A sua pesquisa recuperou 2 resultados.

Understanding and changing health behaviour from health beliefs to self-regulation / Ed. Paul Norman, Charles abraham, Mark ConnerNível de parte analítica: Towards a psychology of health-related behavior change • Health promotion from the perspective of social cognitive theory • Goal setting and goal pursuit in the regulation of body weight • The emergence and implementation of health goals • A critical review of the transtheorectical model applied to smoking cessation • Relationships among the theory of planned behavior, stages of change, and exercise behaviour in older persons over a three year period • The attitude-social influence-efficacy model applied to the prediction of motivational transitions in the process of smoking cessation • Discriminating between behavioural intention and behavioural williangness : cognitive antecedents to adolescent health risk • Behavioural and normative beliefs about condom use : comparing measurement alternatives within the theory of reasoned action • Attitudinal and normative processes in health behaviour • Comparing the theory of planned behaviour and the health belief model : the example of sfety helmet use among schoolboy cyclists • Can protection motivation theory predict breast self-examination? : a longotudinal test exploring the role of previous behaviour • Using the thory of reasoned action to predict condom use among high-risk heterosexual teens • Understanding and chanfging health behaviour : from health beliefs to self-regulationPublicação: London : Routledge, 2000Descrição: 374 p.Disponibilidade:

Hospitalidade : a revista da Província Portuguesa da Ordem Hospitaleira de S. João de Deus / dir. José Álvaro da Silva LavarinhasPublicação: Lisboa : Província Portuguesa da Ordem Hospitaleira de S. João de DeusDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R8 (1). :
