A sua pesquisa recuperou 5 resultados.

Marine conservation biology : the science of maintaining the sea's biodiversity / ed. Elliott A. Norse, Larry B. CrowderNível de parte analítica: ending the range wars on the last frontier : zoning the sea • Toward a sea ethic • Recovering populations and restoring ecosystems : restoration ecosystems : restoration of coral reefs and related marine communities • Uncertanty in marine management • The role oflegal regimes in marine conservation • Developing rules to manage fisheries : a cross-cultural perspective • Human dimensions • Metapopulation structure and marine reserves • Place-based ecosystem management in the open ocean • Place-based management of marine ecosystems • Are sustainable fisheries achievable? • Evolutionary impacts of fishing on target populations • Effects of fishing on long-lived marine organisms • The global destructions of botton habitats by mobile fishing gear • The greatest threat : fisheries • Multiple stressors in marine systems • Diseases and the conservation of marine biodiversity • The magnitude and consequences of bioinvasions in marine ecosystems : implications for conservation biology • The portential for nutrient overenrichment to dimish marine biodiversity • Threats to marine biological diversity • Behavioral approaches to marine conservation • Extinction risk in marine species • The allee effect in the sea • The life of the sea : implications of marine population biology to conservation policy • Marine populations : the basics • Back to the future in marine conservation • Why marine conservation biology?Publicação: Washington : Island Press, 2005Descrição: 470 p.Disponibilidade:

A guide to careers in community development / Paul C. Brophy , Alice ShabecoffPublicação: Washington : Island Press, 2001Descrição: XV, 309 p.Disponibilidade:

Global citizen / Donella MeadowsPublicação: Washington : Island Press, 1991Descrição: 300 p.Disponibilidade:

The empty ocean: ploundering the world's marine life / Richard EllisPublicação: Washington : Island Press, 2003Descrição: 367 p.Disponibilidade:

Defying oceans's end: an agenda for action / eds. Linda K. Glover, Graeme KelleherNível de parte analítica: Time for a sea change • Technology support to conservation • Business plan • The unlnown ocean • Ocean governance: a new ethos through a world ocean public trust • Defying ocean's end through the power of communications • Restoring and maintaining marine ecosystem function • A global network for sustained governance of coastal ecosystems • Rationality or Chaos?: Global Fixheries and the crossroads • Lines on the water: ocean-use planning in large marine ecosystems • The Gulf of California: natural resource concerns and the pursuit of a vision • Coral triangle • The Southern ocean: a model system for conserving resources • Seamount biodiversity, exploitation and conservation • The caribbeanPublicação: Washington : Island Press, 2004Descrição: 283 p.Disponibilidade:
