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Measuring emotions in infants and children. vol 2 / compil. Carroll Izard ; co-aut. Peter ReadPiece-Analytic Level: Conceptual analysis of the meaning of negative emotions : implications for a theory of development • Concepts of emotion in development psychology • Infant temperament : theory, tradiction, critique, and new assessments • Capturing the wider view of attachment : a re-analysis of ainsworth's strange situation • Sharing emotionality and sharing knowledge : a microanalytic approach to parent-infant communication • Judgments of emotion from facial expression and situational context • Measuring change in enfant emotional expressivity : two approaches applied in longitudinal investigation • Psychophysiological measures of emotion : new directions in developmental researchPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986Description: 277 p.Availability:

Measuring emotions in infants and children. vol 1 / compil. Carroll IzardPiece-Analytic Level: Construction of emotion in the child • Ethological approach to research on facial expressions • Emotion and the cardiovascular system : a critical perspective • Measurement of empathy • Construct validity of the differential emotions scale as adapted for children and adolescents • Measuring the development of sensivity to nonverbal communication • Measurement of emotional state • Gaze behavior in infants and children : a tools for the study of emotions • Assessment of vocal expression in infants and children • Two complementary systems for measuring facial expressions in infants and children • Psychophysiological patterning and emotion revisited : a systems perspective • Heart rate and heart rate variability as signs of a temperamental dimension in infants • Developmental psychoendocrinology : an approach to the study of emotions • Measuring emotions in human developmentPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1982Description: 347 p.Availability:
