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Embedding organizations : societal analysys of actors, organizations and socio-economic context / compil. Marc Maurice ; co-aut. Arndt Sorge

Ligado a: ConclusionsLigado a: Male and female patterns of labour force participation : a comparison between france and japanLigado a: Societal comparison and social change of the family division of labourLigado a: Is it time to gender the societal effect?Ligado a: Reintroducing public action into societal analysisLigado a: Path dependencies of education systems and the division of labour within organizations : formalizing the societal ...Ligado a: Do we compare societies when we compare national university systems?Ligado a: Deregulation and societal systemsLigado a: Society, organization and work in chinaLigado a: Transfer of business practices to britain and franceLigado a: Societal effects school and transnational transfer : the case of japanese investment in britainLigado a: Evolution of teamwork at rover : societal, sectoral and organizational explanationsLigado a: Understanding the globalization strategies of german and british multinational companies : is a societal effects ...Ligado a: Explaining changes in institutional frameworks : societal patterns of business coordinationLigado a: Contribution of societal analysis to the economic theory of the firmLigado a: Positivist, hermeneutical, and postmodern positions in the comparative management debateLigado a: Theorectical problems in international comparisons : towards a reciprocal improvement of societal analysis and ...Ligado a: Implications of societal analysis for a programme of researchLigado a: Towards a relational approach to the study of the variety in situated creativity of economic actorsLigado a: Societal or systems effects?Ligado a: Diabolical dialectics of societal effectsLigado a: Paradozes of societal analysis : a review of the past and prospects for the futureAutor secundário: Maurice, Marc;Sorge, ArndtPublicação: Amsterdam : John Bejamins Publishing, 2000Descrição: 434 p.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Organizacional Classificação: 3600 - Psicologia Organizacional | 3660 - Comportamento Organizacional Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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