A sua pesquisa recuperou 10 resultados.

Young people, crime, and youth justice / Tim NewburnDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C6 MAGU1 (1). :

Themes and debates in policing / Tim NewburnDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C6 NEWB1 (1). :

Policing since 1945 / Tim NewburnDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C6 NEWB1 (1). :

Policing in comparative and historical perspective / Tim NewburnDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C6 NEWB1 (1). :

Key readings in criminology / ed. Tim NewburnNível de parte analítica: Writing: the problem of getting started • Feminist methodologies in criminology: a new approach orold wine in new bottles? • Doing research prison: breaking the silence? • A snowball's change in hell: doing fieldwork with active residential burglars • The relationship between theory and empirical observations in criminology • Criminal justice and political cultures • The new regulatory state and the transformation of criminology • Crime control as industry • A sociogenic developmental theory of offending • Adolescence-limited and life-course-persistent antisocial behavior: develomental taxonomy • Individual factors in offending • Hegemonic and subordinated masculinities • Common sense, routine precaution and normal violence • Women and social control • The woman of legal discourse • Women and criminal justice: saying it again, again and again • Deadly symbiosis: when ghetto and prison meet and mesh • In proportion: race, and police stop and search • From scarman to Stephen Lawrence • The racism of criminalization: police and the reproduction of the criminal other • Critiquing the critics: a brief case response to critics of restorative justice • Responsabilities, rights and restorative justice • Restorative justice:an overview • Conflicts as property • Comparative youth justice • Penal custody: intolerance, irrationality and indifference • The coming of the super-predators • Present tense: moderates and hooligans • Women in prison: the factors • The inmate world • Prisons and the contested nature of punishment • The disciplinary origins of the prison • Understanding the growth in the prison population in Englad and Wales • The dispersal of discipline thesis • The punitive city: notes on the dispersal of social control • Crime, inequality and sentencing • Understanding law enforcement • The adversial system • Materials of control • Conditions of successful degradation ceremonies • The future of policing • The rethoric of community policing • A sketch of the policeman's "working personality" • What do the police do? • Neighborhoods and violent crime: a multilevel study of collective efficacy • The british gas suicide story and its criminal implications • A conceptual model of crime prevention • Defiance, deterrence and irrelevance: a theory of the criminal sanction • The antecedents of compliant behaviour • Models of justice: Portia or Persophone? some thoughts on equality, fairness and gender in the field of criminal justice • Two models of the criminal process • The largest penal experiment in American history • Censure and proportionality • What works?: Questions and answers about prison reform • The body of the condemned • The war on drugs and the African American Community • Drug prohibition in the United States: costs, consequences, and alternatives • Heroin use and street crime • Booze, the urban night and the human ecology of violence • Racial harassment and the process of victimization • Modernization, self-control and lethal violence • American lethal violence • The social organization of burglary • The profession of violence: the Krays • The crime network • Fishy business: the mafia and the Fulton Fish Market • Organized crime: the structural skeleton • Iraq and Halliburton • Defining white-collar crime • Who is the criminal • The problem of white-collar crime • Multiple victimisation its extent and significance • Violence against women and children: the contraditions of crime control under patriarchy • Fiefs and peasants: accomplish change for victims in the criminal justice system • On becoming a victim • Say Cheese!: the Disney order that is not so Mickey Mouse • Risk, power and crime prevention • Actuarialism and the risk society • The new penology: notes on the emerging strategy for corrections • Feminist approaches to criminology or postmodern woman meets atavistic man • Feminist and criminology • Girls, crime and woman's place: toward a feminist model of female delinquency • The etiologie of female crime • Social change and crime rate trendes: a routine activity approach • Opportunity makes the theif: practical theory for crime prevention • Situational crime prevention: theory and practice • The new criminologies of everyday life • Broken windows • The emerging underclass • The failure of criminology: the need for a radical realism • Reflections on realism • Abolitionism and crime control • Radical criminology in Britain • The theorectical and political priorities of critical criminology • Toward a political economy of crime • Charles Tittle's control balande and criminological theory • A general theory of crime • Techniques of neutralization: a theory of delinquency • The social reaction against drugtaking • Misunderstanding labelling perspectives • Otsiders • Notes on the sociology of deviance • Primary and secondary deviation • Cultural Criminology • Subcultures, cultures and class • Subcultural conflict and working-class community • Delinquent boys: the culture of the gang • Juvemnile delinquency and urban areas • The vertigo of late modernity • Crime and the American dream: an institutional analysis • Why do individuals engage in crime? • Social structure and anomie • The normal and the pathological • The link between ability and criminal behavior • Crime as choice • Differential association • Evolutionary psychology and crime • Biosocial studies of antisocial and violent behaviour in children and adults • The increasing appropriation of genetic explanations • Criminal anthropology in the United States • The positive school of criminology • The female born criminal • On crimes and punishments • The sociology of moral panics • On the continuing problem of media effects • The media politics of crime and criminal justice • What makes crime news? • Unravelling recent crime patterns and trends • The origins of the British Crime Survey • A note on the use of afficial statistic • The social construction of official statistics on criminal deviance • The London garotting panic of 1862: a moral panic and the creation of a criminal class in mid Victorian England • Police and people: the birth of Mr Peel's blue locusts • Prosecutors and the courts • Eighteenth-century punishment • Execution and the enflish people • A suitable amount of crime • The construction and deconstruction of crime • Conceptions of deviance, official data and deviants • What is crime?Publicação: London : Routledge, 2009Descrição: 908 p.Disponibilidade:

Introduction: understanding policing / Tim NewburnDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C6 NEWB1 (1). :

Handbook of policing / ed. Tim NewburnNível de parte analítica: The future of policing • Restorative justice, victims and the police • Policing and forensic science • Leadership and performance management • The accountability of policing • Policing and ethics • Gender and policing • Policing minority ethnic communities • Themes and debates in policing • Policing cybercrime: emerging trends and future challenges • Policing terror • Policing fraud and organised crime • Drugs policing • Police use of force, firearms and riot-control • Criminal investigation and crime control • Interpretation for action?: definitions and potential of crime for policing • Modern approaches to policing: community, problem-oriented and intelligence-led • Crime reduction and community safety • Doing policy • Policing and the media • Police powers • Police cultures • The police organization • The police service of Northern Ireland • Policing in Scotland • Plural policing in the UK: policing beyond the police • The pattern of transnational policing • Policing since 1945 • The birth and development of the police • Policing before the police • Models of policing • Policing in comparative and historical perspective • Introduction: understanding policingPublicação: London : Routledge, 2003Descrição: 875 p.Disponibilidade:

The future of policing / Tim NewburnDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C6 NEWB1 (1). :

Doing policy / Tim NewburnDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C6 NEWB1 (1). :

Criminal justice and political cultures / Tim Newburn, Richard SparksDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C6 NEWB2 (1). :
