The times of our lives / Brian de Vries, John Blando, Patricia Southhard, Claudia Bubeck Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: D KENY1 (1). :
Narrative gerontology : theory, research, and practice / Edited by Gary Kenyon ; Phillip Clark ; Brian de Vries Nível de parte analítica: A narrative approach to integration and healing among the terminally ill • A history of guided autobiography • Using narrative therapy with older adults • A narrative approach to nursing care of people in difficult life situations • narrative knowledge and health care of the elderly • Narrative gerontology in clinical pracgtice : current applications and future prospects • The future of the past : continuing challenges for reminiscence research • The times of our lives • Telling survival bakward : holocaust survivors narrate the past • Challengung ordinary pain : narratives of older people who live with pain • Autobiographical memories : a building block of life narratives • Autobiographical memories : A building blocl of life narratives • Stroried worlds: aquiring a narrative perspective on aging, identity, and everyday life • Narrative, experience, and aging • Narrative gerontology : an overviewPublicação: New York : Springer Publishing Company, 2001Descrição: 358 p.Disponibilidade:
Hierarchical nature of stages of moral development / Lawrence Walker, co-aut. Brian De Vries, co-aut. Sandra Bichart Nível de conjunto: Developmental Psychology, Vol. 20, nº 5 (1984), p. 960-966Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R3 (1). :