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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2 resultados.

Testing structural equation models / Edited by Kenneth A. Bollen ; J. Scott LongPublicação: Newbury Park : Sage, 1993Descrição: 320 p.Disponibilidade:

New advances in statistical modeling and applications / António Pacheco; Rui Santos; Maria do Rosário Oliveira; Carlos Daniel PaulinoNível de parte analítica: Évora residents and sports activity • Table-graph: a new approach to visualize multivariate data. Analysis of chronic diseases in Portugal • Forecast intervals with Boot.EXPOS • Using INLA to estimate a highly dimensional spatial model for forest fires in Portugal • Volatility and returns of the main stock indices • Hierarchical normal mixture model to analyse HIV / AIDS LOS • Brugada syndrome diagnosis: three approaches to combining diagnostIc markers • The traveling salesman problem and the Gnedenko Theorem • Application of the theory of extremes to the study of precitipation in Madeira Island: statistical choice of estreme domains of attraction • Tail dependence of a pareto process • The MOP EVI-estimator revisited • Extremal quantiles, value-at-risk, quasi-PORT and DPOT • Peaks over random threshold asymptotically best linear estimation of the extreme value index • A semi-parametric estimator of a shape second-order parameter • Valuation of bond options under the CIR model: some computational remarks • Individual growth in a random environment: an optimization problem • Consequences of an incorrect model specification on population growth • Modeling human population death rates: a bi-dimensional stochastic gompertz model with correlated wiener processes • Nearest neighbor connectivity on two-dimensional multihop MANETs • Cantor sets with random repair • Testing serial correlation isung the Gauss-Newton regression • Testing the maximum by the mean in quantitative group tests • Robust functional principal component analysis • Resampling methodologies in the field of statistics of univariate extremes • Ouliers: the strength of minors • The non-mathematical side of statisticsPublicação: Heidelberg : Springer, 2014Descrição: 283 pDisponibilidade:
