A sua pesquisa recuperou 6 resultados.

Six community psychologists tell their stories : history, contexts and narrative / ed. James G. Kelly, Anna V. SongPublicação: Bimghamton : Haworth, 2004Descrição: 161 p.Disponibilidade:

Preschoolers and substance abuse : strategies for prevention and intervention / Pedro Lecca, co-aut. Thomas WattsPublicação: New York : Haworth Press, 1992Descrição: 112 p.Disponibilidade:

Journal of Applied School Psychology / dir. Charles A. MaherPublicação: Piscataway, NJ : The Haworth PressDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :

Integrating exercise, sports, movement and mind : therapeutic unity / ed. Kate F. Hays, E. Mark SternNível de parte analítica: Anxiety management and the elite athlete : a case study • A multi-modal approach to trauma recovery : a case history • Putting the clinical into sport psychology consulting • Insights into effective aports psychology consulting • Working in competitive sport : what coaches and athletes want psychologists to know • Softly strong : african american women's use exercise in theraphy • Relational aspects of competition : a father learns from his daughters • To feel my own knowing in motion : harmonizing the mind, body, and emotions • The dialogue of movement : an interview conversation with Ilene Serlin and E. Mark Stern • Contact improvisation : its potentials for a therapy of movement : a conversation dialogue between nancy menapace and E. Mark Stern • Patient as athlete : a metaphor for injury rehabilitation • Family systems issues affecting athletic performance in youthPublicação: New York, London : Haworth, 1998Descrição: XIII, 181 p.Disponibilidade:

Education in community psychology : models for graduate and undergraduate programs / compil. Clifford O'donnell ; co-aut. Joseph FerrariNível de parte analítica: Undergraduate courses and graduate programs in community research and action : issues and future directions • Developing a graduate programe in community psychology : experiences at the university of waikato, new zealand • Interdisciplinary programs in community and applied psychology • Free-standing doctoral programs in community psychology : educational philosophies and academic models • Doctoral education in clinical-community psychology • Master's degree programs in community psychology : why, where and how • Undergraduate courses in community psychology : issues, paradigms, and experiences • Graduate programs and undergraduate courses in community research and actionPublicação: New York : Haworth Press, 1997Descrição: 107 p.Disponibilidade:

Bullying, victimization, and peer harassment : a handbook of prevention and intervention / Joseph E. Zins, Maurice J. Elias, Charles A. MaherNível de parte analítica: teasing, taunting, bullying, harrassment, and agression : a school-wide approach to prevention, strategic intervention, and crisis management • Changing the contexts of peer victimization : the effects of a primary prevention program on school and classroom levels of victimization • Correlates of school victimization : implications for prevention and intervention • Bullying is power : implications for school-based intervention strategies • The mental health professional's role in understanding, preventing, and responding to student sexual harassment • Sexual harassment and the cultures of childhood : developmental, domestic violence and legal perspectives • Peer-rejected and bullied children : a safe schools initiative for elementary school students • Empowering the victime : interventions for children victimized for bullies • A story-guided peer group intervention for resucing bullying and victimization in schools • Using a participatory action research model to create a school-based intervention program for relationally aggressive girls : the friend to friend program • Viennese social competence (ViSC) training for students : program and evaluation • targeting Bystanders : evaluating a violence prevention program for nonviolente adolescents • Developmental trajectories of victimization : identifying risk and protective factors • Peer victimization in middle school : when self- and peer views diverge • Immigrant children in Austria : aggressive behavior and friendship patterns in multicultural school classes • A cluster analytic investigation of victimization among high school students : are profiles differentially associated with psychological symptoms and school belonging? • Perceptions and attitudes toward byllying in middle school youth : a developmental examination across the bully/victum continuum • The association of bullying and victimization with middle school adjustment • Dynamics of peer victimiaztion in early adolescence : results from a four-year longitudinal study • Conceptual and methodological issues in assessment and intervention with school bullies • Prevention and intervention in peer harassment, victimization, and bullying : theory, research, and practicePublicação: New York : Haworth, 2007Descrição: 428 p.Disponibilidade:
