A sua pesquisa recuperou 29 resultados.

Significações de doença, confronto sintomático e adaptação em pacientes de Reumatologia e Ortopedia : uma abordagem desenvolvimentista e dialéctica / Ana Pires, L. Joyce-MonizNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 309-326Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

A saúde do adolescente: o que se sabe e quais são os novos desafios / Margarida Gaspar de MatosNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 251-263Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Resiliência e psicologia positiva : interfaces do risco à proteção / Org. Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio, Sílvia Helena Koller, Maria Angela Mattar YunesNível de parte analítica: Neuroplasticidade e resiliência em crianças e adolescentes vitimas de maus tratos • Terapia cognitivo-comportamental e promoção de resiliência para crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual intrafamiliar • A constituição de moras nas ruas como processos de resiliência em adolescentes • Família e abrigo como rede de apoio social e afectiva • Violencia e probreza : um estudo sobre vulnerabilidade e resilência familiar • Resiliência familiar : baixa renda e monoparentalidade • Desafios metodológicos para a pesquisa em resiliência : conceitos e reflexões críticas • Psicologia positiva, emoções e resiliência • Psicologia positiva e resiliência : foco no indivíduo e na família • Resiliência : uma perspectiva conceitual e históriaPublicação: São Paulo : Casa do Psicólogo, 2006Descrição: 289 p.Disponibilidade:

Questionário de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida para adolescentes com Diabetes Tipo 1: estudo de validação do DQOL / J. Paulo Almeida, M. Graça PereiraNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 295-307Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Psicologia Positiva e Educação [Número temático]Nível de conjunto: Psicologia, Educação e Cultura, Vol. 11, nº 2, (2007)Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :

Psicologia pediátrica e seus desafios actuais na formação, pesquisa e intervenção / Marina Menezes, Carmen Ocampo Moré, Luísa BarrosNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 227-238Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Psicologia da Saúde Crítica: breve revisão e perspectiva existencialista / José A. Carvalho TeixeiraNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 335-345Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Psicologia aplicada / Miguel Pereira Lopes, et al.Publicação: Lisboa : Editora RH, 2011Descrição: 474 p.Disponibilidade:

Promoção do bem-estar na adolescência: impacto do estatuto socio-económico e do estatuto migrante / Tânia GasparNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 265-279Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Positive psychology : the scientific and practical explorations of human strenghs / C. R. Snyder, Shane J. LopezPublicação: Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2007Descrição: 598 p.Disponibilidade:

Participação comunitária e satisfação com os cuidados de saúde primários / Liliana LoboNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 367-371Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Para onde iremos, homens, depois das palavras? [Número temático]Nível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 25, nº 4, 2008Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

The Oxford handbook of positive organizational scholarship / Ed. Kim S. Cameron, Grettchen M. SpreitzerNível de parte analítica: A Path forward : assessing progress and exploring core questions for the future of positive organizational scholarship • Five steps toward peacemaking : using positive organizational scholarship to build a better world • Positive deviance: a metaphor and method for learning from the uncommon • In god we trust : a comparison of spiritualities at work • Social movements in organizations • Strange bedfellows : homo economicus and positive organization scholarship • Critical theory and positive organizational scholarship • Positive deviance for a sustainable world : linking sustainability and positive organizational scholarship • Stress interventions versus positive interventions : apples and oranges? • Just a good place to visit? : Exploring positice responses of psychological ambivalence • Posttraumatic growth : a missed opportunity for positive organizational scholarship • Resilience at work • Recovery : nonwork experiences that promote positive states • Organizational healing: a relational process to handle major disruption • Managing the unespected • Positive Strategy : creating and sustaining strenghs-based strategy that SOARs and performs • Emotions and strategic change • Organizational sustainability : organization design and senior leadership to enable strategic paradox • Toward a positive and dynamic theory of leadership development • Advances in theory and research on authentic leadership • What makes an organizational change processe positive? • Seeing and acting diferrently : positive change in organizations • Positive organization development : innovation-inspired change in an economy and ecology of strengths • The spirits of organization development, or why OD lives despite it's pronounced death • Margins, membership, and mobility : redefining boundaries in collaborative endeavors • Innovativeness as positive deviance : identifying and operationalizing the attributes, functions, and dynamics that creat growth • Organizational Energy • The defining role of organizational identity for facilitating stakeholder flourishing : a map for tuture research • Mindfull organizing : establishing and extending the foundations of highly reliable performance • The design of jobs : a strategy for enhancing the positive outcomes of individuals at work • Collective efficacy beliefs, organizational excellence, and leadership • Resources, resourcing, and ampliative cycles in organizations • The generative potency of cultural symbols : implications for positive organizational scholarship • Positive work-family dynamics • The mindful negotiator : strategic emotion management and well-being • Parallel and divergent predictors of objective and subjective value in negotiation • The role of communication in positive organizational scholarship • A positive approach to studying diversity in organizations • Socialization perspectives and positive organizational scholarship • Relational mentoring : a positive approach to mentoring at work • Personal growth through career work : a positive approach to careers • Psychological safety : a foundation for speaking up, collaboration, and experimentation in organizations • The laughter advantage : cultivating high-quality connections and workplace outcomes through humor • Perspective taking : building positive interpersonal connections and trustworthiness one interaction at a time • Positive organizational scholarship and trust in leaders • Civility • Workplace intimacy in leader-follower relationships • A dual model of reciprocity in organizations : moral sentiments and reputation • New directions for relational coordination theory • High-quality connections • The positive power of character strengths and virtues for global leaders • Productivity through strengths • Positive business ethics : grounding and elaborating a theory of good works • Research on behavioral integrity : a promising construct for positive organizational scholarship • A positive lens on organizational justice : toward a moral, constructive, and balanced approach to reactions to third-party (in)justice • Courage in organizations : an integrative review of the difficult virtue • Imagining hope in organizations : from individual goal-attainment to horizons of relational possibility • Compassion revealed : what we know about compassion at work (and where we need to know more) • Exploring the relevance of implications of humility in organizations • Forgiveness at four levels : intrapersonal, relational, organizational and collective-group • Virtuousness in organizations • Shared positive affect in workgroups • Social context and the psycholody of emotional intelligence : a key to creating positive organizations • Passion • Subjective well-being in organizations • Positive emotions : broadning and building upward spirals of sustainable enterprise • Human energy in organizations : implications for POS from six interdisciplinary streams • Exploring the minds of managers : insights from three neuroscience studies • Exploring the minds of managers : insights from three neuroscience studies • some traits associated with flourishing at work • Organizing the Cat? : generative aspects of curiosity in organizational life • Striving for creativity : building positive contexts in the workplace • Proactivity in the workplace : looking back and looking forward • Positive identity construction : insights from classical and contemporary theoretical perspectives • Being there : work engagement and positive organizational scholarship • Callings • Prosocial motivation at work : when, why, and how making a difference makes a difference • Psychologuical capital : meaning, findings and future directions • Introduction: what is positive about positive organizational scholarship?Publicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012Descrição: 1076 p.Disponibilidade:

The Oxford handbook of happiness / ed. Susan A. David, Ilona Boniwell, Amanda Conley AyersNível de parte analítica: The future happiness • The collaborative recovery model: developing positive institutuions to facilitate recoveryin eduring mental illness • Well-being therapy theoretical background, clinical implications, and future directions • Mindfulness and cultivating well-being in older adults • Coaching and well-being: a brief review of existing evidence, relevant theory, and implications for practitioners • Happiness in valued living: acceptance and commitment therapy as a model for change • Positive psychology in practice: positive psychotherapy • Increasing happiness in the general population: empirically supported self-help? • Introduction to happiness interventions • Creating a stable architectural framework of existence: proposing a model of lifelong meaning • Post-traumatic growth: eudaimonic happiness in the aftermath of adversity • Promotion and protection of positive mental health: towards complete mental health in human development • Variety in the spice of happiness: the hedonic adaptation prevention model • Set-point theory may now need replacing: death of a paradigm? • Friendship and happiness • Perceived social support and happiness: the role of personality and relational processes • Adult attachment and happiness: individual differences in the experience and consequences of positive emotions • Close relationships and happiness • Introduction to relationships and happiness • Executive well-being • Encouraging employee happiness • Reflected best self engagement at work: positive identity, alignment, and the pursuit of vitality and value creation • Managing psychological capital in organizations; ciognitive, affective, conative and social mechanisms of happiness • Jobs and job-holders: two sources of happiness and unhapiness • Work design and happiness: an active, reciprocal perspective • How work shapes well-being • Virtuousness as a source of happiness in organizations • An introduction to happiness and organizations • Positive education at geelong grammar school • Going beyond the accidental: happiness, education, and the Wellington college experience • Teaching for windom • Resilience education • Applying happiness and well-being research to the teaching and learning process • Happiness in the classroom • Should education have hapiness lessons • Well-being and resilience in education • Should education have hapiness lessons • Education and well-being • Introduction to positive education • Well-being and public policy • Well-being and sustainable development • Well-being in consumer societies • The geography of happiness • Comparing well-being across nations: conceptual and empirical issues • Economics and the study of individual happiness • Introduction to happiness and society • Quieting the mind and low arousal routes to happiness • Heaven on earth: benedicial effects of sanctification for individual and interpersonal well-being • Florishing through meditation and mindfulness • Well-being from the hindu / Sanãtana Dharma perspective • Relational buddhism: an integrative psychology of happiness amidst existential suffering • Introduction to spiritual approaches to happiness • Happiness and its opposites • Philosophical methods in happiness research • The nature and significance of happiness • The seductions of happiness • Continental contributions to our understanding of happiness and suffering • Happiness in early chinese thought • The pursuit of happiness in history • Introduction to philosophical approaches to hapiness • Functional well-being: happiness as feelings, evaluations, and functioning • What makes for life well lived?: autonomy and its relation to full functioning and organismic wellness • Eudaimonia: the difference between eudaimonia and hedonia • Measuring happiness and subjective well-being • Subjective well-being • Notions of the good life • Introduction to psychological happiness • Happiness experienced: the science of subjective well-being • The rewards of hapiness • Positive psychological experiences and psychopathology: a self-regulatory perspective • Religous engagement and well-being • Emotionally intelligent happiness • Past, present, and future of flow • The endowment - contrast model: a lens for happiness research • The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions: form, function, and mechanisms • Introduction to psychological approaches to happinessPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013Descrição: 1097 pDisponibilidade:

O consumo de tabaco numa instituição universitária: prevalência e características do fumador / Marina Prista Guerra, Cristina Queirós, SandraTorres, Filipa Vieira, Carla Branco, Sofia Almeida Garrett, Cristina QueirósNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 209-226Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Melhores práticas psicológicas, maior qualidade de ensino / Manuela MachadoPublicação: Lisboa : Edições Vieira da Silva, 2012Descrição: 239 p.Disponibilidade:

Interrupção Voluntária da Gravidez: Intervenção psicológica nas consultas prévia e de controlo / Ivone Patrão, Gwen King, Miguel AlmeidaNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 349-354Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Hábitos tabágicos dos pais de alunos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico :implicações para a intervenção / José PreciosoNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 193-208Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Factores de risco relacionados com as várias fases da ?carreira? de fumador: implicações para a prevenção / José PreciosoNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 177-192Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Escrita terapêutica em contexto de saúde: uma breve revisão / Maria João Figueiras, Dália MarcelinoNível de conjunto: Analise Psicológica. Vol. 26, nº 2, 2008, 327-334Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :
