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Handbook of community psychology / ed. Julian Rappaport ; Edward Seidman

Ligado a: Contemporary intersections : l. independent living and people with phisical disabilitiesLigado a: Contemporary intersections : k. homelessnessLigado a: Contemporary intersections : j. substance abuse preventionLigado a: Contemporary intersections : i. violence preventionLigado a: Contemporary intersections : h. unemploymentLigado a: Contemporary intersections : g. the new immigrantsLigado a: Contemporary intersections : f. the farm crisis and rural americaLigado a: Contemporary intersections : e. the hiv/aids epidemic: an international perspectiveLigado a: Contemporary intersections : d. lesbian, gay, and bisexual issuesLigado a: Contemporary intersections : c. environmental issuesLigado a: Contemporary intersections : b. reproductive rightsLigado a: Contemporary intersections : a. the urban poorLigado a: Barometers of community change : personal reflectionsLigado a: Perspective on ethical issues in community psychologyLigado a: Women's epowerment : a review of community psychology's first 25 yearsLigado a: Community psychology and ethnic minority populationsLigado a: Psychology in the international community : perspectives on peace and developmentLigado a: Community psychology in international perspectiveLigado a: Practitioners perspectivesLigado a: Thinking through others : qualitative research and community psychologyLigado a: Statistical models for changeLigado a: Cross-level research without cross-ups in community psychologyLigado a: Assessing ecological constructs and community contextLigado a: Contributions from organizational psychologyLigado a: Self-help groupsLigado a: School reform movement : opportunities for community psychologyLigado a: Helping troubled chindren and families : a paradigm of public responsibilityLigado a: Community change, community stasis, and the lawLigado a: Religion in american life : a community psychology perspectiveLigado a: Community-based health interventionsLigado a: Prospects for a viable community mental health system : reconciling ideology, professional traditions, and political ...Ligado a: Dissemination of innovation as social changeLigado a: Social policy and community psychologyLigado a: Action-oriented mass communicationLigado a: Creation of alternative settingsLigado a: Community and neughborhood organizationLigado a: Contextual influences in mental health consultation : toward an ecological perspective on radiating changeLigado a: Power and participation in the workplace : implications for empowerment theory, research, and practiceLigado a: Citizen participation and community organizationsLigado a: Social support research in community psychologyLigado a: Stress : theory, research, and actionLigado a: Psychological dysfunction and well-being : public health and social indicator approachesLigado a: Understanding and changing social systems : an ecological viewLigado a: Cognition in social context : contributions to community psychologyLigado a: Toward an integration of behaviorism and community psychology : dogs bark at those they do not recognizeLigado a: Community psychology and routes to psychological wellnessLigado a: Individualism, collectivism, and community psychologyLigado a: Empowerment theory : psychological, organizational and community levels of analysisLigado a: Prevention in mental health and social intervention : conceptual and methodological issues in the evolution of the ...Autor secundário: Rappaport, Julian, ed.;Seidman, Edward, ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos.Publicação: New York : Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, 2000Descrição: 1011 p.ISBN: 0306461609.Assunto - Nome comum: Desenvolvimento Comunitário | Prenvenção | Psicologia comunitária | Cgnição social | Ecologia social | Individualismo | Mudança social | Bem-estar | Saúde-mental | Empowerment | Prevenção | Participação | Stress | Suport social | Organização comunitária | Inovação | Comunicação de massas | Intervenção em saúde | Religião | Grupos de auto-ajuda | Psicologia Organizacional | Mudança comunitária Classificação: 3370 - Serviços de Saúde e Saúde Mental Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA C8 RAPP2A Disponível 12407
Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA DR C8 RAPP2 Disponível 12391
Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA C8 RAPP2B Disponível 18237

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