A sua pesquisa recuperou 5 resultados.

Science and the concept of race / Margaret Mead et alNível de parte analítica: Racial classifications popular and scientific • Some motivational determinants of racial differences in intellectual achievement • The need to end the pseudoscientific investigation of race • The need to investigate average biological differences among racial groups • The biological race concept as a research tool • The genetic basis of human races • Race : the reflections of a biological historian • Boldness and judgment in behavior genetics • Behavior-genetic analysis and the study of man • The distribution of genetic differences in behavioral potential in the human species • The construct race and the innate differentialPublicação: New York : Columbia University Press, 1968Descrição: 177 p.Disponibilidade:

Raça e história / Claude Levi-StraussPublicação: Lisboa : Presença, 1989Descrição: 151 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: SO2 LEVI9C (2).

A história do homem : uma nova história da evolução da humanidade / Robin DunbarPublicação: Lisboa : Quetzal, 2006Descrição: 195 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of organizational behaviorNível de parte analítica: Transcending cultural boundaries for human and organization development : experiences of international exchanges between India and the United States • A new perspective on organizaing in industry • A way out of no way? : strategy, structure, and the new governance • Compensation : trends and expanding horizons • Paradigms in organizational change : change agent and change target perspectives • A positive revolution in change : appreciative inquiry • Hegemonic masculinity and organizational behavior • Behavioral research in auditing : a review and synthesis • Postmodernism : implicationsfor organization theory? • Wisdom's critical requirement for scientific objectivity in organizational behavior research : explicit reporting of researcher values • Valuing diversity in a global economy : the sad state of organizations and gender • Management training and developement • Work-family role conflict and employer responsability : an organizational analysis of workplace responses to a social problem • Entrepreneurial phenomena in a cross-national context • Managung organizational conflict : challenges for organization development and change • Psychological burnout in organizations : research and intervention • Human factors in information systems • Research on race and ethnicity : an update and analysis • Leadership theory in postmodernism organizations • Risk taking in organizations • Surveying organizational structures and human resource practices : the national organizations study • Organizational design • Organization culture : it's alive! it's alive! but there's no fixed address! • Small group research : autonomous teams and progress on isuues of context and levels of analysis • Conservation of resources theory : applications to stress and management in the workplace • Motivation by goal setting • Work motivation • The concergence appraoch to organizational design • Fitting a market metaphor to organizational behaviorPublicação: New York : Marcel Dekker, 2001Descrição: 805 p.Disponibilidade:

Actas do seminário e práticas desportivo-motoras / ed. José António Ribeiro MaiaPublicação: Porto : Universidade do Porto, 2001Descrição: 83 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S5 MAIA3 (1). :
