A sua pesquisa recuperou 12 resultados.

Aquém e além do cérebro : Consciência e cérebro : Actas do 5º simpósio da Fundação Bial realizado na Casa do Médico, nos dias 31 d Março a 3 de Abril de 2004 / org. Nuno Grande, Alexandre Castro Caldas, Dietrich Lehmann, Fernando Lopes Silva, Mário Simões, Robert Morris, Rui Mota CardosoPublicação: Porto : Fundação Bial, 2004Descrição: 301 p.Disponibilidade:

Aquém e além do cérebro : relações interpessoais excepcionais; Actas, Casa do Médico, Porto, 4, 5 e 6 de Abril de 2002 / pres. António CoimbraNível de parte analítica: Researcher effects and the remot enhancement of focusing of attention • Melting boundaries : subjectivity and intersubjectivity • Is love good for your health? intimacy and the process of flow • Investigação do desenvolvimento psicológico • Spiritual intervention in acute cardiac care : the monitoring & actualization of noetic trainings (mantra) study project • New insights into the nature of hypnotisability • The intrusion of anomalous communication in group and individual psychotherapy : clinical observations and a research project • Relação terapêutica : ciência e arte no singular • Does mind survice physical death? • Anomalous communication among relatives and others with a special relationship • Construção da vinculação : da relação ao self e do self às relações • Sensing self and other, out-of body and in the future : exceptional explanations for everyday human experiences • Telepathy : revisiting its roots • Atracção e acasalamento : entre biologia e cultura • The role of non-verbal communication in relationships, happiness and religion • Errors and biases in our perception of self and others • Cerebral mechanisms of stress activationPublicação: Porto : Fundação Bial, 2002Descrição: 468 p.Disponibilidade:

Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain: intuição e decisão = intuition and decision-making / Fundação BialNível de parte analítica: Intuition and decision-making • Intuition and decision-making - neuroscience: meeting report • An evolutionary approach to anomalous intuition • Somatic components of intuition and psi • The reach of mind: bridging science and popular culture • The potential anomalous component of intuition: empirical evidence and an integrated theoretical approach • The intuitive manager: understanding and applying gut feel in business decisions • Intuition in clinical decision-making • Researching and learning mathematics with a big help from intuition • The powers and perils of intuitionPublicação: S. Mamede do Coronado : Fundação BIAL, 2010Descrição: 183 pDisponibilidade:

Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain: sono e sonhos = sleep and dreams / Fundação BialNível de parte analítica: Intuition and decision-making • Intuition and decision-making - neuroscience: meeting report • An evolutionary approach to anomalous intuition • Somatic components of intuition and psi • The reach of mind: bridging science and popular culture • The potential anomalous component of intuition: empirical evidence and an integrated theoretical approach • The intuitive manager: understanding and applying gut feel in business decisions • Intuition in clinical decision-making • Researching and learning mathematics with a big help from intuition • The powers and perils of intuitionPublicação: S. Mamede do Coronado : Fundação BIAL, 2012Descrição: 218 pDisponibilidade: :

Aquém e além do cérebro = behind and beyond the brain: sono e sonhos = sleep and dreams / Fundação BIALNível de parte analítica: Dream counsciousness • Sleep, memory and dreams: putting it all together • Dreams, emotions and brain plasticity • Lying awake of insomnia: imaging causes and consequences • Dream ESP studies before maimonides: an overvew, 1880s - 1950s • Spontaneous psi dreams: Louisa E. Rhines's studies revisited • Spontaneous psi dreams: Louisa E. Rhines's studies revisited • What have learned from experimental tests of dream ESP? • The psychology of precognitive dream experiences • Waking life and dreaming : how they interact • Dynamic structure of Nrem sleep and cognition • Exploring the world of lucid dreaming • Sono, sonhos e sociedadePublicação: S. Mamede do Coronado : Fundação BIAL, 2012Descrição: 218 pDisponibilidade:

Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain: Interações mente-matéria = mind-matter interactions / Fundação BIALNível de parte analítica: Bidirectional interactions between the brain and implantable computers • Learning about the brain by using brain machine interfaces • Brain-computer interface implants: the power and potential of cortical surface electrodes • Brain-machine interfaces (BMIS) in paralysis • Mind-matter interaction experiments with light • Mind-matter interactions: on the rollercoaster from data to theory and back again • An analysis of the global consciousness project • Consciousness, free will and quantum brain biology: the orch or theory • Decoding functional information at macroscopic and mesoscopic scales in the human brain: from basic research to cninical applications • Mind-matter interactions in severe brain injury and coma • Religious and atheistic mindbrains • The sense of agency and its place in human existencyPublicação: S. Mamede do Coronado : Fundação BIAL, 2015Descrição: 272 pDisponibilidade:

Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain: Efeitos de placebo, curas e meditação = placebo effects, healing and meditation / Fundação BialNível de parte analítica: The emperor's new drugs: medication and placebo in the treatment of depression • Teach the T cells: how learning can shape immunity • Neurochemical systems involved in the formation of placebo effects on pain and in major depression • Unsolved, forgotten, and / or ignored features of the placebo response in meedicine • Placebo science: magic you can really believe in • The possible role of mental influence in evidence-based medicine • Brains and beyond: the unfolding vision of health and healingPublicação: Coronado : Fundação Bial, 2017Descrição: 244 pDisponibilidade:

Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain: potenciar a mente = enhancing the mind / Fundação BialNível de parte analítica: The emperor's new drugs: medication and placebo in the treatment of depression • Teach the T cells: how learning can shape immunity • Neurochemical systems involved in the formation of placebo effects on pain and in major depression • Unsolved, forgotten, and / or ignored features of the placebo response in meedicine • Placebo science: magic you can really believe in • The possible role of mental influence in evidence-based medicine • Brains and beyond: the unfolding vision of health and healing • Enhancing brain and cognition • Enhancing human cognition using noninvasive brain stimulation • Cosmetic neurology : ethical consideration and public attitudes • Cognitive enhancement and doping in sport • The neuroscience of working memory capacity and training • Derangement of the senses or alternate epistemological pathways? altered counsciousness and human potentials • Ayahuasca as a mind enhancer - its knowledge and potential • Enhancing the mind in ancient Greece • Regulation of attention and emotions by meditation : neuphysiological basis and implications for metal and physical health • Understanding the world collectivelly • Simple minds living in complez social world • Brain vs. machine control, which one gets the power? • Collective intelligence as a central characteristic of small groupsPublicação: Coronado : Fundação Bial, 2018Descrição: 236 pDisponibilidade:

Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain: emoções = emotions / Fundação BialPublicação: Coronado : Fundação Bial, 2008Descrição: 279 p.Disponibilidade:

Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain / Fundação BialNível de parte analítica: Methodological principles for a scientific parapsychology • The development of the self in humans • Understanding self and others : insights from autism • The biological self • O self : uma perspectiva filosófica • Where, when and who is the self • Cases of apparent possession and the self • Parapsychology and the self : a philosopher's perspectivePublicação: Porto : Fundação Bial, 1998Descrição: 366 p.Disponibilidade:

Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain : Memória=Memory / Fundação BialPublicação: Porto : Fundação Bial, 2006Descrição: 245 p.Disponibilidade: :

Aquém e além do cérebro = behind and beyond the brain: memória = Memory / Fundaçao BIALNível de parte analítica: Remembering Bob : thoughts on the life and legacy of Professor Robert L. Morris • Memory and the brain • Phisiology of Dé-já-vu and dreamy state experiences • Hearing the news of the death of princess diana and September 11, How special anre flashbulb memories? • Incredible memories : how accurate are reports of anomalous events? • Memory and suggestibility in maltreated children : an examination of current reaearch andtheory relevant to children disclosures of abuse • Memory and ESP : a review of the experimental literature • Why do ghosts wear clothes? examining the role pf memory and emotion in anomalous experiences • Making sense of the estrasensory modeling receptive PSI using memory-related concepts • The misuse of memory in PSI ResearchPublicação: S. Mamede do Coronado : Fundaçao BIAL, 2006Descrição: 245 pDisponibilidade: :
