A sua pesquisa recuperou 21 resultados.

Anual review of psychology. vol 51 / compil. Susan Fiske ; co-aut. Daniel Schacter ; co-aut. Carolyn Zahn-WaxlerNível de parte analítica: Neural basis of hearing in real-world situations • Emotion, regulation, and moral development • Personnel selection : looking toward the future - remembering the past • Memory systems in the brain • Cultural psychopathology : uncovering the social world of mental illness • Attitude change : persuasion and social influence • Toward a psychology of memory accuracy • Effects of family and community violence on children • Scientific and social significance of assessing individual differences : sinking shafts at a few critical points • Adult psychopathology : issues and controversies • Evaluation methods for social intervention • Parental and child cognitions in the context of the family • Negotiation • Food intake and the regulation of body weight • Environmental psychology of capsule habitats • Applications of structural equation modeling in psychological research • Goal theory, motivation, and school achievement : an integrative review • New perspectives and evidence on political communication and campaign effects • Are there kinds of concepts? • Social cognition : thinking categorically about others • Thought suppression • Pain of being sick : implications of immune-to-brain communication for understanding pain • Parenting and its effects on children : on reading and misreading behavior geneticsPublicação: Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2000Descrição: 814 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 43 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Attention • Comparative cognition : representations and processes in learning and memory • Personnel selection • Instructional psychology : aptitude, adaptation, and assessment • Negotiation and mediation • Psychology in belgium • Personality : structure and assessment • Psychobiology of reinforcers • Training and development in work organizations • Neurobiology of filial learning • Cognitive development : foundational theories of core domains • Schizophrenia : diathesis-stress revisited • Psychological dimensions of global environmental change • Cognitive-behavioral approaches to the nature and treatment of anxiety disorders • Models for recall and recognition • Combinatorial data analysis • Interpersonal processes involving impression regulation and management • Behavioral decision research : a constructive processing perspective • Human emotions : function and dysfunction • Similarity scaling and cognitive process models • Common-sense psychology and scientific psychologyPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1992Descrição: 795 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 42 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Social cognition • Classroom as a social contex for learning • Evolutionary personality psychology • Organizational behavior : where we've been, where we're going • Social factors and psychopathology : stress, social support, and coping processes • Social motivation • Memory and aging : four hypotheses in search of data • Perception • Music psychology : tonal structures in perception and memory • Psychological perspectives on nuclear deterrence • Motor skill acquisition • Marital interactions • Human behavioral genetics • Sound localization by human listeners • Diagnosis and clinical assessment • History of psychology : a survey and critical assessment • Organization development and transformation • Behavioral functioning in individuals with mental retardation • Cognitive architectures from the standpoint of an experimental psychologistPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1991Descrição: 600 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 41 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Individual psychotherapy : process and outcome • Visual sensitivity and parallel retinocortical channels • Progress in small group research • Atonia and myoclonia of active, rem, sleep • Moral rules : their content and acquisition • Attitudes and attitude change • Environmental psychology • Personality structure : emergence of the five-factor model • Social and personality development • Counseling psychology : theory and research on interventions • Reasoning • Personnel selection • Consumer psychology • Psychology in japan • Animal memory and learning • Social and community intervention • Human learning and memory : connections and dissociations • Mechanisms of seasonal cycles of behavior • Hemispheric asymmetry • Psychotherapy for children and adolescents • Invariants of human behaviorPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1990Descrição: 735 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 40 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Learning theory and the study of instruction • Cognitive science : definition, status, and questions • Comparative psychology, ethology, and animal behavior • Health psychology • Cross-cultural psychology : current research and trends • Neurobehavioral aspects of affective disorders • Engineering psychology • Auditory physiology : present trends • Neurobiological aspects of learning and memory • Mechanisms of cognitive development • Organizational behavior • Social cognition • Facial efference and the experience of emotion • Personality • Brain dopamine and reward • Animal cognition : the representation of space, time and number • Psychology of deception • Intensity of motivation • Diagnosis and clinical assessment : current status and major issues • Intergroup relations • Psychometric methods • Essay concerning color constancyPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1989Descrição: 707 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 39 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Interpersonal processes in close relationships • Adolescent development • Human resource training and development • Measures of memory • Perceptual development • Systems of family treatment : substance or semantics? • Psychology in australia • Personnel selection and placement • Experimental psycholinguistics • Family and psychopathology • Juvenile delinquency • Addictive behaviors : etiology and treatment • Psychology of religion • Psychophysical scaling • Neuronal unit activity patterns in behaving animals : brainstem and limbic system • Human behavior genetics • Color vision • Ethoexperimental approaches to the biology of emotion • Exploratory behavior in the development of perceiving, acting, and the acquiring of knowledgePublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1988Descrição: 712 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 38 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Organizational behavior : some new directions for i/o psychology • Human learning and memory • Attitudes and attitude change • Personality : developments in the study of private experience • Psychopathology of childhood : from description to validation • Social motivation • Social and community interventions • Social cognition and social perception • Organization change and development • Dynamic self-concept : a social psychological perspective • Contributions of women to psychology • Counseling psychology : theory, research, and practice in career counseling • Political psychology • Concept, knowledge, and thought • Auditory psychophysics : spectrotemporal representation of signals • Adult development and aging • Organization of neocortex in mammals : implication for theories of brain function • Developmental psychobiology : prenatal, perinatal, and early postnatal aspects of behavioral development • Perception and information • New designs in analysis of variance • Perceiving a stable environment when on movesPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1987Descrição: 776 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 37 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Instructional psychology • Emotion : today's problems • Culture and behavior : psychology in global perspective • Visual sensitivity • Understanding the cellular basis of memory and learning • Diagnosis and clinical assessment : the current state of psychiatric diagnosis • Environmental psychology • Personnel selection and placement • Individual psychotherapy and behavior change • Etiology and expression of schizophrenia : neurobiological and psychosocial factors • Consumer psychology • Expectancies and interpersonal processes • Program evaluation : the worldly science • Biology of learning • Infancy • Regulation of body weight • Neurochemistry of behavior • Selective attention • Psychology in a developing society : the case of israel • Evolving concepts of test validationPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1986Descrição: 704 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 36 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Stages and individual differences in cognitive development • Organizational behavior • Social factors in psychopathology : stress, social support, and coping processes • Controllability and predictability in acquired motivation • Cellular mechanisms of learning, memory, and information storage • Hypnosis • Health psychology • Engineering psychology • Social cognition : a look at motivated strategies • Progress in neurophysiology of sound localization • Psychology of intergroup attitudes and behavior • Animal behavior genetics : a search for the biological foundations of behavior • Ecology of foraging behavior : implications for animal learning and memory • School as a social situation • Personality : current controversies, issues, and directions • Sex and gender • Latent structure and item sampling models for testing • Development as the acquisition of familiarityPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1985Descrição: 702 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 35 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Personality assessment • Organizational behavior : a review and reformulation of the field's outcome variables • Sport psychology • Counseling psychology • Child psychology • Personnel training • Psychological issues in personnel decisions • Current issues in attribution theory and research • Attitudes and attitude change • Human learning and memory • Social and community interventions • Life-span development • Brain function : neural adaptations and recovery from injury • Biological motivation • Psychopathology of childhood • Spatial vision • Hormones and sexual behavior • Judgment and decision : theory and application • Concepts and concept formation • Contemporary psychology in mexico • Scaling • Quantitative methods for literature reviews • Perception and estimation of timePublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1984Descrição: 751 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 34 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Psychology of adult development and aging • Social inference • Social and personality development • Personality structure and assessment • Psychopathology : biological approaches • Cross-cultural research in psychology • Animal cognition • Comprehension, production, and language acquisition • Hormonal influences on memory • Instructional psychology • Evaluation research : a methodological perspective • Personality : stages, traits, and the self • Diagnosis and clinical assessment : the dsm-iii • Perception and representation • Audition : some relations between normal and pathological hearing • Ethology, comparative psychology, and animal behavior • Elactrophysiology of cognitive processing • Behavioral medicine : symbiosis between laboratory and clinicPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1983Descrição: 623 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 33 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Environmental psychology • Consumer psychology • Personnel selection and classification • Organizational behavior • Large group awareness training • Information processing models-in search of elementary operations • Psychology of law • Human behavior genetics • Brain function, synapse renewal, and plasticity • Organizational development and change • Mental retardation • Behavioral studies of associative learning in animals • Abnormal behavior : social approaches • Group research • Touch in primates • Social motivation • Psychology in latin america today • Endorohins and behavior • Color vision • Social psychology of intergroup relationsPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1982Descrição: 744 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. volume 32 / compil. Mark Rosenzweig ; co-aut. Lyman PorterNível de parte analítica: Instructional psychology • Test theory and methods • Early visual perception • Central basis of motivation : intracranial self-stimulation studies • Visual neural development • Creativity, intelligence, and personality • Clinical psychology : individual methods • Attitude and attitude change • Mass communication effects • Counseling psychology : career interventions, research, and theory • Child psychopathology • Graphical data analysis • Cochlear psychology • Developmental psychology • Categorization of natural objects • Behavioral decisions theory : processes of judgment and choice • Human learning and memory • More stately mansions : psychology extends its boundariesPublicação: California : Annual Reviews, 1981Descrição: 756 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. vol 50 / compil. Janet Spence ; co-aut. John Darley ; co-aut. Donald FossNível de parte analítica: Current issues and emerging theories in animal cognition • Neuroethology of spatial learning : the birds and the bees • Psychological underpinnings of democracy : a selective review of research on political tolerance, interpersonal trust,... • Single-gene influences on brain and behavior • Trust and distrust in organizations : emerging perspectives, enduring questions • Survey research • Influences on infant speech processing : toward a new synthesis • Lifespan psychology : theory and application to intellectual functioning • Individual psychotherapy outcome and process research : challenges leading to greater turmoil or a positive transition? • Suggestibility of childrens memory • Social, community, and preventive interventions • Organizational change and development • Peer relationships and social competence during early amd middle childhood • Somesthesis • Interpersonal processes : the interplay of cognitive, motivational, and behavioral activities in social interaction • High-level scene perception • Quantifying the information value of clinical assessments with signal detection theory • Emotion • Interventions for couples • Health psychology : mapping biobehavioral contributions to health and illness • Deductive reasonning • Psychopathology : description and classification • Conflict in marriage : implications for working with couples • Cognitive development : childrens knowledge about the mind • On knowing a wordPublicação: Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1999Descrição: 773 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. vol 49 / compil. Janet Spence ; co-aut. John Darley ; co-aut. Donald FossNível de parte analítica: Perceptual learning • Theories linking culture and psychology : universal and community-specific processes • Categorical data analysis • Lower-level visual processing and models of light adaptation • Human abilities • Judgment and decison making • Adolescent development : challenges and opportunities for research, programs, and policies • Comorbidity of anxiety and unipolar mood disorders • Social constructivist perspectives on teaching and learning • Consumer behavior : a quadrennium • Cognitive neuroscience of constructive memory • Biases in the interpretation and use of research results • Reconciling processing dynamics and personality dispositions • Models of the emergence language • Psychology and the study of marital processes • Performance evaluation work settings • Giftedness : an exceptionality examined • Cognitive neuroscience of human memory • Intergroup contact theory • Brain plasticity and behavior • Memory-based language processing : psycholinguistic research in the 1990s • Sibling relationship quality : its causes and consequencesPublicação: Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1998Descrição: 680 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. vol 48 / compil. Janet Spence ; co-aut. John Darley ; co-aut. Donald FossNível de parte analítica: Central cholinergic systems and cognition • Attitudes and attitude change • What's elementary about associative learning? • Declarative memory : insights from cognitive neurobiology • Organizational behavior in the new organizational era • Psychobiological models of hippocampal function in learning and memory • Psychosocial treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder : a critical view • Health psychology : what is an unhealthy environment and how does it get gender under the skin? • Key issues in the development of aggression and violence from childhood to early adulthood • Use of animal models to study the effects of aging on cognition • Personnel selection • Visual attention : control, representation, and time course • Families as systems • Language acquisition : the acquisition of linguistic structure in normal and special populations • Effects of stressful life events on depression • Discourse comprehension • Gender, racial, ethnic, sexual, and class identities • Music performance • Neurobiological constraints on behavioral models of motivation • Human-computer interaction : psychology as a science of design • Women and career development : a decade of research • Creative hypothesis generating in psychology : some useful heuristicsPublicação: Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1997Descrição: 742 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. vol 47 / compil. Janet Spence ; co-aut. John Darley ; co-aut. Danald FossNível de parte analítica: Motivational impact of temporal focus : thinking about the future and the past • Covariance structure analysis : statistical practice, theory, and directions • Attachment and separation in young children • Cognitive skill acquisition • Environmental psychology 1989-1994 • Auditory psychophysics and perception • Origins and early development of perception, action, and representation • Social structure of schooling • Methodological issues in psychopathology research • Psychology in canada • Teams in organizations : recent research on performance and effectiveness • Expert and exceptional performance : evidence of maximal adaptation to task constraints • Stereotypes • Cross-cultural social and organizational psychology • Long-term potentiation and learning • Verbal learning and memory : does the modal model still work? • Health psychology : psychological factors and physical disease from the perspective of human psychoneuroimmunology • Personality : individual differences and clinical assessment • Design and analysis of social-interaction research • Theoretical foundations of cognitive-behavior therapy for anxiety and depression • Aspects of the search for neural machanisms of memoryPublicação: Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1996Descrição: 670 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. vol 46 / compil. Janet Spence ; co-aut. John Darley ; co-aut. Donald FossNível de parte analítica: Personality development in social context • Genes and human behavior • What we can learn from invertebrate learning • Multiple hypothesis testing • Deductive inference • Clinical assessment of memory disorders in amnesia and dementia • Speech perception : from signal to word • Data analysis : continuing issues in the everyday analysis of psychological data • Psychological characteristics of maltreated children : putative risks factors and consequences • Social structuring of the school : studying what is, illuminating what could be • Teaching in subject matter areas : science • Aging and speed of behavior : possible consequences for psychological functioning • Personality processes • Adolescent development : path ways and processes of risk and resilience • Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environments • Emotion : clues from the brain • Interpersonal relations : mixed-motive interaction • Acquiring intellectual skills • Diagnosis and classification of psychopathology : challenges to the current system and future directions • Language conprehension : sentence and discourse processing • Organizational behavior • Research assessing couple and family therapy • Four tensions concerning mathematical modeling in psychologyPublicação: Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1995Descrição: 746 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology. vol 45, 1994 / compil. Lyman Porter ; co-aut. Mark RosenzweigNível de parte analítica: Social experiments : some developments over the past fifteen years • Representations and models in psychology • Language specificity and elasticity : brain and clinical syndrome studies • Color appearance : on seeing red -or yellow, or green, or blue • Chemical senses • Sexual differentiation of the human nervous system • Personality assessment • Images of the mind : studies with modern imaging techniques • Self in social contexts • Personnel selection and placement • Health psychology : why do some people get sick and some stay well? • Psychology and economics : perspectives on risk, cooperation, and the marketplace • Teaching and learning : new models • Consumer psychology • Interpersonal relationships • Contemporany psychology in spain • Cognitive approaches to emotion and emotional disorders • Neuropsychological assessmentPublicação: Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1994Descrição: 634 p.Disponibilidade:

Annual review of psychology / Edited by Susan T. Fiske, Daniel L. Schacter, Carolyn Zahn-WaxlerNível de parte analítica: Qualitative and quantitative analyses of historical data • Diary methods : capturing life as it is lived • Psychological aspects of natural language use : our words, our selves • The early education of socioeconomically disadvantaged children • Human-computer interaction : psychological aspects of the human use of computing • Cultural pathways through universal development • Community contexts of human welfare • Personality, culture, and subjective well-being : emotional cognitive evaluations of life • The psychology of religion • Interdependence, interaction, and relationships • Facial and vocal expressions of emotion • Implicit measures in social cognition research : their meaning and use • Eyewitness testimony • Psychotherapy for children and adolescents • Psychopathology in the postgenomic eraPublicação: Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2001Descrição: 54 Vol.Disponibilidade:
