A sua pesquisa recuperou 23 resultados.

Sport psychology interventions / compil. Shane MurphyNível de parte analítica: Overtraining and burnout • Transitions in competitive sport : maximizing individual potential • Eating disorders and weight management in athletes • Alcohol and drugs in sport • Caring for injured athletes • Consultations with sport organizations : a cognitive-behavioral model • Gender issues : a social-educational perspective • Relationship issues in sport : a marital therapy model • Providing psychological services to student athletes : a developmental psychology model • Coach and the team psychologist : an intergrated organizatonal model • Invisible players : a family systems model • Competitive recreational athletes : a multisystemic model • Children in sport : an educational model • Psychological interventions : a life development model • Introduction to sport psychology interventionsPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 1995Descrição: 389 p.Disponibilidade:

Sport psychology in practice / ed. Mark B. AndersenNível de parte analítica: Comming full circle : from practice • The elephant in the locker room : opening the dialogue about sexual orientation on women's sports teams • Straight huys working with gay guys : homophobia and sport psychology service delivery • Abre athletes with disabilities : issues and group work • Raising the bar : developing an understanding of athletes from racially, culturally, and ethnically diverse backgrounds • Iver one's head : referral processes • Facilitating change : alcohol and violence among athletes • On stage : mental skills training for dancers • Returning to self : the anxieties of coming back after injury • The skin game : extra points for looking good • I have a friend who... : group work on weight and body image • But coach doesn't understand : dealing with team communication quagmires • Integrating mind and body : presenting mental skills to young teams • The selling or the telling of sport psychology : presenting services to coachPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2005Descrição: 338 p.Disponibilidade:

The sport psych handbook : a complete guide to today's best mental training techniques / ed. Shane MurphyNível de parte analítica: Qualifications : education and experience • Roles : the sport psychologist • Substance use : chemical roulette in sport • Eating disorders : when rations become irrational • Injuries : the psychology of recovery and rehab • Coaching : an effective communication system • Teamwork : for the good of the whole • Leadership : full engagement for sucess • Imagery : inner theater becomes reality • Concentration : focus udner pressure • Anger : how to moderate hot buttons • Anxiety : from pumped to panicked • Overtraining : balance practice and performance • Competitive drive : embracing positive rivalries • Goals : more than just the score • Motivation : the need to achievePublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2005Descrição: 350 p.Disponibilidade:

Social significance of sport : an introduction to the sociology of sport / Barry Macpherson, co-aut. James Curtis, co-aut. John LoyPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 1989Descrição: 334 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychological dynamics of sport / Diane GillPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 1986Descrição: 286 p.Disponibilidade:

Physical self : from motivation to well-being / compil. Kenneth FoxNível de parte analítica: Therapeutic effects of exercise on the self • Disability, identity, and involvement in sport and exercise • Adolescent weight management and the physical self • Identity, sport, and youth development • Self-esteem in children and youth : the role of sport and physical education • Body image, exercise and eating behaviors • Physical self and processes in self-esteem development • Reflections on the socially constructed physical self • Cognitive theories of motivation and the physical self • Measurement of physical self-concept : a construct invalidation approach • Physical self-system : a mediator of exercise and self-esteem • Let's get physicalPublicação: Leeds : Human Kinetics, 1997Descrição: 328 p.Disponibilidade:

Physical activity in human experience : interdisciplinary perspectives / compil. James Curtis ; co-aut. Storm RussellPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 1997Descrição: 290 p.Disponibilidade:

Physical activity epidemiology / Rod K. Dishman, Richard A. Washburn, Gregory W. HeathPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2004Descrição: 468 p.Disponibilidade:

Motivating people to be physically active : psysical activity intervention series / Bess H. Marcus, Leighann H. Forsyth, Steven BlairPublicação: Stanningley : Human Kinetics, 2003Descrição: XI, 220 p. : il., quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:

Journal of sport & exercise psychology / Editor Robert C. EklundPublicação: Oxford : Human KineticsDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R6 (1). :

Foundations of sport and exercise psychology / Robert S. Weinberg, Daniel GouldPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2003Descrição: 586 p.Disponibilidade:

Foundations of sport and exercise psychology / Robert Weinberg, co-aut. Daniel GouldPublicação: Windsor : Human Kinetics, 1995Descrição: 529 p.Disponibilidade:

Exercice psychology / JAnet Buckworth, Rod K. DishmanPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2002Descrição: 329 p.Disponibilidade:

European perspectives on exercise and sport psychology / ed. Stuart BiddleNível de parte analítica: Future directions in exercise and sport psychology • Contemporary issues in exercise and sport psychology research • Psychology of the sport spectator • Motivations and goal perspectives in children's physical education • Cognitions and emotions in sport achievement situations • Cognitive theories of motivation in sport • Enhancing performance with mental training • Psychophysiology and sport performance • Competitive anxiety in sport • Psychodynamic theory of personality and sport performance • Psychological factors in the promotion of physical activity • Effects of exercise on mental health in clinical populations • Effects of exercise on mental health in nonclinical populations • Influence of attitude on exercise participation • Exercise motivation across the life spanPublicação: Leeds : Human Kinetics, 1995Descrição: 342 p.Disponibilidade:

Enhancing recovery : preventing underperformance in athletes / ed. Michael KellmannPublicação: Leeds : Human Kinetics, 2002Descrição: XI, 340 p. : p. & b., quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:

Emotions in sport / compil. Yuri HaninNível de parte analítica: Concluding remarks • Exercise, emotions, and mental health • Injured athlete • Maladaptative fatigue syndrome and emotions in sport • Burnout in athletes and coaches • Overtraining in athletes • Successful and poor performance and emotions • Joy, fun, and flow state in sport • Anger, aggressive behavior, and athletic performance • Competitive anxiety • Individual zones of optimal functioning, izof, model : emotion-performance relationships in sport • Cognitive-motivational-relational theory of emotion • Study of emotion in sport and exercise : historical, definitional, and conceptual perspectives • Individualized approach to emotion in sportPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 1999Descrição: 395 p.Disponibilidade:

Embracing your potential / Terry ErlickPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 1998Descrição: 190 p.Disponibilidade:

Doing sport psychology / compil. Mark AndersenNível de parte analítica: Breaking out : doing sport psychology with performing artists • Leaving sport : easing career transitions • Doing sport psychology in the coaching role • Doing sport psychology with injured athletes • Doing sport psychology at the really big show • Into the maelstrom : a five-year relationship from college ball to the nfl • First internship experiences - or, what i did on holiday • Supervision ii : a case study • Supervision i : from models to doing • Looking for help, grieving love lost : the case of c • Counseling athletes with eating disorders : a case example • Sadness in sport : working with a depressed and suicidal athlete • Targeting futures : goal setting for professional sports • Doing imagery in the field • Listening to self-talk, hearing self-concept • Relax!... it ain't easy, or is it? • Managing stress on and off the field : the littlefoot approach to learned resourcefulness • Removing psychological barriers : clearing the way • Beginnings : intakes and the initiation of relationshipsPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2000Descrição: 293 p.Disponibilidade:

Coaches guide to sport psychology / Rainer MartensPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics Publ, 1987Descrição: 195 p.Disponibilidade:

Applying sport psychology : four perspectives / ed. Jim Taylor, Gregory S. WilsonNível de parte analítica: Career transitions • Substance abuse • Eating disorders • Injury • Team cohesion • Coach-athlete relationship • Routines • Mental Imagery • Goal setting • Psychological assessment • Emotions • Focus • Intensity • Confidence • MotivationPublicação: Stanningley : Human Kinetics, 2005Descrição: VIII, 310 p. : quadros, p. & b.Disponibilidade:
