Prenatal and early life / Karolina Machalek, Maire Percy, Ivan Brown Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E1 BROW1 (1). :
Physical health / Tom Cheetahm, et al. Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E1 BROW1 (1). :
Introduction to the nervous systems / William A. MacKay, Maire Percy Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E1 BROW1 (1). :
Down syndrome / John S. Lovering, Maire Percy Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E1 BROW1 (1). :
A comprehensive guide to intellectual & developmental disabilities / ed. Ivan Bron ; Maire Percy Nível de parte analítica: Current advances and a vision for the future • Implications of Alzheimer's disease or people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities • Nutritional considerations in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities • Intellectual disabilities and behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric disturbances • Physical health • Ethics of consent in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities • Aging with an intellectual disability • Parenting by people with intellectual disabilities • A gendered approach to intellectual and developmental disabilities • Sexuality and people who have intellectual disabilities • Providing supports and services that enhance a family's quality if life • Lifestyles of adults with intellectual developmental disabilities • Work and employment for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities • The transition from school to adult life • Education for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities • Maltreatment of children with developmental disabilities • Principles and practices of early intervention • Prenatal and early life • Roles, education, training, and professional values of disability personnel • Role of diversity in psychology in psychological assessment and intervention for individuals with development disabilities • Speech and language disorders • A positive intervention model for understanding, helping, and coping with challenging families • Person-centered and family-centered support • An introduction to assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and services • Abnormal behavior • Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder • Epilepsy • Cerebral palsy • Children, families, and HIV infection • Other syndromes and disorders associated with intellectual and developmental disabilities • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder • Asperger Syndrome • Autism and related disabilities • Fragile X syndrome • Down syndrome • Factors that cause or contribute to intellectual and developmental disabilities • Introduction to the nervous systems • Introduction to genetics and development • Role of advocacy in ensuring disability rights and entitlements • International human rights and intellectual disability • Trends and issues in intellectual and developmental disabilities • Changing perspectives on developmental disabilities • Historical overview of intellectual and developmental disabilities • What is meant by intellectual and developmental disabilitiesPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes, 2007Descrição: 768 p.Disponibilidade:
Abnormal behavior / Maire Percy, Ivan Brown, Sheldon Z. Lewkis Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E1 BROW1 (1). :