A sua pesquisa recuperou 7 resultados.

Violência ou diálogo: reflexões psicanalíticas sobre terror e terrorismo / ed. Sverre Varvin, Vamik D. VolkanNível de parte analítica: Enfrentado o terror: um epelo a favor da reflexão e do diálogo • Enfrentando o terror: um apelo a favor da reflexão e do diálogo • Sociedades traumatizadas • O trauma e suas consequências • Terror na infância • As vozes do silêncio • As mentes e as percepções dos outros • Reflexões sobre a mente terrorista • Desumanização: origens, manifestações e soluções • Fantasmas colectivos, destructividade e terrorismo • Ódio, humilhação e masculinidade • Globalização e identidade • Primatas assassinos na American Airlines, ou: como a religião foi o principal sequestrador em 11 de Setembro • Terrorismo e vitimização: dinamicas individual e de grandes grupos • O terror na vida cotidiana: revisitando Mr. Kurtz • Quando a violência se disfarça de virtude: uma breve história do terrorismoPublicação: São Paulo : Perspectiva, 2003Descrição: 269 p.Disponibilidade:

Terapias feministas, intervenção psicológica e violências na intimidade : uma leitura feminista críticaNível de conjunto: Psychologica, Vol. 36, 2004, p. 15-32Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

The relational trauma of incest : a family-based approach to treament / Marcia Sheinberg, Peter FraenkelPublicação: New York : The Guilford Press, 2001Descrição: 220 p.Disponibilidade:

The Oxford handbook of criminology / ed. Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan, Robert ReinerNível de parte analítica: Community penalties : probation, punishment, and what works • Imprisonment : a brief histort, the contemporary scene, and likely prospects • Sentencing • From suspect to trial • Policing and the police • Crime reduction • Drugs, alcohol, and crime • The organization of serious crimes • White-collar crime • Violent crime • Mentally disordered offenders, mental health, and crime • Crime and the life course • Developmental criminology and risk-focused prevention • Environmentall criminology • Racism, ethnicity, crime, and criminal justice • Young people, crime, and youth justice • Gender and crime • Crime and social exclusion • Victims • Media made criminality : the representation of crime in mass media • Crime statistics : the data explosion and its implications • The skeletons in the cupboard : the politics of law and order at the tirn of the millenium • Legal constructions of crime • Punishment and control • The history of crime and crime control institutions • Com+paring criminal justice • Criminologia psychology • Feminism and criminology • Contemporary landscapes of crime, order, and control : governance, risk, and globalization • Sociological theories of crime • Of Crimes and criminals : the development of criminology in BritainPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002Descrição: 1227 p.Disponibilidade:

Les comportements violents et dangereux : aspects criminologiques et psychiatriques / Louis Roure, Philippe DuizaboPublicação: Paris : Masson, 2003Descrição: XII, 256 p. : il.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of bullying in schools : an international perspective / Ed. Shane R. Jimerson, Susan M. Swearer, Dorothy L. EspelageNível de parte analítica: International perspectives on blullying prevention and intervention • Sustainability of bullying intervention and prevention programs • School bullying and the case for the method of shared concern • Teachers management of student bullying in the classroom • Prevention of bullying at a systematic level in schools : movement from cognitive ans spatial narratives of diametric opposition to concentric relation • Reducing bullying by changing teacher and student behavior • McKay school satefy program (MSSP) : a bilingual bicultural approach • The PEACE pack : a program for reducing bullying in our schools • Peer processes in Bullying : informing prevention and intervention strategies • How school personnel tackle cases of bullying : a critical examination • From peer putdowns to peer support : a theorectical model and how it translated into a national anti-bullying program • Bully-proofing your elementary school : creating a caring community • Cultural variations in characteristics of effective bullying programs • School nullying : a crisis or an opportinity? • The Olweus bullying prevention program : implementation and evaluation over two decades • A school climate intervention that reduces bullying by a focus on the bystander audience rather than the bully and victim : the peaceful schools project of the Menninger Clinic and Baylor Colleche of Medicine • Variability in the prevalence of bullying and victimization : a cross-national and methodological analysis • Neurobiology of peer victimization and rejection • Bullying assessment : a call for increased precision of self-reporting procedures • Assessment of bullying / victimization : the problem of comparability across studies and across methodologies • Neurobiology of peer victimization and rejection • Scales and surveys : same problems with meauring bullying behavior • The assessment of bullying • Cyberbullying : the nature and extent of a new kind of bullying, in and outof school • Bullying beyond school : examining the role of sports • Bullying dynamics associated with race, ethnicity, and immigration status • Respect or fear? : the relationship between power and bullying behavior • Bullying and social status during school transitions • parent-child relationships and bullying • Popular girls and brawny boys : the role of gender in bullying and victimization experiences • Victimization and exclusion : links to peer rejection, classroom engagement, and achievement • Relations among bullying, stresses, and stressors : a longitudinal and comparative survey among countries • Bullying in primary and secondary schools • The popularity of elementary school bullies in genderand racial context • Bullying and morality : understanding how good kids can behave badly • Social behavior and peer relkationships of victims, bully-victimes, and bullies in kindergarten • The etiological cast to the role of the Bystander in the social archotecture of bullying and violence in schools and communicaties • A social-ecological model for bullying prevention and intervention : understanding the impact of adults in the social ecology of youngsters • Creating a positive school climate and deveping social competence • Comparative a cross-cultural research on school bullying • Understanding and researching bullying : some critical issues • International scholarship advances science and practice addressing bullying in schoolsPublicação: New York : Routledge, 2010Descrição: 614 p.Disponibilidade:

Abordagens teóricas da violência interparental : Compreensão do ajustamento da criança ao conflito dos paisNível de conjunto: Teoria, investigação e prática, Vol. 9, nº 2, 2004, p. 153-177Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :
