A sua pesquisa recuperou 5 resultados.

Marine mammal welfare : human induced change in the marine environment and its impacts on marine mammal welfare / Andy ButterworthNível de parte analítica: Anthropogenic ocean change : the consummate threat to marine mammal welfare • Of poisons and plastics : an overview of the latest pollution issues affecting marine mammals • Welfare implications of cetacean bycatch and entanglements • From hunting to watching : human interactions with cetacenas • Welfare issues associated with small toothed whale hunts : an example, the druve hunt in Taiji, Japan • Din in the deep: noise in the ocean and its impacts on Cetaceans • Evaluating the walfare implications of climate change for Cetaceans • Managing the welfare of marine mammals at mass strandlings in Golden Bay, New Zealand • Social change in Cetacean populations resulting from human influences • Cataceans in captivity • Cataceans in captivity • Assessing the welfare of cetacea • The wellfare impact on Pinnepeds of marine debris • Loss of habitat: impacts of Pinnepeds and their welfare • Welfare aspects of commercial hunting and climate change • Assessing the welfare of Pennipeds • Human interactions with Sirenians (manatees and dugongs) • Impacts of marine debris and fisheries on Sirenians • Impact of of climate change and loss of hebitat on Sirenians • Sirenian health and well-being in managed curve • Assessing welfare of individual sirenians in the wild and in captivity • Human-polar bear interactions in a changing artic: existing and emerging concerns • Polar bears and sea ice habitat change • Implications of rapid enviroment change for polar bear and sociality • Uncertainties in forecasting the response of polar bears to global climate change • The harvest of polar bears across the Circumpolar North • Welfare of captive polar bear and their value to in situ conservation efforts • Monitoring the welfare of polar bears populations in a rapidly changing artic • Effects on otters of pollution, fisheries equipment and water-borne debris • Animal welfare issues pertaining to the trapping of otters for research, conservation, and fur • Otters in captivity • Pathology of marine mammals: whar it can tell us about envinonment and wellfare • EpiloguePublicação: Cham : Springer, 2017Descrição: 625 p.Disponibilidade:

Marine mammal ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques / ed. Ian L. Boyd, W. Don Bowen, Sara J. EvertonNível de parte analítica: Conservation biology • Approaches to management • Identifying units to conserve using genetic data • Long-term studies • Studying marine mammal social systems • Foraging behaviour • Telemetry • Diet • Measurement of individual and population energetics of marine mammals • Epidemiology, disease, and health assessment • Vital rates and population dynamics • Morphometrics, age estimation, and growth • The spatial analysis of marine mammal abundance • Estimating the abundance of marine mammals • Marking and capturing • Ethics in marine mammal sciencePublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2011Descrição: 450 pDisponibilidade:

An introduction to marine mammal biology and conservation / E. C. M. Parsons, et al.Publicação: Burlington : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013Descrição: 345 p.Disponibilidade:

Ethology and behavioral ecology of Odontocetes / ed. Bernd WursigNível de parte analítica: Grouping behaviors of dolphins and other toothed whales • Communication by sound and by visual, tactile, and chemical sensing • Social ecology of feeding in an open ocean • Sexual strategies: male and female maring tactics • Maternal care and offspring development in odontocetes • Movement patterns of odontocetes through space and time • Predator / prey decisions and the ecology of fear • Odontocete social strategies and tactics along and inshore • Oceanic dolphin societies : diversity, complexity, and conservation • Odontocete adaptations to human impact and vice versa • Killer whales : behavior, social organization, and ecology of the oceans' apex predators • Sperm whale: the largest toothed creature on earth • Pilot whale : delphinid matriarchies in deep seas • Behavior and ecology of not-so-social odontocetes : Cuvier's and Blainville's Beaked whales • Common bottlenose dolphin foraging : behavioral solutions theat incorporate habitat features and social associates • The Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (tursiops aduncus) • Dusky dolphins of continental shelves and deep canyons • Cetacean socialty in rivers, lagoons, and estuaries • Purpoises the world over : diversity in behavior and ecology • Endangered odontocetes and the social connection : selected examples of species at risk • Ethology and behavioral ecology of odontocetes : concluding remarksPublicação: Cham : Springer, 2019Descrição: 504 p.Disponibilidade:
