Weber's protestant ethic : origins, evidence, contexts / compil. Hartmut Lehmann ; co-aut. Guenther Roth Piece-Analytic Level: Meet me in st. louis : troeltsch and weber in america • Economic ethics of the world religions • Protestant ethic and the reality of capitalism in colonial america • Historiography of continental calvinism • Historical viability, sociological significance, and personal judgment • Thing that would not die : notes on refutation • Biographical evidence on predestination, covenant, and special providence • Use and abuse of textual data • Longevity of the thesis : a critique of the critics • Rise of capitalism : weber versus sombart • Protestant ethic versus the new ethic • Weber's ascetic practices of the self • Nietzsche's monastery for freer spirits and weber's sect • Weber's historical concept of national identity • Weber the would-be englishman : anglophilia and family history • Max weber, protestantism, and the context of the debate around 1900 • Thesis before weber : an archaeology • German theological sources and protestant church politicsPublication: Washington : Cambridge University Press, 1993Description: 397 p.Availability: