPublication: Lisboa : Lisboa : Fundo Social Europeu ; DAPP ; GEF, 1997Description: 184 p.Availability:
