A sua pesquisa recuperou 133 resultados.

Zur psychopathologie des alltagslebens / Sigmund FreudPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade: Não há exemplares disponíveis :

A vision for health in Europe / Kristine SorensenPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C7 LOPE/C1 (2). :

VIII Congresso mundial de Psicologia do desporto=VIII World congress of sport psychology: psicologia do desporto, uma perspectiva integrada= Sport psychology, an integrated approach, Lisboa, Junho, 1993 / eds. Sidonio Serpa ; ed. Jose Alves ; ed. Vitor Ferreira ; ed. Antonio Paula BritoNível de parte analítica: Mental rehearsal • Specific competitions for each age, a consistent way to develop mental skills in tennis players • Mental training on archery through alert hypnosis • Mental training • Feedback frequency effects on motor skill acquisition • Can kinematic feedback replace knowledge of results? • Demonstrating skills and skill acquisition • Phasing and the pick-up of visual information in cascade juggling • Perception-action coupling in gymnastics : how do somersaulters control their orientation in space? • Visual information for timing a spike in volleyball • Simple laws of control for interceptive actions • Investigation of relationships among sport-confidence, self-efficacy and competitive anxiety and their ability to... • Mood state profiles as indicators of performance among olympic and world championship athletes • Elite competitive team participation and personality characteristics : an interaction between personality type and ... • Effects of a self-directed stress inoculation training program on collegiate football players • Personality syndromes of volleyball players • Psychological profiles of elite indian hockey players • Psychological and psycho-physiological characteristics and emotional control of athletes • Cognitive and emotional effects of extreme conditions • Personality variables among junior finnish baseball players, ice-hockey players and truck and field athletes • Personality and motivational factors of the top athletes • Psychological characteristics of american, german and japanese ironman triathletes • Using psychological variables to predict athletic success • Personality and sport psychology : an introduction • World, 8th, conference sport psychology • Recognition and referral of personality and mood disorders in athletes • Personality motivation of physical culture institutes' entrants as factor of professional self-determination • Analyses of multidimensional factors influencing adherence to exercise • Career termination and social integration among elite athletes • Team cohesion, parental support, burnout, and the performance level of talented young soccer players • Effects of self-efficacy and goals on motor performance • Percepcao de atletas quanto a influencia do comportamento de treinadores nos seus sentimentos • Coach-athlete relationship and coach's behavior in training sessions • Preliminary study for social contact in physical activity • Interacoes socio-motoras decorrentes da iniciacao ao andebol • Beyond the dual perspective on body and mind • Integrated development : factor analyses controlling for socio-economic status • Effect of extrinsic rewards on performance, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation in basketball shooting • Pratica desportiva no contexto de um programa de competencias sociais de mediatizacao corporal com jovens delinquentes • Motivation to take part in women's ten kilometers' run • Competitive worriers and self-confidence as predictors of the precompetitive cognitive-emotional state • Relationship between team ability, team cohesion and team performance in professional soccer teams • Attributional style, intrinsic motivation, and achievement goal orientations • Review of the theoretical basis in the study of attribution in sport • Flow experience during circuit training • Criteria of questionnaire for investigation of sport character • Tecnicas psicodramaticas : um recurso para a pratica da psicologia esportiva • Moral development in sport and physical activity : revision papers published between 1980-1991 • Peace and international understanding through sports • Role of psychical functions in the sociometric choice of male handball players • Effects of personality type and attentional direction on ratings of perceived exertion, rpe, and exercise endurance time • Systemic approach of the social reinsertion of top level athletes • Development and psychological outcomes of school sports in argentina, relationship with high performance • Motivation of school youngsters towards a life long physical activity • Characteristics of physical education classes differing in goal perspectives • Aspectos psico-pedagogicos da competicao desportiva escolar • Interesses, pratica desportiva e projecto vocacional dos jovens, um estudo exploratorio • Intrinsic motivation after fitness testing in affected by achievement goal orientations • Career transition needs of athletes : a neglected area of research in sport psychology • Women at level sports • Trends in research and practice in sport psychology : a review of the sport psychologist 1987-1992 • Special problems in sport psychology : supervising the trainee • Bodybuilders' perceptions of other drug using bodybuilders • Understanding momentum in sports : from application to theory to empirical validation to apllication • Two ways of sport carear psychological description • Personality characteristics of sport spectators and violence in terraces • Identificacao pessoal nas relacoes socio-afectivas de um grupo esportivo • Espistemological aproach to sport psychology • Psychological characteristics and performance in young women fencers • Trabalho psicologico realizado no sector competitivo de uma instituicao privada - clube esportivo • Consultation issues within professional sport • Content of education. methodological arrangement in educational sphere • Dominant personality characteristics of nigerian female athletes in selected sports • Analise e comparacao do grau de motivacao, controle e relacao de judocas de diferentes niveis • Nova teoria de corpo e mente para fundamentar uma psicologia holistica do esporte • Anxiety and sport : models of intervention and psychological expertise • Toward the integration of smocks and jocks : new epistemological approaches for sport psychology • Influences of sports experience on phisical self-efficacy, anxiety and self-concept • Perspectiva da contribuicao da psicologia do desporto para a sistematizacao, compreensao e explicacao, das ... • Relationship between level of aspiration and actual performance in individual events among national level athletes ... • Preferencia lateral e idade da mae no momento do nascimento : estudo comparativo entre deficientes intelectuais e ... • Compared study of control processing in table tennis stroke • Effect of music on aerobic performance • Contextual interference and physiological effects • Relationship between the increase of fp2a 2 wave and reinforcement of concentration by the prevalent eeg biofeedback ... • Effects of knowledge of results precision on aquisition, retention and transfer in two different tasks : linear ... • Practice variability in young adolescents • Biossocial and somatic determinants of motor performance of 5/6-year-old children • Teoria da especializacao motora • Apprenticeship learning in sport • Study of the variables that enhance the aquisition of four motor skills in the psychomotor domain • Effects of knowledge of results, kr, relative frequency and number of trials on acquisition, retention and transfer ... • Study of motor abilities of primary school children of rural and urban areas • Contextual interference research : an overview • Study of the effects of perceived ability, motivational goal and competitive context upon the selection of task ... • Padrao fundamental de rebater apresentado por criancas de 6 a 9 anos : uma analise qualitativa • Effect of mental practice on the performance of an australian rules football skill • Mental preparation techniques with biofeedback : research findings • Vision and motor control during weightlifting • From the play to the game : the adult ball sports adapted in a psychomotor way to children • Comparative effects of yogic exercises and video games on the development of sensomotoric accuracy in air rifle shooting • Effects of the self-control triad mental training program on golf putting consistency • Process and characteristics of obtaining shooting techniques with laser feed-back system • Acute effects of increasing levels of aerobic exercise intensity on mood states • Psychophysiological reactivity to exercise and competitive stress of type-a/b behavior patterns : a teste of the ... • Psychomotor programs for anorectic, depressive and schizophrenic patients • Sports injury clinic athlete satisfaction scale : development of a survey to assess athlete perceptions of treatment ... • Centeredness as prerequisite for optimal task orientation in sport • Development of voluntary regulation over anxious behaviour in physical education • Patients' understanding of health : what to look for in health oriented behavior • Psychological dimensions of sport injuries • Health promotion by means of sports activities • It works : physical training-intervention among home care workers • Physical exercise as a stress buffer after a critical life event • Counseling athletes with permanent disabilities • Behavioural factors in fencing injuries • Pain management in sport injury • Effect on the mental health of sport activity • Elite athletes mental health : factors of destabilization and ways of maintaining • Self-esteem and achievement in sport • Genoa 1893, youth sector, prevention • Qualitative research with adolescents : knowledge of and attitudes towards cardiovascular disease and exercise • Ideal de bem estar e saude existencial : contribuicao da contrariedade e angustia para a sua conquista • Effect of a single bout of aerobic exercise on mood : co-examination of biological and psychological parameters in ... • Self-appraisal of physical fitness • Psychological determinants of habitual leisure time physical activity • Dark side of exercise and mental health • Running as therapy for depressed psychiatric patients • Psychological effects of introducing tai chi as an alternative physical activity for young children • Effect of activity and psychoregulation on the rehabilitation of people after natural calamities • Exercise and mental health : motor activities and sports in a psichiatric center • Inquiry into sportsmen' will evaluation • Nivel de aspiracao : uma proposta diferenciada de medicao no teste de impulsao vertical • Normative values for dominant hand reaction time in peri-pubertal italians • Assessment of manual asymetry : are proficiency and preference measures indicators of comon underlying factores? • Affective responses and the changes in athletes due to injury • Position of an individual within the sociometric structure of the group as related with the type of personality and ... • Using both quantitative and qualitative methodology in sport psychology research : a competitive golf example • Observacao diagnostica em desporto • Applications of psychometrics in sport consulting • Test of a causal model relating extrinsic reward, performance, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation for ... • Development of the intrinsic motivation inventory for use with australian children and adolescents • Relacionamento interpessoal professor-aluno : uma abordagem fenomenologica • Improvement of training : psycho-physiological aproach • Mental attributes of performance in sport, maps • Balint group : a research method in sports psychology • Methodological issues in sport psychology • Contributo para o estudo do factor g de inteligencia nas criancas portuguesas de 5 anos de idade • Medir a personalidade - analise das caracteristicas psicometricas de 3 questionarios - q.p.s. - e.p.i. - s.c.a.t. • Model of training methodology and a sportsman's self-development - a comparative analysis of self-conscious-ness of ... • Assessment methodology on the effectiveness of psychological training • Educacao fisica : uma pratica sexista • Comparative study of goal-settings and control processes by sport activity from children and adolescents in angola ... • Sport psychology and elite coaches in the non-western cultural tradition of thailand • Problems, issues and solutions in sport psychology : the nigerian experience • Causal attribution perception in sport achievement situation : a cross-cultural study on attributional concepts ... • Participation motivation in italian youth sport • Development of applied sport psychology in papua new guinea : a south pacific experience • Grid concentration exercise as an index of concentration • Applying mental skills training to the specific needs of athletes and the particular demands of the sport • Effect of arousal and metamotivational states on emotion and performance of a perceptual motor task • Effect of cognitive and coping processes on the exertion of skills in judo athletes • Coping behaviour in long-distance running • Experimental approach to the study of catching • Individual specificity of mental training and mental state management in sport games • Cognition and decision making in externally-paced sport situation : french boxing • Goal orientations, cognitions, and emotions in gymnastics • Chuking : perceptual advantage in motor skill diagnosis • Attentional skills training : integrating cognitive theory and sport psychology • Automatic processing control : the regulation of attention in sports • Action control as a mechanism influencing sport performance • Experts' eye movements and knowledge structure in dangerous police shooting situations • Expert perception and decision making in baseball • Avaliacao de atribuicoes causais no futebol • Strategies related to performance in sport • Are psychomotor capacities linked with intense sport practice? • Expert knowledge and expert perception in sport : antecipating a field hockey goal-shot • Visual scanning and antecipation of expert and beginner tennis players • Cognitive strategies of elite and non-elite triathlon participants • Imagery modality selection in a motor consistency task • Coaches decision making about the participation of injured gymnasts in competition • Benefit of a stress management training, smt, in top level athletes • Direct observation of coaches behaviors during training and competition : a literature review • Evaluations of environmental - ang game-related stress conditions in soccer players • Jovem praticante de jogos desportivos colectivos como processador de informacao - implicacoes nos processos ... • Arousal-performance relationship : examining differing conceptions • Establishment of performance profiles of sports exponents using perceived strain scale and performance rating scales • Development of expert coaches of team sports • Analogies and differences in psychological preparation for olympic games of two different gold medal teams • Percepcao subjetiva dos niveis de stress e desenpenho em atletas da selecao brasileira de handebol • Comportamentos entusiastas em desporto • Enhancing creativity in athletes • Suplente e os limites da psicologia no desporto • Coach's role in coach-athlete relationships - a social psychological perspective • Episodios de informacao do treinador e a reaccao dos atletas numa situacao de competicao em voleibol • Estudo comparativo do nivel de atencao/concentracao em diferentes actividades gimnicas de competicao • Transference phenomena in coaching and teaching • Tecnica de relaxamento para atletas • Mood state variation during anaerobic training of an elite swimmer • Affect of coaching communications on game outcome in australian rules football • Humanism and effectiveness in coaching behaviors of youth sport coaches • Application of the hypnotic suggestion in the preparation of athletes for competitions • Enhancement of athletic performance using mental imagery and restricted environmental stimulation therapy. rest • Emphaty and personality factors of the track and field coaches • What does it mean to be an elite coach in team sport? • Optimal performance emotions in top athletes • Mental skills training and dance • Percepcao do esforco em forca de preensao manual e fadiga muscular • Challenging and demanding situations in sport • Relationship between the perception of the coaches competence with physical self-efficacy and motivation level • Relationship between the perception of the coaches competence with physical self-efficacy and motivation level • Self-hyposis for a football premiership • Variables influencing leadership styles in tennis coaches • Conceptual model of coaching • Heuristic methods as the tool of the development of the coach • Perfil psicologico das relacoes brasileiras de voleibol • International and comparative analysis of the coaching process in gymnastics • Interpersonal relationship between coaches and parents of young athletes • Coaches' violence as a punishment in girl's sport practice • Instrumentos de observacao e apreciacao pedagogica em sessoes de educacao fisica e desporto • Applications of microcomputers in motor learning research : measuring reaction time, movement time, executing errors ... • Captacao de dados de tarefas motoras interceptativas via microcomputador • Reflections on the inception, development, and perspectives of issp's image and self image • Psychological outcomes of school sport : a non-psychologist's view • Sport psychology : an integrated approach • Methodological issues and measurement problems in sport psychology • Cognition and decision making in sport • Development of a cognitive-behavioral between point intervention strategy for tennis • Health and wellness : a sport psychology perspective • Development of gender as a socio-cultural perspective : implications for sport psychology • Goal perspective theory of meaning and motivation in sport • Group dynamics in sport • Motivation and participation in exercise and sport • Nature of expertise in sportPublicação: Lisboa : International Society os Sport Psychology : Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto : Faculdade de Moricidade Humana : [s.n.], 1993Descrição: 1021 p.Disponibilidade:

Vida selvagem africana [vídeo]Publicação: [S.l. : s.n.], 1980Descrição: 1 Cassette (VHS) (PAL) (60 m) : CôrDisponibilidade:

Ver, nao ver e conviver / Maria Eduarda DiasPublicação: Lisboa : S.N.R., 1995Descrição: 153 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: C DIAS/M (2).

Understanding animal welfare / Linda J. Keeling, Jeff Rushen, Ian J. H. DuncanPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade:

Trends in Ecology & Evolution / Dir. Andrew M. SugdenPublicação: Cambridge : [s.n.]Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R2 (1). :

Transformação organizacional, ansiedade e acidentes / Antonio Bento SoutenhoPublicação: Lisboa : [s.n.], 1999Descrição: 113 p.Disponibilidade:

Teste Numérico [teste]Publicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: T16 N1 (1).

Teste de raciocínio [teste] / Agostinho PereiraPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: T16 R1 (1).

Teste de inteligência (não verbal) [teste] / R. BonnardelPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: T15 B531 (1).

Teste de frustração de Rosenzweig [teste] / S. RosenzweigPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade:

Teste de figuras idênticas [teste] / R. BonnardelPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: T16 BG31 (2).

Teste de atenção : barragem de sinais [teste] / Toulouse, C. PieronPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade:

Teste de aptidão mecânica de Macquarrie [teste] / T. MacquarriePublicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: T16 MQUA1 (1).

Teste B [teste]Publicação: [S.l. : s.n.]Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: T16 AB1 (1).

Test de frustration de Rosenzweig [teste] / P. Pichot, V. Freson, S. DanjonPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.], 1965Disponibilidade:

Test d'intelligence de R. B. Cattel (culture free) [teste] / R. Cattel, A. CattelPublicação: [S.l. : s.n.], 1965Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: T15 CFT1 (1).

Tentativas de suicidio na adolescencia : interpretacao sistemica e redefinicao de estrategias terapeuticas / Daniel SampaioPublicação: Lisboa : [s.n.], 1985Descrição: 437 p.Disponibilidade:
